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April 27, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-04-27

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, J(of T e~t ,Notice. T AEIpratmeigof both old CQLI31 I Ah1 R IIE RECEIIPTS.
Published Daily (Sundays ecepted) duringan neexctvborsfth
inlwolese yar. 5y Oratorical association at 5 p. in., Whtwild foan hov oo-
THE U OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Friday, April 27, 10 room 2I. thyyo
___J. W. QUARLFS, Pres. tain them.
All espy msutbeatlthe office bfre t,:v0a.im N otice.---
of the day of publcaton..TR D RE IP S
WHFFiItEN.-There will be a
meeting of the wheelmen of the are coupons issued by merchats for the purpose of showing the
_____ -""""___________""_." ____ University, in the law lecture room, amount of cash trade they get from subscribers for the Columbiar
Saturday at o a. i., to consider Cyclopedia.
MEETNG; of D)ALY staff tonight at the organization of a University i-TR D RE IP S
7:3o o'clock. cycle club. Every wheelman in theTR D RE IP S
University should be present. ats be secured to the full amount Of your purchases froni all mner-
THE meeting to organize a bicycle-+-- chants on our list by presenting an Identification Card issued by u
clubshoud bewellatteded.We Ntice alowing (lit you are a subscriber for the Columbian Cyclopedia.
call attention to a notice in another SENORI CASS.-A meeting of thef TRADE RECEIPTS.
column, senior class will be held in Room A, do not isnal nte ieo od urhsd rta
Itoday'sisu appearsa notice Stra tqa .Smlso cap and gown will be on exhibition, you must buy any more thans you are now buying.
to which we wish to call particular The class tax for the senior recep- TRADE RECEIPTS.
attention, viz., the notice calling ion and the class memorial scholar-
out track athletes. For some rea- ship will be discussed, cost abslutely nothisng except tle trouble of goitg to lie stores
son there has been considerable de DANTFIL B. lyoNs, President. where they siay be obtained asdnaking yor purchaseis'lhre.
lay ontl f mn. -TRADE RECEIPTS.
la ntepart o the trackme in Notic.
coming out. Nos, that there is an T--IE..i~fed snwi as far as mlerchatts are cocerned tmeans increased trade for then,
incentive to practice, let there be no ft.cas s-hap el d ll w innd 15( that custotmers are to share the benefits ot it.
further delay. Enthusiasm is neces- to enter the Spring Fieldday are TRADE RECEIPTS.
ary to success. expected to e at the field every will be aetedb t toetnhterfc au nfl amn
TH pa nwonfotfr h e-afternoon between .4 and 6. ILet for a s e p ted b usCat oei terfeualurie.isf11 iyse
Tuepla nw o fot or ilee5every man come out who has anyoftsCossbasycpeaatrglrri.
tablishing of a hospital for consump- aptitude or desire to do such work. TRADE RECEIPTS.
ives at Ann Arbor should certainly W. MIARTINDALE, will therefore secure for you absolutely free of cost a referece li-
be carried ot. Such a hospital is Track Mangr. brary of 32 volutmes, 2(,000 pages and 7,000 illusrations.
most desirable in every way. Not_____ ______ .TR D RE IP S
only woulid patients here receive theTR D RE IP S
very best of treatment, utnder the to the amunt of twentyfive dollars sesured from iaty or all sf' the
care of Dr. Vaughan who has made stois will etitile you to a vosume of the Columsbian Cyclopedia.
tuberculosis an especial study, but /. xr Olive 13inding.
rare clinical advantages would be THE FOLLOWING MERHANTS ISSUE TRADE RECEIPTS:
afforded as well. Students making EBERBACH HARDWARtE CO., A. W. CORLISS, Phaotographer.
pulnmonary diseases their chief study STERRTT & MI1CHAEL, Utopia Miliers.
would be drawn from all parts of the Horslord's Acid Phosphate 1EBE.RSACH DRUG AND CHEMIICAL CO,
country and the national reputation J. F. 1IIZE, M1eats. ANN ARtBORi STEAM LAUNDRY.
of our medical school would attract Is the mnost effectiveand agree- ST.EBLER &V CO., Groceries and Crockery,
the best men from the European seats BTI2 -
of learntng. able remedy in existence for
----- prvetinidiesionade PALACE +BARBER +SHOP [J
prevetingindiestioranite-Ad Bahiloosar. W. H. OWEN, 5'os.
