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April 02, 1894 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-04-02

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L~w H CLEMNT, Lng ad Shot flooin Wite ress hirts ZVVa.e ad Peal01(dGlov.. Fointduedarae yy
5SO.!. S. Mo 8Y itHUeSEN 'an iner.tn n~ovombe;o~iSitenl ~ ~ o eue oetickets to Ohio,
IOR 1t.S. Greenwood, Ticlket Agt.,'toledo
God0ol Gara'nhtee.toN odsalledfrNo. 9 south Main street, Formerly Two Sam.) College studlents wanting employ-
and delivered. A. F. COYERT, Prop. mest for the summer should ad-
ANST S e BuEiEsswt ITHE FISK ('TEAC-HERS' AGENCIES. Iress 1. NV. Ziegler &Co., lox inhoj,
1',E. ashngon HICGO.lO Wtbass Ae. If F.CLAK.inducements for special work to
22 ears inteit ite +i 'rgsil, Air. 1:20t. 4,840 Poios Filledi. 95 Positions tilled ir' 493 which students are wvell fitted, and
CITYS? LAUNDRY, tos SEND FOR OUR AGENCY MANUAL. which pays $75 to $1u50 per month.
osto, hLsAoog, tsrto. . AY AYA! t A IMOPOt Tebaebl ta
M. M. Seabott, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. A(ENCIS.'New Yorl., LaoAngteles, Toreats. U 4 ~U1i iOi. Te aealta get 1u per
cent. of thc sat salts at ilowdists &
DANCING and DELSARTE U. OF M. CALENDAR. 440 yds.-Freemnan, 5; -5s. Matteson's.
MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER 88rtiit iilirssn.Io yds.-Sickel (6ou yd.), inr1., For fine soaps, tooth hrushes and
46 5Slate Street A n A P-- orue rseit 3 .cigars, go to the iB. & M. D~rugstore.
MONDAYi-8b pn.iAdvanoed Casfr a 1 r A -ss leture i oiletaIhasatnowdsh>yMateso
4dies andtcrtleme Pof Trr,500 p5 ,in iRooii iii4.- Imie.--Witi 150 yd.), 4im., 35 GeahtatBwih&Mtso
TItONOAt- p. m. Ladties. illsirr s lass. 'ric.Ipr .- Conrert by litilliaris' 0crGl5eren(srtc),d and help the hasehall team.
ITI2ESDAY 7 p. nm. G O irsodorei'ig tiloor o u Illolin clubs,is Urrrei-sity4-S.Oonscah,2d
clas. all 120 hurdle.-Sylivester (8 yd.),a Sec those fine poatent leather shoes
ettttAY-1 a. irlur lPIlTirlp.I oiIsirioratbrO~ipi liowdislo & Matteson's.
41-i. Laries'-.dancingrc- iss coa. i-iisocii i ionroom, 7,1 ri . r. 172-5-5.
2 10 p. um 'hildi-crosddarcig-'lokss. 'rasrs or.. Apir. ..-Nircty -fouir <l. ooiril, 20h rde- ib ac , '5 w ,Ho sC mng
8fpr. 1ii i ri r cioc r-1 ~r '. 220i 00011'S lilill. I1 4 5 S
Prirate' lessns by appointmernt. Fri., bi.0 tcrss -.5.i.Shot put.-Kni Pe, 38 ft. 2 is. ___
F. pc. i iiiirco--ile< r uicdbate, ill Iliii- Hammer.-Knip)e (5 ft.), 9,7 ft. MNr. A. 1.. Rose, of the (Golen
" esi-ty halt. Il's Ic will b tte C o o s
e c a . pr .- Aniiiiil eris-cioii iof ll.-.cs .of lT siiie s th; o k os
Atletic sc .iiai ioti. un ingish juisp-Leslie. ft. tornorroos loesilac, wsith a coniplete
S 5i., Ate. I l.-i-.Antralslect-limo i 1 ." is -l- line oi sprtisg; r ivc is~n . Students
0* b ors. I.ire invited to icall an10( exaimine the
Thur. cii- Apr. 12.--Spoor, classip'.oei~ul f Dusssing hroad julsep. -barren goil. l'fr oreiig a pig
i - eoe sh alt . 'n e Ats-. 10.-Han. Rugsr Q. Mills. ill (' f . } '0? ft. I in. Sii1.
S. L..\. cou-. rse, iubjct: "Thoisiii Jeff-etrsiiin 11 .slt.- Cisgeer ; is. -S I'. - -- + -
,dtPinucipiluorFre Gerrnento." Lust.
! Music from Williams. Tefloigcmeiosqaii
____ iefOnwegrls ttosihiiil (it i ure -foot steel tape.
-"lomiorrow evening the I illianos ed for she iiitercollegiate sports: Fisier please returnii t(01)m i - office
Glie, Banjco aiid Miandrolins clubs aii- Ramsd~ell, 100 yards; Ranisdeli soul ail receive rewaril.
____________I pear in tUniversity sail. 'The cluhbsitreeman, '20 yards; Freeman, .440 .,. -
Tie ale(Rvse)N1tA9<. o thirty mens arc to lie given a; yards; Kelsey, 88o yards; Orton,1 Studcents Reodured Rates.
