Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
[eCollar sar, ly
J. L. LotE, Lit. '5, Managing Editor.
F. P. SADL.E, Lit. 'S6, Asitnt.
F. H Wtt,Ts, Li,. '5, Asitnt.
S. B. SnIi o, Li. '.5, Asitunt.
J. A. LEmis, Lit.'5, Athletic Editor.
Wm. A. Mms, Lit.'7, Busies Manager.
M. H.Cutcenn, 94. 'H1,Ttwle'Pl.
L. . PCatlo, Si. F I. H aill, '5
I.. . ti'ttt, 50. E.IL Evnts, 't
MiooTnnieTopo, '7. unttAL.
Crretr. Soith, Spr'.l-..E,. l'itildle, '50
Hacy Colemno8pe. TE s. Ninla, '95.
All epy mstbthat t e office befoce :itoa. m
or the ay or publictio.
Legal holidtay tomomrow. No
paper issed.
THtE communication in another
column from the president of the
Athletic association is most gratify-
ing to the DAtiy etitors. The
DAILY his taken its present stant
because it elieves that the ony
way to keep p an athletic spirit
here, is y adopting "eastern meth-
ods," that is, y supporting the
team, not because it is victorious
ht becaise it represents the Uni-
versity. _________
THE resolutions in another col-
umn in regard to the self-govern-
ment of students should e seriously
considered. There is no doubt
that the present "spy" system is
most ohnoxious and any change by
which a person is pt on his honor
is desirable- The resolutions adopted
do not profess to voice the senti-
ments of the majority, but are only a
tangible expression of wants pre-
sented otiiscussion with the hope
that it wiil lead to some tdeirie
action by the entire student hbody.
THE sale of tickets so far justifies
the expectation that a large crosd
will go down to Detroit tomorrow.
No one should allow te recent trip
to bias him in buying a ticket. n
Detroit the boys are on their own
groond, amongst friends, and our
western record is much more favor-
able than that of the Chicago team.
With proper encouragenment there is
no reason why we should not defeat
Chicago tomorrow. Let every one
who can scrape togther noney
enough to buy a ticket, gti lown,
and in going showv the otisie orldl
that the students of the University
of Michigan can stick to their team
through thick antI thin; that proetd
of our team when victoriosee can
remain loyal to them when defeated,
and by our encouragement give them
every incentive to pull themselves
together and play ball.
What Oberlin Thinkn. u ~ rtA~~!f~ p ~
~~~~We clip the following from the NO U SUElj SiTE LI UlBICYCLESJ
Oberlin Review, the Oberlin col-
iege tirg an. The DAILYv is 'lad to Bcueyugtwa o ae uewel r
see that the Review thinks their i{eas o e htyu ae oscwel r
conduct "unworthy under ordinary not worth taking. We have one that you can have
circumstances ": fr-ce of charge--providing you call for it--and we aisca
"Stealitig flags is at best not a very
brilliant performuance, but when it have for sale the SUNOL Bicycle.
takes the form of an attempt to The SUNOL is today the best looking wheel on
taabanroanegbrclee;yteam whso were our guests, itlls the market. It took first prize at the World's Fair fot-
nothing hut boorish vandalism. It best generael construction, best sprocket attachnuent and
is a matter of congratulation that
the attempt to pull off Ann Arbor's best chain adjustmenut,
banner did not succeed, yet it is
through no fault of the crowd that If youe-wantasheetlashokat
it did fail. firier ortsistcry ce'a'dse-iit, askh te sticesantilet 'as
stantes, such treatment of a visiting ttew why itis5 )ottewel
team would be unworthy of us.
o''e Now this stray set'( a sais EBERB3ACHH A RD W A RE CO.
fhn,. Yet Oberlin cannel afford
to incur the least taint of dirtiness________________
in her athletics. Saturday's game
only enmphasizeet the lesson ot the .4$ i fjtl' CONSOLIDATED
whole season, that swinning baillcan 1 7 1c tt 54rfIITFlAMA4IPAYA PAI~ 0..
be played and yet perfect courtesy
anti gentlemanliness osaintined.
The spirit of an institution snould
make any more such displays im-
An enterprising agent, man or
woman, to take agency for our
Chloro-Naptholeuns, a tried disin-
fectant. Liberal ternis. Enclose
stamp. A. H. Zenner Co., 87-89
Shelby street, Detroit.
S. L.. A. B~OAR ui.--A meeting of
the new S. L. A. board will be held
Saturday hrning in room 9, at
9 :30.