Lectre iDetoit.NO 4 East Hurons St.iopposite cort
llevig thse dsease ariing ouseHot tCold andSea Sal,sBthais. Pr-
During the spring recess, Mr lein hsedsessarsng c____in _____________
H. C. Markham, who is connect- from a disordered stomach G OW a ow {{s
ed with the University museum,1' onERYHNAD vRBO.I
lectured on'"Peruvian Explorations' Dr. W. W. Gardnr, Speingfield, o ~rSs us.lai. Ar.
befre he etritArcaeoogialMass.; says: "I value it as an excellent "Takes First Place." COMNM & HILL. 1it Teepnoes 115.
preventaiveeofeidigestiocandoaoleasantThe name stands for ust what It is
society. The lecture was illustrated prcidntatieodrindwhesianpedialeantet The best Bicycle buit Cr $125.00.
with a choice collection of poteries. s'aeadar owtr n weee. pidt Basebll anid Lawn r Ten od rf 'oe olwdwt tl r sdexlsvl ho nis. n .Cnd pii s7rd aiisigaatc
on the Archaeological school in___ that tho- goal. ar ticbes. Copete ills-
GreeCrated aalgue teady. 'St free. 41 E ft
+>Deseripive paphit free on apliatio sA.GtSaoig & rs.j
Two inter-Collegiate Debates. Rumford Chemial Wks, Providene,E.I. Chicago. New York. Philadelphia.
Representatives of Cornell and Bvro asioe n 505 FIRST NATIONAL BANK is thc LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
For aleby al Duggsts F AN A~130 xad SHORTHAND. Magftrens aidig; nin
the U. of P. met at Ithaca last Fri- Fo aeb l rgit N tio.tachees; large uttendace; oo diciplie; aapro-
day eveniCapt al,$100,000. Srelus. adPoits, $.40,010 ,e ok; we Isos ea idreadig ooa: dalleolorea
ng, and debted the Ha-amrd v ig reetios; o isioenie ae
da vnnaddbtdteI.Ann Arbor Savings Bank Tassea. .generabninug busness. FoPar epir ari tilie fo P13119 Uvlrts roli psi-
waian rquestion. The thiladelphi- Ann Arbor. Melh. Capital Soo,$555 wo ega -excange boght and sad, Ltruer- of uos-ore lrriaalaaasairaeeat rce,e. tivin
of6So6,unOnnnrStpus, $50li,000. ' c redit prscu ed for tavler,-,abroad. exenaos ':-so s St.; eer ekR 1n prare raiins.
an1s won by a score o66t65in rander te Generl Baakig LsaP. BA H, Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier, ban New Ctalo, altrera
of thisa tate. Reeives depoaits, byn and P. R. CLEARY, PoS.
favor of annexation, sells eliag asnthe prinipali ities oe the fesla aen Gon la
The first annual debate between ideaiieatiiin.Safey depoit baxseto rent ANR TET yCrg LgTq t +
Orceas-ilibri tian Mrik Pes.; W. D b MAYNARD STRE I J~11 (' l M
the Univerities of Minnesota and 5lssecns, Vice Per; (htss.BS. mcark, Ca- ETJ l i
she*Jl. PIrim Ast. (shier. 1111t ~\j'jlhlft ~ 1 ws
Wisconsin was won, Friday evening, ,.4 UII~tYal 5 apsotr1,5. Saitrivad Protila 57,55.
by Wisconsin's team. They had the Lades' Atistin Hardessin Partors U1floes a genrabakini.bsinses. Pays inter-
ADIS htiirdreig, Manicrigf-ce Ca lib c acitefo-IPriae Prtes, RWep- es rn Savings Deposits. Ilas Safety
affirmative side, favoring" the restric- L anvalgatsndaai li actin i.ianlioto. et. Na bhat ll ;. KE po ir~xs Cr cci.
ttrhiou. Sis . A.Strrrranravui,0 .. .aswi- Slcar-l ms e inrdad.cr hur-i-no- M's .HP.. 5ESElf.Cashier.
ion of itmmigration.- igta St., over barerrshp. ad ofat sAraemyi. ahoaSlsd enig

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