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October 19, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-19

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oA. FOae oP~.=o ea, IT. OFAT. CALENDAI. acede to those teno, and Cornell re- hundred yer pat, ihe init eel a
TH ElAIENOR ESR.fined to ply. Ideepi regre.(lit le dii not have Hoi-
i. 5.LE W H,.f((Lt EN I Pliur., (lt.71--Ho. Fieilereii nnia---.in The nanager innSustined in ila pa-}iliatol antiseo leloidWCen hn-
Itcit nalManAe. . to-rt iiRe inetcnoian' ition y the Athletic Board. ntlii e in on0it~n
1XCLIO L UfR itl, A ~ ~a ,rnunmter of teamsinare ilesirousif pni rain never saw nloliaWomeniplayIv ,
Good workatin niianterit IGoad:; aenll ie r St , Op t 1lrcecliinti cicie! i a-i iii ., e-. playitgi ichgan on Than kgiig, li iitien, for 1 iii li {'lii its ii .
ad delin nitni d.F. (COVERT, Prop. 10.00ila. il.. 1tponmA.-andti lheatest rrangetnetsposibl titby olayedl (heta, stid, at tnter
Sit. 0-. 2tPcn n a iiit-llt i-1nn iiwl i ttd tite. ptnhaSlender noos, 'A great lherl o.
1 . O abninnt cce'1 R R, t uipun -nni t, t m. w l em d toc.It no t aouint sixty vensrafi tr tle
it i il.iiibi tonSt \It A11nUr_ t. >3tin, icalpruttia i et.y ([iereICintlit it1; .' Dthiler it itoutu of\ietc tellifst itnilr~
i-tn- nt 0eant oti-. -- -- .,.(litormtneri begatin tin eroitte fe-
22 Vears ill the I~usiflCss. 1, .ar. (tt ..Tcl.(io. i. Oniaii -A iii Coego Men and Women. marlin (lehitti tacofthintte reate tiera-
CITY LATJNDRY, 1 - !ioni itia tHnIa-iiiidnt. atof Iestige f(mmthe qetlinttile
X.M. .Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. Fr t.ii2i-leati lta. eyin s. T.. a Tn tto ivetsro eetjoe ttiwtei nt laaner
anrtc'. ate contain an inereting article tho gt it ntiltrmitio in tter-ird isil
KEEPYOU AC01JT WTH HE .- ° ater-piees. There in otdot titPt
p eqnnMCt~ oti o showing that a large portion of the that tle os aoi nlge tie role o
l y7- 1 H Vi nS~ee To Play or Not Is a Quesiot. "Potia" in tiefist half of (le 17th
nii itiats tutiislintnn S e-is, clees ad nvestes entiywere stiiitym sniet
A. L. Noixtate s.ic itililil nT iinnt,lmili'e. . . aeeteaylngrowiletitlyntsnudnntiatinedlit
Through the courtesy ofonine. c.,are yl govngi aet ateidppearie n courttta nd laudfor (le re-
The 3. & . Prkzg Store pnbltshatd in Ypsilanti atdini . Ar- ae tart mni aaso ~ethe odtbuthIto aPorntia sitne onai
is1thelatto. tlinlcdnn ,nlits, I linprs.nt rate at wvhicha the tpopulaton ofth(le beginitto niv hinn ror lItnsi orein tt-
coutntry advanaces.ia.\e enlaie ilnit (i \tlOw nlu. i kR inr i-.ni on
O'-O 1=0- ~~~~ ~followtng tonimuonica~tioniitn reddnl lpt o oetne mtk
~. ~ Jo~v &to (le Cornell--L. of R1. fiotbal commnts uon tie fact (liat every owill mtltlnerir ithe(li CletuiOliicm liie
00 lEu.tJiOLLY &t t t Gol.-sIitnmlacntoery autimnnthe cry ot aarnm goes up Stniiynla igit.supntenmdiliby(mtha
whenyou anla pre oxof int.Choolae cntrvery.trliliiigietii tCil i -iite, on liot
nada.s aiioela tI OSlm - n ira i im Onmimuni ii-I innlet thin diocking' of yountg r en to Cr- ihcnlind.
