TOMORROW'S DETROIT GAME.( lescture room last evening. His sub- I Self Government. COUM4BIA ICTqvflw
Everything Looks Favorable for U- . t was 'The Preparation of a Cse At the meeting called to discuss I IL
of M. Success-A -Large Crowd "-Trial." He traced the oxfeer self governnent, Saturday morning, FR SL
Aready Assured., FO SAE
of' young lawyer from the trie he D. 1i3 Liten presided and J. 1.
'rTickets for the Detroit excursions opened an office until his first 'case Johnston acted as secretary. Tihe 15sod ew-fneumtiv Ties-5.'ti oan-I
tomorrow are meeting wills quite a was lost or won. Good, sound following plan was presented, ds ee idnTknoaet
good sale, the ra.tg of $1.25, incltud- practical advice was given and nany cussed and ordered printed in the Pice, M~ay 5th, $9.00.
ing admission .to the ganme being amusing anecdotes told. Honesty, DAILY, ilO, LESS EACH DAY.
considered very low, integrity and the genius of hard Reogiziing tat the present met-
The Chicago team is making work were considered by the pro- ois of oidutig exasmiatoiss n y~l I ~tCY89 C
grea prearaton or te gase.fessor as the keys to a successful sIliees at tetiiversty of Micign
They wili arrive in Detroit by the professional career. otrtsiyttsialist ristis ,Sehan5
'risethisndsischeastiig assiin may- cS sesve
At least fifty ansI probably several Judge Donovan, of Detroit, Friday the sdosptioi by Studensasdsfiulesty hnrdmnwl copn h vnna :0 i ujc ilo h olwn esrs
ten ris hcg.be ''Still is 'T'rials.'' . n every- lecture cosrs ast teast
btio fish onissassl e giess to qizi-
Tlhe Chicag~o teanm itself ihs beesi State Fied Events. eo or casisa disesussin isis eili hour of
playing great al this year,sisot-creit.
ing the effect iii Staggs careful Thie anuual spring ganmes of the 2. It shall be udsertoodsthtast every e
coaching. "" 'riseiruost ipotnt Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic as- instructor mayit asy time uand withgmshaeien Ciaoto atis-actftmlgian Tp
gamessavebeei: Chcago ifi;socation sill be held this week out preiousnsitice giveIsstlas whsses.i'niiosiss oS aS-
fi. ilinis, Cb - 5 'Thursday, Friday and Saturday at examinaustion of ass atiela nature on tsa AssnAbos pies send o Cataloue o
'Wisconsin, 6 llnis o;C i Yslat. e soiaissicldsthe sorktGhtsss ssbeesndn.
go,' 9.bNorthwesterne ; Chicagoi- 8. Iiorer that sny exssniustiou or
(tsveve'innings). Illinois, i8; Clhi-culituralioHegedseand Agri-quiziepaper smay be svalid, the studet Ave.
cago, 7. It will thus be seen thatcutrlolesan the State Nor- siall add to it this stateenest: UIleons 105. 183-185 SoowsisssL.
Chcao' ta i tisyardeer-mal, and great interest is always iy sord of hoior I have givens no help DETROT, - - MICIGtAN.
lug to rank switlitie best college taken is the annual meets. Th'le dtii hseasntoo uz.
teas i th Wet. ll ho ee encng nd reslin wil b hed . I haestever ases te spy system THE "WAV ERLY" WHEEL
team ii tis 'iest Allinh se feningandseretlig sill e Ieldisnwin ivogue, it shalt be abssndsnel
the game tomorrost will see a seell- in Normal hal, and the other events b h ntutr ucag;btuu_ Wegh, 25 pondswit ci nnr0t.&s5.
at the fair grounds. Msedals to the sist isducemsents to disoiesty shalt be tirs-Fr 85 .00 is110 5natoeo 6
playedi game. 3
amount of $oo will be awarded. saoided either by limsitig the number iho. seeisoul u id sees
cStage no loinger plays oncthinrChi-si-ewPstmstrof tudents in eceh setion, or by gi- BROWTN'S DRUG STORE.