Horsford's Acid Phosphatej
Is the nmost effecttve and agrece-
"Takes First Llace.V
The name stands Por lust what it is.
The bent Bicycle built for $125.00.
Baseball ai L1awn Tessuls.
Spaltdintg's lBaseball int L att Tennissgnorts
arerutesexcusiely thettugirono she U. S. tntd
Catisada. Spealditig's Tradetouch in atturoantee
thus, thte oos or,' th'iest. Conmplete ilus-
tested eatauereadty. Sent free.
A. G. Spalding & Bros..
Chicago. New York. Philadelphia.
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Ass Arbhor. Mich. Capital Froth. h0,0..
Surpls, $50,000t.
Orvanizeti tnder tne GesecrltiBooking Lies
of tistt ne. 5Receives deposits, tbtys and
trits exchngon the r ieciplal ittes of tie
United States.Draitstcesbed usons iroper
identificartitosSafrty deposithones to rent.
OFFCERS:Chisitian Maieh, Pres.; WS. 0.
Harsrsoa, Vlce Prers.:tC'is. E. Hisech kCi-
itther \M.J.5Fritz Asst.Losier.
PRINTING and- --
4 Sailings per Week 4
'Isaced from
Ludtion, i'tanistee, Frankfont Le-
landl, 'T'anetse City, CiharlesixIt-
a insheySay Fires, llathorSptittge,
M~achinacIsland, IDetroit,sitd nll
Northeren 'tichigatnPonts.
SentelrfweTettixt Gudtrl eiirfeti it -
B. L. BURKE, Pen. Pass. Agt.
IEatttlEndtrldieittttt F.,Chicago, Il.
Ir __
Student Work a Specialty. I t h icn , s
Best Worken'a nitLowest Prices isntte City. .114tle hilillC li aujl jyc tjj
YEP OUtR ACCOUNT 'iVITO THE (apitnal, urpl Fu nd stel Ps $17Fte).
+$TATC'1E Q AVIUG$ f+QBA flK+ Does a gnrl hak ueines. Pays toter-
Cttr. Main and Wvishington Streets. D.~ ieposit Bonstoeonite.
A. . . Nccssr.n. lees. ]RBEiiePHI'IPSt. Ca Ushe. "KMF rs .H ELSER, Ctsroe.
BaoiihnsStturday evening.
able remedy in ex istence for WVAR WICK BICYCLES
preventing indigestion, and r--Sr awc retr
liexein t cose diseases irising TJhe. wretetestritsnt ire' true' y aon f lauewt latvp
t or b cycebutWht ~ t iecgas terre cofserttreg th: inisthe lightest cent
,yui retin tot t esr~xeritrrr Fr on ni cet yi ii ittieanti c eayn ecir tre-
frons ac disordered Stoilil. yMonstrotocatirt' Wa~uncl.r rerln stehertulfill erret tftlreiroant
, tltit t'r5teenrne'ri citre sorele. ~ tia i a ree itruri'lee ro r est,: t'y arec
Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfieldtiatec cor~;;y
Mass ., says: "I ealue it as aitocellentt .ART-E r T. L ADh "
preetatives oiodigesio, aced a pileastitt
acidhulaed dtioh when propetly dtiuted with
'lie' eI404Wi'reeik~'a1x Ra che
waite, asweet etned." is aluious 'trie ro-<n lgt 1110 inues eet ~iofWas'isc ke
t ri irl,lrhanrrl-e; flelle..euritrtccei t rrerMal e cr-crrtteerrcclna rer,.hic ccn ltte'rttrexr tr
fose r rdl corr crellestr mdccc Litvey etealirty.Qualityfrt st roree lrlllre n'
erslc r 'er -- Itsi-ct ei1c ttet IWer re s it . It- t c ip fter-nrtnsnd'aecr 'ti lcec syeu
Decitv a pl toere nrapiliciintoIs crrtrrriie'c it triea. ee- iot' tou'll be- cbu cc a ett r l eerrrpayefr ql t cree notes:e
Orsei~is vrte Icistecreaciatieeeet..e c rtrreetthihsunigrneA s te odactpriclieOI '
Rumford ChemicatWorks,Pr ovieeoR..I.
Bseaeof 1SubstituttisandIm1itatiros.
ttriyrle pleettlfree i otre ttittet~ttt
For Sale by all Druggists Warwick Cyrcle Mfg. Co. Springfield, Klass.