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April 27, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-04-27

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tt* fA

VOL. IV.-No. 147.
First Game of the Season.-Line-
up of the D.
A. C.
Osr baseball season opens on the
house grounds tonmorrow afternosn,
the first game being with the De-
troit A. C. nine. This first home
game will dtoubtliess be one of the
isest of ttse season, as few aniateur
ttrganizations ins the country send
Out as stronrg"a teaomtas the ). A. C.
't'heir team lhas played no games es-
cept practice gamsies this year, btit
are reported to he in exc ellent play-
ung rondtions.ITsetitlse-up will
fbe as folloss Cobb, catcher; 'lm-s
ier, (lathstd, pittes; Ductharme,
ih.; Iuitiey itb(;ICtowley, s. s.;
Mislcer, 3 hb. itathbuns1.f.; 'starsti-
er, c. f.; (.aila'tseirrIf
Our teiai is practicinig on thse
field noc', batting and fieldinsg being
givens most attenihois. Thse ex-
perience of their trip has materially
improved their playing andth ley
will be reatdy to meet tiseir old
rivals in the old time way.
S. C. A. Financial Plan. }
'Te Isis recenstly insauguiratedl by
thse S. C. A. to ptrovide the salary of
a general secretary is ntetittg wvthi
a very generous response. Trie llan
is ill estabslishs a nutiiber of sustains-
ing nienibershipus. 'or those wvho
take thsese miembershiips thsere swill
he ass annusal fee of 5~ for a term of
give years. It is hopedi that in this
swaysa fusnismy the raisedl sufficient
to permanely'emsptlty a genserat
Hosialfor Consumptives.


NT, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1894.