e "aadlemic halls result in an excessof ol---
LADIES'and GENTS' LUNICH ROOM. (Illlttr dtitednt tbentilr (iihr- l
. E. Jolly & CO, 26 S. State St. hll a itmger riminniniiti-n> MWch-u-apirants for lprofesinttiah liea Te tt r~ tte ~mint (Ii-
e___________________________ gitl ti tlltl thin yemr.ml3 tin thin in a rorresponuiag Ieathaof buinesl uet,1 ilr eeing midx , i
DANCING and D ELS ARTE amte fcos mtl ateft oiel, apdhroes that it in a fat. ti avx Otns ~~tnt~cilsi
ou th u d t- I idee iim iii1 t n inthe1otite tuhiciult tin finhe 1 i ti It in
RS NNE IARD OSTR tittalar.mthr. A larg iroporitoinn of cni " l n, t Imat tut.otninr trml iu
46 5. Stlite Street.i theteperni tn-n ii'
MO 6O Sninn a-mteCa-,S tre t. Tle - il- o rc rynT (t~iii K leg. .nr tnlatesatinna ly go into bPsIta dit gavet t i t o t t a tin lit n
' !itni t n-n Silt ' mitea-il A(M n p m. for it- 00 1 iwit tirnit t 11 Ite m Intal n fo o titbatll fine>-, - er than tproesional Ica- tat it 00 It te etthe et f ntlth(le
aii. itlit- tn e etetrai m n ht ew r
en n t' tct-ot-mmc n Vi i t gamne hastbn titthtmt otn e tinting no eiti-reen . All (le ol Newon glmahaanhd y itt(iinira hitaei i
Chit nnti .C-nit,t. gte. (mrtiltihiantelilt intt-el-tiltihteclleges oer foundethexpresnsyyianthphy itself I tilt 00as een ert-
r1tituicI-n. t- ponI m ,,emnsnd ilin~ it acddteti epeetuil Io hu iit he rllttretmenn
tmmci i-it. a ~ i uetitunttuo themngtm uta intt iahmutat exchsivey to raise tp," at fothieoatltimn. I ne et-imke t,(n-
AnmttnutArbotrlmSaings Bai . iulnkt. n hpeet an ata ovexrsso as, youmng mien pimaliidomitia of he ompnty. in a ftt-
Ann Arborh.SaiainSkBrank Wet h hntatt tchctirIni ie xneatt- orite ere, atindeuted-mit(,hiesIeveywohere,
s rim n ntunhu eectedihlat snig hu elmivedthaIlmt for te clhristiana umn iverity, atdtin iithe pamtinwrittntfor ie sie in
tic tract-mit711 tut luiird1ttinm-I -mmi
11i.9 mutc tant ic- mmnm epounilt ast thu esitnt iets f oua im v tersity te- and staitict showvthat during thec gientatim mi niimt to ishply her
nukex1 o-In it-tii' i Init tmi ,1am t tm iantihedthatii ,i m k itorn ll n-ofermniflimlmmi c1t o hn -rettet dan-
i niteut Starten iieoit mo-leu mmi intiopite-h mf ii h icin st century oftheircharterd lila ttige . te lt It in u (ientgem.i
o- tntittetttit ttmtti Mutit ies- . 1)u t eelneiii ttoume(i(ila'imhen fronsevn et-ighiths to three-fourthms tger omil;hi n iltiuyisht aonidierei tint
nuH a -rm n Vietreat Chas Etmu t ti-r - I lil hypiyd ls er uli etn tiihslni h rcsin
Rnhiet 01. V Fim-,a C. t~ci case-she1increahdhe dematnt dsit, tmtkleof thoe who oere euhcated at Yae admittul mIfthe mot nuccesful
teit ampoinenhtimetneifarthei.tPorehnelltanit rint ntlceton hecuame cergymen.otera thtt hitsom beenibrhuntght omt inn
iia hititiv tteumai i heg Gm r f-h~ aduahly thin hrportion of nn-m (lipasintol-tm>usmmcalh-tilth imeteuccen
a hcntgh.l-hrcah aumnt increasedh nnth hsto(mhisi 0Witrh. (Immue woheniljoy it firt
T he mmtutmier ttoughtthumt inasmntucht ltun paitm til e ttu utmimca nhumm thhmu
ttt a t-oci itatne0111homte cownhinth olit acanhisy ineenin evherhtta uttui~n-I nuiimu uemnmtn
b unuumm01m-s w erIoci lmte u ihemit nityueehitnicmnban"inneronii m"ty Ihi ailtv u-inti ,t. ( elntn lllh.
hmmmntl nimutit tutlmum Onhot rlimit l lmt s t atotnnthtak ofili fe-- -~
r 1 1",dIN Ogg LOCAL.
I sumin mmnulth tmmuni n 'i~ mttititiTennis N otce.
umuit suettsandmmlthant wOil k tomuteihme,____t. t .hmunCu . a n. dmmnael
t r '' ' te~aittitttthonusand udnntmt, whoil l thin- yo ur rti. rtt 'c t. intohavmit hnt
a il1 fll tournrme vat it cuinmaint i n 1mm . - ma Ibhme tin uot nt e imm thni-
a) ~~thuruntlara atttouttug tutiniu fioruthura atecaly ~ malnil)Ueo t. ztt, at I an tahy
l tioit imto t, Tthli namnuti u tmum hhnt ta llnutunthNollf ma tul nntht o I I minoman ha i-
-- -n am lett ahut lmloitttinp~e m tila.sn I n c ico math tt chadubmamhsn i il 1h11nvI P n - ha l Thhti etit- u-
°°nc o-i t lttt ut iiithi lat htt- u(ut I r nres tmuttbhe i in by P o Itnuay oiPo t im tntr t;jato u rusniaum.
