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April 02, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-04-02

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ZC. of 'RA~. T'ttiy.
Publised Daily (Sundlays excepted) during
Inthi j~llece tyear, by
Stubscripttiaot prtcee etot per year, invariably
in advance Singe copies 3 tcents. Subucrip-
ioans may be left at the office at the DAILY,
at Stafflet's, with atny at the editors o
authoriced solictors.
Comsmunicationn shasuid reach the atica by
e o'clock P. Ni. if they fire ta appear the neat
lay. Address sit matter intended tar publica-
ton to the Managing Editor. All bustness
communications nhould be sent toth le Busi-
arts Masagee.
Ann Arbor, Hichi.
CA. DEtSON,tote'"4, ManoaggEditor.
I. A.OSADIN, Jib t. 4,Acsistant.
.. L. LoIt tt, Lit, '95, Aaistocnt.
P'. WAUrtorn, Lac '01, Ae-i'.aot.
.. A. LEctcas, Lit. '96, Athletic Editot'.
'to. .A. Slaata, lit. '97, Businestdanager.
Hi. I. (ocio 10.'9'4. ;I. I. Flail. 'fi.
r'lt. Salla','96. E. L. Mla'indlae,'. 1
.P. 1.Lyle,'96'. Ii D.Ii. Habino, '96.
CatrrieV. SmthtlSpea'l. ltua.tt'PA't'ttaa.
H.'ut'y colia'ospc'1~. t'. G.Joalin,'.l
All copy mut;tta.btetotatthePotatbeo'eS0 . tn
o'f thae day tot publicatio.
'MANAGING Enltt 'a Ott too1Itt t'Ss.-rho
0lragn'itolaitot ay baefoundlat'('TIT. t~
attf('e <t te'fal lott'~g ottgac.: ItMoaday, t5eadoe .-
lasy andl'ridtay. ttrota510 Uo'claock, . m . Ia-
0:c.010ffethe Harvartd Crinison
1s showigcommenadabale entepriae in
issuing supaplemntas containing the
ulnpulblislhed fr'agnments of the ltc-
tuffs by JamesFusstealilLoavell, (de-
livffed at Harvard.


Univeraity of Chicago Weekly, the l
official orgnn of the asaociationl, canF1lh1Ti[ IP .
throw somel light upon the questliOon. tilLU BA H C I '
Ye cani see how a systeno of letters foIn
in proposed would be of great ad-I What they wiil do fryouan how to obu-
'antage in keeping up intereat iny taml-> them.
the associatiota and farnish many;

ractiral points no to thoe best TRADE RECEIPTS.
ruethods to puse in college jour- o h
nls.arecsIoupIonlsjisued by Illerellalts for the pur-potseofshiowingth
amiount of cashl trtade they get ff0o11 SObscribers for the Columltbian
\Vi. boipe to see a large number of ICyclopedia.
students ia attendance at the con- TRADE RECEIPTS.
ceft tomorrow nighot to welcome the
fcne Wliai college. The can be seculred to tile full amouint of youor purchases fI-oml all mer-
boycbsfraecoWlimwghnsdedto be til equa1Ichllnts on our list by pr-esenting an Idetntification Card issued by ls
cusaecniee eunsihow ittyuaeasbciefothCoubaCylpd.
of anayEastern college mausical Icnaea tb ierfrtl Cltba.Ccosda
organizations. This is the centen-TR D RE IP S
nial year of 'Williams college and anI do nlof 111an11yli creaflse ill the price of goodls purtchasled, or that
especial effort has been tmade to get y ' Mut 101010sorethanltou50arOe nowbu~yilg.
strong musical organizations. We TRADE RECEIPTS.
c010 assure our readers tlhat a treat is cost absolutely nothiitgexc-elpt the trouible of goinig to(lie s101es
ill store for thenm in the coancert to- Whlere fley' hlay he ob~tainlecltd nd liaking your pturchases there.
maorrowv night. The clubs loaseIre. TRADE RECEIPTS.
ceived very favorable nention from
tile pffesvhere ever they haeap- as ffair 1aalI'erchaintshae1 oered010111m ieans oinlcrelase'dtrade foalr(tem
pafared. Thae proceeds 01 thle con- n htcso~esaet hr h eeiso t
cert are toa be givena to oulaeie and TRADE RECEIPTS.

llajo clubs.
Thle (reshinan baseball candidates
are out for the first tiume tooday.
The last meietitog of the present
Athletic boaral will be held tonight.
Vale's spring football squad began
practice 'March -0. Thirteen men
were out.
W. Vt. Travis, woho for sonmetime
has beeno confined tao his room, is
nosy able to be around againa.
Julius 1). Travis, '94 law, and L..
G. Long, '95 lasw, ill leave for
Ihuffalo tomorrowv to attfetd the
mseeting of rfpublicanLiIeagale.