A.5a1. hasnset after the concert at Hang- one mile; Knipe and W ootlrud,slsot-
1). N. txriss. - .5 , N. V.' tCPl 7-lithe2lcal I- Fr thesi' i jo vcation of thse
Alanlotics 1xto-c 17. sit ltoi Pip .i0 sterfer's hail b h oclclub. Thle Knipe, 16-pound lianmner- Leslie,
oast Ert..l)1.1U1 S.02 td. u~: clubs arc very goodi andol l intro- Ferguson and Sylvester, high juomp; ona s tsylusesCi
''oil~ rrdO. sI.I ~pill )ruce tiAsynnests features iin the line Ilatrobe, pole vault; Coates,Osooul1 lege, thed101ea112 B\sneArhol&
N.Y 1..5I> .r s . st ui-..i 8> t011 h oed n ro celeemsc oo ut (mm Kn niWbr w
N.Y&Io>se ;41h.NIyrs .81 North \tlichl-aiiR'y will sell tickets
. Ii N4, H W . I t rvs, tr su enshodng poper certifi-
. . Ai.llic ut-s irAbrius soil quartettes still he interspers- mile bicycle; IWarren, running brosi ad t t01 li 110tuIlc o
Id isntse concert. l11111. - ~ -thelo und11(1tril)to all pinlts 11n .Adich-
Oni Wednestday eveningshe dllbs Rn;rtCmtte. -an and5 lteCentral 1Trafie Ass'n
/ TOL~ svii plB-c isethetrmtiastleb
wil:iea concert i erotad e;- Lri telll.l5
banqulletedl litihe al umnsi is that lihe Press lBanqluetctom-ittee', 11icktIs wllbeisud cpil 12tis,
city.' will 11o111 an adljouned lilcetl'In ,l 21( i 12112111 111111im it to retorn
'- hes personnlseiof the clubis is as)ilsia'ats1.Y1. 0 mpl 11 15'U- l" lri.4h
I~tile tIi~rit liert tund y, \~rr h ..>. 1'ie business to be coinsidere'd i15n 105z
.5 .011 l~liil. 1v~ Slii 01111~follos:s Louis C.NSevillec atd llcnniteeu -- -
Sa dr I~irnt. I
01(51 suso~rf. maager. CGlee, A_1. 1 retis,94, Should be 1presen~t, Anloct e tingboratorical Ass'n.
:1:i a. rr I Ztarr. leadler. first tenors:'o. h. I rear, o lIS0.
*rrainis rull betweeniAni Abr is 11111 oll111 ldi c)5 1 .1 . ;-lnch '93. Secotnd .'le1 ll X -lnili :soi
cny ' II1tenors: I'. P. Kinmbale'< ' Notice. Tinhol ds1111it1 2511nni eetitng floe
All1 trn do: cp Su- ndallotiy. " 5; 1--F. electio~n o1 loffices antd a tloird dele-
11..OIOo-)n.Asl :1 lll5latet u; .X oltt 7 All casdidates for thse 'Varsity gate to tile Northlern League Orator-
First bassos: I..1Edwards, ;r., '9; 1 football team are expected to up- Ictal clontest 010 Tuesdtay evening,
.ANN .ARBOR G .hF. Perkins, '95; A. IH.Prentiss, pear oon the canmpus every day at I April 3, at 7:13 sharkcl in Rootm 24.
~1H J i1N 1Y ~ 94;1N . A. Lockwood, '96;NV. G.p. tm. sharp, regardless of weather. I lirl'.co-icIr, BCh,
23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. ao~oo p;A arl so~ 32(,Cpao.trsdtt
The b.SRtS 1ngr 'lelanjo clubs consists of .o s ~ n~F'3I~..~
eE~ ~ A 'tN . ightseenl lieces and the matndolin of!Il'I1!"1.11111
ltsnIpieces. In addiltiono there area
qT [$11A TE Q (ii1 ' Yit1S ?1 " L)1 fI7 I l'lItt'i,'C' ENI)ING OF Tt I NK F ittedt seitho ut rinluitolll ll' 0111 itr. If 0yo11 10-1110
+ A C A3 fG .uoa . cello andocluite. t~ur lost. ash. tor the' PARtERtt llustr ito' it llal:lil' eepnt'1111 illlliaionlt. 't'lo1'arki-r Pten
cor. Nfa in d a'shingion StreetsI,- = " - Co L., Janesville, ovis. Sheehan & Co., Eltse Agens i nils V11in111Arblor'
A. L. N201001.5 .ROBto Pr[ioii iCIllltt,0 u to '. Pennylvania's Spring Came. d

WillACHINRY HALLIit'dluulWe HI1SAltGO ecs

itenntsylvansia held spring hanoil-
rats ganmes Saturday, the first of thme
season. tt. M. Coatessvon the twvo-
nile bicycle race in 5:21 2-5, break-
iog thoe collegiate record. The fol-
lowing were the events and winners:
too ydls.-Ramosdell ( n yd.), to


220 yrds.--Ramsdell (2 yd.), 23 STYLES, BOUEL 1jOD?:DS
1. 5CossCORRIECT. x5\eA isCU1 -19)S. MAIN ST.

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