THE U. OF M. DAILY. ________
tiaily itisulat s excepted)}ddi
'he tallte e
reorganization, 1)u1 that is about all
that has been done. The idlea of
some is that the press club shtuold
have roaems of its owen whtere use
nmetmbers could mseet, and where tse
diffeenttic-ia clthe can file.
Subscripton race 5 ilprgasrainvaiablty ci
advanamae Sle copiascenwat. Snsib p-at eSi 1s seems to us an excellent plan,
doss may be iett at the attice oatshe DAILY, aid we c'.ould like to see the sines-
as "toftlet's, with any ot the edceeties stoe -
autaorized solicitors. tionsai'tated a liittle nr energettc-
Communtiationss should rachebthe otftce by ally.
oe'cc P. x. it they aae ta appear she eaet------ ---
fay. Addreese all t eintendedttoa pubhica- I I nwrt the communication
rikn aso tte MaaaaggEditor. Ai hasinsse
communiationas sbauld b.est to the Bust- which appeared in yesterday's iDitacY
'sass Managra
THE U. af H DAILY i indeed it needs any answver at all,
Ann Arbar, Hich. ave can only say in defease of the
EDITORS. niversity authorities that they
C. A. souiest's Lisa5'sl aagingEFditor. havse always beets very williag to
NoicIssAssFbows. Lit °h"a taeiia
I. A. SP LtNt'zit. ,<,f Assstnt. guie the use of University Hall to
Ataleta ic Edto'l. all i/iia'cii organizations. As the
WNL iv. sssoG Lit.i9 s Bastaso Mssa S.eC. A. is a student organization
LITRAY. AWt wthisa the usual sense of the word,
.. there is nio ground at all for ths ad-
Wi . t loate 'i MDICAL xc vroe criticismsinloot in bythe
y4i 3.uC.22 17 . .Mi tisai suulgd4b
ciEcTiL.. wiriter of te cotsininatonreferred
Lvc-sicii'a. - to.
:i11 Coy mi -at it the il cc liefor s'3flu. 'Il I The University Hall, laing a part
ofthe i~dyaofpublicaition
of the U niversity of Michigan, is in-
The Editorsaoneoatiold themseislesoacoi
Bible tar the opinaios-rsatemetseor ccos- tended for the use of students, anid
piciantsappesarting itn teOAIsY. X if organizations outside of the ZUni-
front that university states that thse
new plan offers nmany advantages in
that it ensahles the stiadents to ar-
range their work nmuchs more satis-
factorily than under the olt order
of tins.
Anmong the signs of progress at
Brown are to be msentioned the open-
ing of a co-operative refectory or
icommuons," and the addition to
the curriculum of an elementary
coaurse in lass.
'rie oldest college graduate in
America is said, by the authorities
of thse University of Pennsylvania,
to be Dr. James Kitchen of Phila-
delphia, wsho graduatedat t that itn-
stitutionun is sg.
Horsford's Acid Phosphate
Is the most effeictive and avl-ee-
able remtedy inu existeisce for
psrev-enting tutu cestiote .sssd re-
hievin, those sdiseasses nrisinac
froesta clisotrderedlstsstnsaclt.
Dr. W- NTW. Gardner. i cinzagid
Mass., saes:"I saluse it as it exclenat
preventasia-i- f itatactia , and i't acm
aciulaedd 'iikwhe poryiuta with
water, andii ' --.)"
Rumomtrdi tLescaiWoeks, Pasi o-ii. v . 4
THRuEa iill he an irmportunt meet-
inig of thse DILYa hIoaud tonsorrows
aight at 1:45 sharp. evervyasetm-
her is urged to be present.
'iE hope to be able to give the
attendance its all the cdepartamensts of
the Uiviersity, iwitlh conmparative
figures, tomsorrowi. It is p~robalec
teat there iill he a noticoalecsec
crease in certsaaicepzrtmen ts
sanother coliiumn of this isie
vwe give a iu/l tof mnager iza I-s j
position in clie Cornlciv ofM
footbeall controiversv, wil 'v:et
ccs to end it no game ehita ia eat
viths Cornell this year. Sucih a re-
silt is to he deplorect, as the pamse
ivitth Cornell Thanaksgivitng vas
looked forwvarcd to 'villa a great adeal
of satisfaction by the students.