Prof. Delos Fall presented a pme- Fruit and Flower Missions. NOW ON SALE,
anmble a nid resolution w hich w ere D uring the year the m ission has ad p e s f l o s n b e h e ai n s t e a n T h e iU . o f I .Wf d i I A
Whereas, ft is desirable that every in the hospitals, each for several Byu c ,deet Dror ifthoiiu'henst,-
step shall tend toward giving te weeks. On Easter Suniday fruit 0eo rleta
largest amount of sanitary educa- was distributed ansong the patielits, I/i testtct Wafl'ine s:t .if lVfctu-
tion to tlse teachers ansd to the peo- and Easter tithies ptlacedh in the
peof the State, therefore, wards. In the afteriioon several lidttt tsilitttnttssvtt i(,0'11t.V.-rit
Resolved, That ilsis te judlgment friends of the mission eistertainedl
of this Board that the prosposed the piatients svith music, giving twvo l~tiai t
State hospital for cosumpslltives or three sontgs, aidselscectioison00
sotildihe locatesd at the scat of the tile guiitari, 'cello attii Itute. 'The
State tiversitv at AtsitA rbstr, in cointribtions to te futtnds of the
ordter lhst it mtay affordthsie best msissiois from dhlifereint boarding
oppottrtuities for the obsservattisn houses, fraternitiles andsu S. C'. A.
sinu stidy of this msitst imniportanst amtounitt tot ,S103. a;.
sisease, its conjurction with the in- Arctic Expedition.
vestigatious tsosv being sti satisfac- ThVaeewsysttanr-
torily ipursued, its tacteriotlogy and 'ItVaeeusssthtssAc
- tic expit iontl is is beitig organizedil i~ nsolii wiisat the Lasti~itrtttt istist Styles
othser departtments of saitary set' s f t. e ,14 or $5 Sitoes 55 550it s1 t il.ssit-
enc, t he tae aboatry sfmiluner the cdirectionoss(fhr. I". A. ti nAtttt Auoitittee-, seedior te atsi.,Iie is
cise, t tie tae lbortor ofby Cook, ethnologist cit the recenst
giie .-~ *Peary exisedittois."F 0.sibro
Senior Hop. Harvardites are going, atti accord- i ' 1 "'&
101. 183-135 55sssrstss, As-sri.,
- "ing to tthe relsort, Mtchiigan i1stIEkiT - MIlIAN
livery effort is being nmade by the versity will by representedl by ten
seniosr hop committee to stake that me. =rs Agel ts ead olis=
eenstnieniorable in the history of lng concernitig our relpresentation
university social events, on thse propiosedl trip. tHe tiitks,
'rie hops will he givetsits Water- hioswever, som ni sterest msighit be
msant gylimasiumsiFrithay eveninsg, aroused ansong the stirs to go ots a
May i-. skatinig party. 6 E. HURON STREET.
'The full ('hscuaisegonsiorchestra ---li +HssMi.% II. 1I'. 'iluhl suss ospieratcor,
trill furnsishmusic for a psigramssof Adel iii Omograin. tund if yousssrsot fhue swork give
holistthirt y dainces. 'The reguilar seekl]y useeting" ofh101i1 sitrisai.
Nos exiseisse has becensspharesd is theseXlhi soc uuiety stcres this FRESH ASSORTMENT
secusriing ass artistic souveisir Ipro- eveinsg. A ccery interestig ro- O .x Z
grams. On thse cover apipears she grans has beets prepsaredlanth a gets-
wvorssSenior Itohp, U. of MT. 'g ' eral invitatiots is eteisslec tot all. .
embiossedh in gold. 'Ihe folloswitig is thue programi: --J sr csi ii r)uT-----
.iglst refreshmnits trill be serred Vocal suolo, p. iL. Chsurcht; recita- IAIL ~ - 4 .Mns t
sduritig the eveninsg. 'Ihe gymnslasiur istou,(G. knsobs; implromushtd iebate, THE " AVR~ilb ihe yeetiiyadalR .Cmbl n . .IIs WAVERLY " WH~EEL
acssusssatlsis till he the bstsIpos- tworth; vocal solo, F. 1.. Church; tarut esiiiii- iCir
ssie. .speech, S. IDearisorn i; Debate, Re- htutu, St i~rii ot tisitiss it
'Ihe corssisittee if arratsgesmsents solvedsh,'tat the Fedleral Cisreris- B OW S 'D STORE.
is as follows: lt. fOUsissi, chsairisass; iet shsouslifestablhish asuntiversity
Messrs. Chickeriing atishA'ihrtinsle, for higher learinlsg, affirmiative, F.
Misses 'Texter andh Wiley. 'The list iR. Cosok, isegative, ALI. I'L ouiselle;
of chaperones trill tueasusniced critic rilsort, II1. XA'. Lci'y-
later. 'rie tickets cats be' secured ost fia T A E
of aisy of the conmmittee at a cosit ofCostAfiaB SE AL GO D

At a mseetinig of the Michsigats Smt,
soairsd uf health, iselsdat lassiu .
shsortly tiefore the hlidsays, Prof
Vau~ghain,as chsairmsass of the stands-
lag comsmsittee on "Epidlesic, Ets-
deriile ansiConsmsutnicable ils-
seases," isashe a repiort on thse sub-
ject of list restriction of tuberculosis
in msan by means of a proisosed
State hospital for consumptives,
this subject having been referred to
hiii at list last special mseeting. Thin
subject was discussed at great length,
and it was resolved that "this Board
retluest of the next Legislature an
appropriation of$ for the pur-
psose of bildig, equipping and
mnaintaining a State Hospital for

' t

75 cents, hashes free.
Surplus Funds.
Thin surplus funds, amsoulsinug to
about $17, frons the '97 social has
been given by the comsmittee in
charge to the baseball teaml and to
make up a deficit for thin football
team. Another social in lise nature
of a summer party will probably be
girds by the class early iii June.

'The S. C. A. has agreesd to raise
$500 uext year for the isartial sup.
port of Oscar Rfobertstwhso inteinds
going to western Africa as mis-
sionary nsext October. Ile is to
wvork under the direction of a Pres-
byterian board and will draw his
support froms that source after thne
first year. Zingi, thin station to
which be in going, ii about r50
miles north of the esluator and 75
msiles from the west coast.

Suits ',ssd (JvhssosithtsSup-
Yous are'iniiutdto i-sainistoc~uk tatuSprices.

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