LH Gi C rgsA neIii 1thutha(lmt 0mu eiuguaran teettttnoght. fee 5am for al t mm mm otga- ha itmeml5arhh intool
______________ _____t__ h uem- ~htheirnemmmiii aodhtureqetuallhhtEhtal la iy Pt giveumn , O thin-n-u I 1that I P. hup tiamisa
Tim ti it nuu s mcf sir a3 h et lmncetlais, itndhom hul postivly a m t nnr it -
~. ive i little. Fronttt(he heiltttitiavoe I Aerat m, "-mu muhsimmn l ( mtune-imutn ie Vi-
tm mu 1xp it h irtan lytood ytlaiP hamt hpropostition, c t. Ialim:, ( iiliumto amen r mti n mmilhhutorntoln
N it ute minim N. . iue i.. hSimir \ fter mm lang tttrreahhatndt-tc e Smorthat t a-l's
W Itu. i noua .ii tutu niunnm toe. - - - a rn titt( a(n .itgieeneittt t i ncetin _ ; trh um mu tis immi ic etta fautmll
N mm iA. It1It (i (h tot t ht el ii Clulemgm, Atigista15th.11 It00sin Notion -to -DO to Repa-blians - - i t iliu a eu-ea hm a Juiet crr
4r1 erne h- ti-pras Sut.fituh, ita Ott utu-- t n - i re:tl thm trt la tttilnteil_ prl h thi n-it 1 - satl lel
tilt t (. fofte re eit h ul e sp nfo hiceTuli mmiucmumo t u1s.ndo1tithII z itn
6. . &n t-m ,c ti to-o . t t nro u0 mimtmtl iti t -hctn i. tuu tutt Init emsiy atitlIIight Schoo, Iftant i tilnt i-i-h 1-I
Alichigtann d tml nue h ntmmntthl elmltpe U tatdeiringtoa g o ml o vmaotme -h - a ii(-tntth u tg
THE AN N ARBOR ARGUS 1p er llthenieil aug at ii're rntnmetedto 1seoul their nmestomnt tmth limit o mntthiig tbaccenun the,(hutyl
PRBINTING a1_it tmtelCiteh$tiIfreleuta 1 or cahltuon Geo W. uller, preat as-thronirug store.
w ' to tin10m noe (Intuit m teahmiret-iinedl tentot he Um of (l e ptuh b it lnminmt tttu itinl o in tt0 is
-PUBLISHING lastoyeaii 01eneiltovniitedulIt hitti tathICluh, .:1 E asn un Street. Alim 1 tuii u etil Slem-imtttetionittgivnt
-- T0r SMIM. - besides ot-w etoveed he (iirt-vn mmitisha attmptisinbetmua mae tntsece I tet Iii it utl rriiitiiguiho I Itm
Stnilet Worh a Secialty=. fIthet eatcI owayhmte o etien infogl uuaIt l1httntlIait l i-nh - 17
IdentWorketntoldt nit ennct it ian u miiCiy. The Cotell ntutmgerexpsedttnni m-ilii stotlemto It in very necessary thnat Mi.A utloii- it tint temhrs aultu git
slt 1a ttinleiul 01ith tishulantlgemuent. you he Iprmtittin stakincg your up tutu tm1mu Imum L die a nd s ulnlre
hltf~nom=4#I~it =hihi r=°ina: huoeer, snortltytiter le humd re- rhctoia 7t unen,4 5.00 for in esns;un chdrei's
Sul~tu l"RP INS IFlit turnidcoi I illege he udeminedl to stnttim.l00 f-arh72tllIessins.ium ensn ill ooi n-li
by theseItermsYEtutunet telmdedl0 C R AN ) OPI?1 At(OtTSI m.,Tir v.(t.!,adwtrdy
pe en(lt ofitet relceiptsant iti s inex -ct,___
mtae:ou is n eu-iS. tetsen teiaue. Figrinitg o011. aisnin ) Iih AtttNet-o Iuituy. Try ithtfume tie bet
1$2.50 per year. oIlercepsalafTatigviu,(esShakespereieis linetherenazd imhtuno extitrellisthumurOt'iciteh
thiswoul giv Corell borttwic as orm as ben ale t folow treatrtri-itironstretm.horns44771mW
1 an f iN N munumhi tin icltignuit ii eelinedi( tt-nsIothnstiramasti foirnearl-y ottr Hhiutn.Teleiphotne sa.

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