Illis to he regretted that a better
feeling does not prevail betwveen Cur-
neh and the University of :Michigan,
the tivo largest iwestern universities
so 'well situated for athletic or liter-
ary contests.
WE have not heard anytinsg late-
ly tending towards a reorgasnization
of the University P'ress Club, iwhich
had a sort of desultory existence
last year. Other colleges seem to
maintain an organization of this
sort, but ours sees to have craivled
into obscurity and dragged the ob-
scurity in after it. Some of the
college neiwspaper msen have been
talking amuong thenaselves about a
versity apply for tue use o1 t, the
autthorities can use their owvn cis-
cretion in grantinig it. Wie are stare
the poiver intrusted in the atithori-
ties is made use of to the best later-
eats of the student booty, antI if out-
side organizations are denied the
use of the halt, they should under-
standt that they are not discrinsi-
outed against, for any personal ra
re-o, hut in accord ivitla a fixed rate
wichvi has becoatte a precedtent at
!the Iniversity of Michsigatn.
Cross Coaundry Run.
Thelv Cross Counttry Sitns itartedl
acida SHORTHAND. R5tgiatiiictat uiaain ainec
setri'loi s aa tiatc n tWd cc; haildi aaaie; it r
i iir:;wel tPppled raiitaaaro s: daily lccii
t Ia "a 'a m~ig erati. tt opes; tt eit e er
ti- .leth n rd a tt n enerat ticuints Iii
00vn p' e 'Saa9 err eack ria tiactatatd-'-
1"': .-iw ataatnoue, adres
P. R. CLEARY, Pas.
c i tra o t5ttaiiaiaaaa \.
lhevttd Cyc r 0 AY CITY)
tUKGN% ois SA,. aW
'asiss c-u A Sti t siai
\ _ S'-tti iA D t.i.
+. Tsattl' Cr. I n a sat x_
ti thiis A btait
115 1 tuli "siu roe.'sai iii i
ii iia~cs'~c ii c- 4a a.'lniu'
EniIvTa ku i i Nii. I hatat :ac i
tir t / it s 5 rs nto n onl'.i eni Iii
iiw ndii 51 1rpo b i i ilS 5 ii t ilal
W..11 EN "1 ', G Yaaaaaaild,,
]Iteal OpeaiCO
Jn stt r. OKIsI) 11a\()', wlarias t. (5raa-II,,
BIo'oias ., s~atiaIliweCas al
lt'-ey. E lei asign Sealot lva sia Jea t l i tita,
1'IrNa. 5eOaa-aist rot~ca ses. cenaetaae lr5'
o f
otsa the grmasiunm at ;:o -Satar- For "aic by all Druggists
y afternouon, sitha It. l. IGoust-
'sv, '95, send C. W. Call, '96, us
yea. Thsere iwere seven hounds. IVEBSTJSR'S'
hv ruin of three anal three-fourths jrl'sjJjg 's ER jyTIg7 jj,
ices wssmnade in 17 mntutes by Enttreyarsco.oAR
e hares, and in J-Ituinutes lay lse A~randbdstou. aviiau
-s hound.-Cornell Sun. , " 'uaaraadgrc,
oin revisiag.100las
INTER-COLLEGIATE. f, itica eaniataset
i e titan $3ii0eti0
Thirteets men have entvred the 6 up" Everybo
ess tournsamnst at Yiale. D lictionarv. It n
I - tuicatlt qestioe
TeYlgleclub iwill appear i etliruiv! itiC
etroit, January 4, otn its wvestecn 1 --6ton n
ieraniatg ofewods
-p. I A Lihraryha Itself. Itasogttsl
the aoften des'iredinfraincnenn
'Thece are one Itutndred snot forty-- ie eatiav ats aleiconcerniug;sths
o studeests its the 'isle Thseolog- t5 use 'I iithe lis ;apart ic litiocering
sl School. atiit'Oios iiiquttiaons, sortie,ad
'Tle IDePauwv i'ieekly iwill b he 11 his -Workiclaua-ctliableitaa
houseold, ind to the tacei,thlapo
fMist organ ofth le .Inter-State O- I iiul1a ttuicci-ee'iactoa.
orlest Association this year. L.isiitu 11 ~eJ'C~lr.
The University of 'ilsconsin hs1 0ise s TEBTE'
lopueth the tlan of having reviha- n o ;, hapoo
ons six days in the iweek, nstead I " i"°'ofattnICTIONR
"five asi is custonsary. A. rep ort