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March 31, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-31

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VOL. IV.-No. 133.



MUSIC AND THE DANCE. a sight the like of which is rarely
The Junior Hop a Great Social Suc-
cess.-Nearly Six Hundred Hap- At J:33 o'clock the first of the
py Dancers Present. 23 regular and ten extra dances,
which consisted of waltzes, two-
ihe dismal days of old, when the steps and polkas, began, and it was
student was expected to shut him- morn ere the last dance was fin-
self up in some gloomy monastery, ished..
away from all the world, have gone Throughout the entire evening
and in the progress of civilization, nothing occurred, with the excep-
the student has coie to be recogniz- tion of the failure of the electric
ed as the fe ide oaitl of society. In lights, to niar the pleasure of the
a great University like our own, ex- occasion.
ceptional advantages for social life The luncheon was served between
are offered, and the happy juniors the twelfth and thirteenth dances, at
last night made the most of the two a. ii. The new form of serving
opportunity. was a great success, and all of the
For several weeks, in fraternity confusion of former years was obvi-
circles of the University, the pre- ated.
-arations for the Junior hop have } The music by Schremser's orches-
been in progress and now the event tra, of Detroit, was of the highest
has become a part of the history of quality, and was one of the especial
the past and will be the source features of the occasion.
of gratification to all who participat- 'There are about two hundred and
ed in its pleasant scenes. seventy-five guests at the fraternity
The commodious Waterman gym- houses, the names of whom we are
nasium, during the hop, presented unable to publish owing to lack of
a picture of beauty rarely to be seen, space.
he blending of beautiful colors, of Breakfast was served at the vari-
the ladies' costumes relieved by the ous fraternity houses at 1 o'clock
sombre black of the gentlemen; the today, and several musicals and par-
music of two orchestras, and the ties have been arranged for tonight.
inerry converse of the five hundred On the whole the event will be
lancers; the excellent taste used remembered as one of the most
n the decorations and the splendid pleasant in the history of the social
condition of the floor; all of these life of the University.
were sufficient to inspire the gay I -
devotees of the terpsichorean muse Alpha Nu This Evening.
with the feeling that the Junior hop Alpha No literary society will be
of the class of ninety-five was an oc- entertained this evening with the
casion never to be forgotten. following progran: Music; "What
The hop was conducted at a cost S,
Shall we do to be Saved?' J. B.
of $1,400, which is covered by the Brooks; oration, istr. lartindale;
sale of tickets at 6.oo each; shouldi'o at a 'h
therebe adefiit, osv . . general discussion, "What swas the
herebe ihweveritiLasting Influence of the Recent Re-

Interesting Session Yesterday.--En-j1
glish Composition under he U.f1, WA8.
By LeR H. i(ement,director of the Chegti-
iet'5 0relesrtii.
The first session of the Michigan Ta prttlihi/te snhe' "Aut ihitde-
Schoolmasters' club, held in stien."
the University chapel yesterday- leaut irt niyiustrated tit l 'in-. Every stu-
deia shouild buy a copy.
afternoon, was devoted to a con-
ference on English composition. I R 9I'9B o
The discussion was opened by 51 SouthMain St.
Prof. F. N. Scott. The point par-
ticularly emphasized in his paper
was the necessity of having special
teachers of English. The work
cannot be left to teachers of other
subjects, even if they possess the re-
quired knowledge, for general
scholarship in English is not enough I ' 3
to enable one to teach the subject. when youwant theLatestItetropolitaistyles
The necessary equipment and train- nIP$, $3. SaneorS$5lihes atttii-Si-apilees
yIlhac Ain Arbor prices senailoC,, aligelco
ing for a teacher of composition in
secondary schools consists in, first,
the ability to correct work rapidly, a
accurately and pleasurably; sec- 101. 183-185 vo5OOwiR D-n,
ondly, scholarship in the history DEiOT, - - MICHIGAN.
and theory of rhetoric, that the SENtiRS Get Ysi 'Photosi' Tke, lat
teacher may know his business and
be freed from the tyranny of text-
books; thirdly, original research
in the science of rhetoric.
The sumber of essays required
of high school pupils shotldl be 4No.t'tQ1 ii io te.istietore t i-ish iuetzii-
about one a day, certainly not less
than one a week, but they should be FRESH ASSORTMENT
short. --iF--
The discussion was continued by L0?\1N Z + i(
Prof. F. A. Barbour, State Normal - -et'IaO OLA 'S
school, who took the ground that -Jiisi iltim:IV r--
English can be taught more success- TUT'-rLtLi'S, - 48 S. State St.
fully in connection with other sub-
jects. Supt. E. C. Thompson, of
Saginaw, and Dr. Cook, of Detroit, 'Weight. scpoins-with 5 icher (G. & J.
are also opposed to special teachers tires-tor$ 85.00 is the sensation of te
of English. Prin. E. C. GoddardouSi it
of Saginaw, Prin. F. T. Wright, BROWN'S DRUGSTORE.
of Jackson, and Prof. E. L. Miller,
of Chicago, supported the position
taken by Prof. Scott. IIR T11 __CIaT.
Prof. Miller urged the necessity
of making composition work go BASE BALL GOODS
hand in hand with a study of the
masterpieces of literary style, and
read two interesting illustrations of Suits and Gymnasium Sup-
work done in his classes. plies
A reception to the club and an
informal musical recital by Prof. You are invited to examine stock and prices.
Stanley, was given in the evening at
Frieze Memorial hall.
Capt. Emmons, of Harvard, has
called out all the prospective candi- UNIVERSITYBOOKSTORE
dates for next fall's football eleven
to begin spring practice April 12. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.

covered by a special tax on tue nin-
fraternities under whose auspices it
is held. The nine Palladium fra-
ternities by whom the hop is given
are as follows: Psi Upsilon, Alpha}
Delta Phi, Delta Kappa Epsilon,I
Beta Theta Pi, Delta Tau Delta,
Zeta Psi, Chi Psi, Sigma Phi, and
Phi Kappa Psi.
The grand march moved to the
strains of the "Star Spangled Ban-I
ner" at no:ao o'clock, and a most
imposing sight it was. Mr. R. W.
Dunn and Miss Simonds led the
march. The most imposing scene
of the evening was the forming of
the V, during the march. The
beautiful blending of the ladies' cos-
tumes during the march furnished

vival Meetings?' led by P. W.
Dykema and Edmond Block; poem,
F. P. Daniels.
Yale was defeated by the Naval
Academy at Annapolis, Wednesday,
4-3. Gunther and Greenway con-
stituted Yale's battery.
It has been definitely decided that
the Cornell-Pennsylvania boat race
will be rowed this year on the Dela-
ware above Morelton Inn.
Harvard's complete baseball
schedule has been announced. There
are nineteen home games, and sea-
son tickets for the series are on sale
at three dollars each.


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