Niii be l ced by l ilts110t0onle-en~thlthleir face 0value0-ill faill1 paymntl
faor a set oaf (lie (ColmabiantlCyclopedia attreglarlic'le.
«viii there'forefsecure foat y01ulasolultely flee of cost la r'feren11tc i-
brlrr- of 12 x'oalinnes, 92(,000 pages 1(11017,0-)00 illustratlihons.
tao the tlaouttoaf Itweiitl-fi'e daollaors Sseredfroamoany of 1111 of (hc
stores Nvl lanitle son to a x-olumeo of (lie('olumbIian1((Cyclaapedia.
Extra ((Oiveitding.
I'ACI'1IACI I IIAIt1)1 AItE Co.. A. NV. (1'0OitLISS, Photo~sgraphler.
IhitX'I I)II U'G ANI-) CullS!ICA, C0,
1. I' 1". IEZLE, Hetl~ts. ANN Alt lORi i4EA1l I.AU'NI)lIXV
S'!'AU."B1l~ft % &('0. (gro5cries 111(1d'Trov ery'
Imrwuww.ao utw

Taa a special Laster naamber of
the -'taia'ersitv Courier, of the 1.'. of
P.t is excepationally gaaod. It con-
tains a svrite-atp of the Mtask and
Wvig, thseir college draiiatic club,
,-those entertainnaent durling (Easter
week wvas so well attencled.
To all wvhothlave itspet ledth le
gynmnasiumn of late it is apparent
that ourfs will be as complleted when
it is fnishedl as atny ino the caountry
withl the possible exception of Yale.
A better dancing floor is hard to fintd
and the long felt want of some
place to hold college receptiotns and
hops is now saupplied. 1t is diffi-
cult to imagine a naore inmpressing
sight than was furnished by the six
huandredl dancers, at the Junior loop.
By the time the "gym"' is heeded for
the Senior reception it xiii be snuch
nearer conopletion anod will then be
an ideal place for tile purpose.
A stiiew time ago the Wisconsino
Cardinal called attention to the fact
that none of thoe proposed letters
wthichs were to be prepared by the
papers in the Western College press
association load been published
an yet. Iterhaps tile editors of the


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Horsords Aid Pospate The name stands for just what it 5,
Horsords Aid Pospate The best Bicycle butlt four $125.00.
1 i i Baseball and al Lasso ennis.
Is the ioost effective anti aglee- Spa laito's lastoll( adILatwn Ituat. oot I
ar ooexcttlustivealy thong-ottthe I'. S.:tata
C toatla. Opalin°o 'l'raaea rl:iue t . iara nv
able remiredy im existence for t(hat teoodare tooit (at' -. a .a'pla'oe illn-
tratealoataaa'aaa'a'oaady. Set=te
preventing indigestion, and i-e- A. G. Spalding & Biros.,
Chicaor. New Yurk. Philadelphia.
lieving tiose diseases arising FR-- NA IO AL AN
!6ront1a disordoered st omach. FI ST ATIOA L BRNR.
Capita~l, $:500,000. Sursatn0 od Prooits, $0.00
Dr. 'W'.'W'. Gardner, Springfield, 'otansetsa generalbatnking aossitteaa.Focr-
eignots " au i sa ecle t 'cu'excangceboghot and soltd. Letters of
Muss, soa: vale 1us at ecellntcredit procutoed far travelers. abroad.
prevetative of indigestion, and a pleasant p' HAIIPrco. S. W. IAEEON, aesaier.
acidulated drink when tpropterly diutaedl wit Sehool of Danting. Gesund Floor.
water, and sweetened." MAYNARD STREET.
Doeriptiv e patmophlet free ott application tot BPN ~ ' \6AO~ /
RumfordChsemical Works, PrsvsdeneeRI.G A ER
Beowaroe of Substitutes and Imitotions. Caotbe eated( too Pivtt ar tte. Ro.01
tot-. Ilan too 0 etc. 00N1t atubIt Itl
FrSebyalDruggists. ta (oto.e at Acadeoy

AndlMth Roto -.1W 14. O PN, ('too
:pia.- 41.555 5b141T;;11St.. Oposte ou't
tla-a II tot Cld andl torl halt;l 3tooO-. ('Ito
atdSOREVTHN. OANDotiooo ttaittinuoi
##ao dNt aaatc aao ,o-s
atll(Ioo;,well s~upplid.rao dinogooom; P aily lRctO e.
Stuesayeene receptotli(oinopeteParysar
Exeptotalfaltigs frpacnDe et nposits llSet -
Itopusit $; to o'..7 spe faekrn rae a ile.
1.EP.te. P. R. RLER, CoPRE.

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