cgo eaibut Nichols, catciefasilNwlotmstr hgdifferenuutestions tsateriiste
year, has made an excellent show- Mr. S. 'iV. Beakes, editor of te studets.
lug in the box this year. The out- 5 ro Agt, eetyIpost is is esucth dermet of thi n sii-
field is better tian last year, white ed postmaster, takes charge of the esiisu ssii ea isiite<i s1ulst
lusrovd.nditfauelty shsale selected to try,
the infield is very minsimrve.r city posoffice tonight. Msr. Beakes an unis tuishs sll ases of chestitg iii
Our team will have had yester- graduated from the last department the cass-usroom sant to give redress for
dtay's and today's practice to get of the University in sS3 hIaving sisy unsfair treastmsest of studets by 01,1tht55li'olil-upess for ilstueefo ssi
themselves in shape after the East- tpreviously spent twoears iii the itstrustor iii conetions wihlsnysissy Shah 5 111tSdusha.,'oisinsesek oausis-std.
ec lrpashwllb eemndt literary department, and has resided course of stutdy isu their respective di- NO6HRNSTE .
sin,. 'The team and batting orderintecyalotousuosysne pantests. 'rie siajority of ais si FRESH ASSORTMENT
wil beasfolow: Dan, 3b;these cossmnittees shlsl be studsets._
stil e s ohose: eas,3 s;that time. In iSSS he sas elected h As memubers of ai sel-goversisgI-O
Sitee,2 b; Shields, c. f; hbIolister, mayrf Ann Arbor ansi isldi the bsysll studsenslsndsin sstructors shl
hp; Sisltzer, c; Wentworthir ' office for two years. b xetdt ietsioybfr
Hart, r i; Russell, I f; Pepple, s - se eitheucom iitee ii ther oeisisest in- s . it soulls.-
Arsesess sv besvs Athiouso Board Metng. regsrst to sisy oltei~s of lwvhichs te 'Utl'hEt. S. ISt t
Araneenssaesen us av erisor1ssl soss isil ad is ch lsi
pleteri usnuser sthichs exc-surssillt. 'iAtthle ueeti si- ofhe5hzathletic usose undser ble jurisdictuis oil eis -
ets sill lse gord returnsuigeithervonsilboardi last sight, ituas secidesd o issitee. Ay studenit o iiistoucto se
the bas leavinog Detroit at 11 30, sends a trask tsam of tnus si-uststhe fusiigsgv isuch Is sestiony-whenisisN is
standard. If Soo tickets are soul ld iis me e smmnsiiedefor e, issiuisuulte, sllsh
twvo trains sill be runthe first leav- lubea.'tak s suset to the sssue Ieialt 5ais e g
msanuager Miartissdale las this msat- ie1sj us ris viDisMi' fcssscbs P .1 '~~~
ing Detroit about 6.30, time to be Ier ini Iis hatdso andI sill annuousce "- ~
ansouned0 igongtais ftrthe umake-ups of the eaus later in PariciaOSrfaath(Gyisnsittus Sup-
atikt are counited, and he secondl u wek
at s1s:3o. A large nunsber of Ypsi- ~Aqi sehuurr lcrcles uis
lanti people will. take the special at A Painfui Bruise. gineers and pharmics took the 7:53
It train for Detroit this morning. Prof.
tha ciy. ar wil rsered or C.atcher Smellzer was hit by aI Carhart sill sowt the electrical ei- yo r nie oeaun to rcs
adies, both going any coming. linkestra during p actice on gierstrug.h setDeri
Prof. Kirchner's Lecture. the campus. The ball hit himu upon electric lighting ilant and other
the arnm, ard caused intense pain eecrical establishmnents. 'rhe phar- WAj
The second of the series of racti- for a time, but he injury is not5 mien will inspect Parke, Davis & UNIJERSITYBO S''R
cal talks to the law students wasI serious and will not 'prevent his Co.'s pharmaceutical laboratory un- I 3Di1R
gvyn by Prof. Kirchner in the law playing in the game"in Detroit. der the direction of Prof. Steens. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.