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March 29, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-29

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JC. of M- Tai. .
Publisbed Daily (Slunitays excepted) durnn
ticli~ollege year, by
Subscription price W.501 per year, invariably
in advanie single copiea 3 cents. Subscrip-
tion may be left at tbe oiicer oc tbe DAIY,
at1 Stoffletas, witb atiy of tbe niditors or
autborizedl elicitori.
i'omazunicatioac ebould rech the office by
7o'clock p. At. ifthtey are to appear tbe neat
(lay. Addtreas all matter intended toe piubliea-
lion to teeMlanaging Editor. All butsinecs
cmunicationa sbould be cent to tbe Bnst-
aeee Macagr.
THE U. of Mi. DAILY.
Ann Arbor. Hich.
C.A. DEISONi11, Law '01, btanagingc bditor.
1t. A. IcSPicisO, Litl'9, Assistaiit.
J. L im iit . '95,. Assiolet.
P'. iV .eec.rtcoa'9l.Assistanti.
J1. A. lice v, Lit. '9(i, Athletic Elilir.
Wm.. A or, 1Lit, '917, BusinesstMatnager.
It. o. Auiii 951. >rnt
1'. 1. Sadlir' '96i. bF. L. M'tinldale, '941.
Ailreoleiy, '17.
All copy mas.lt belat the offtleefrel ::,0a.i'
o1 the lily iol publicaltionl.
The Editors donot hld ithlemslelvie respio-
sitler fur the opinioiic lie statemienitsof correi-
poindents, Iappearng in the lDsits.
TeeF annual elections of officers
for the varioes college organizations
is near at Itandl. We cannot urge
too strongly the duty of the students
in their interest in these elections.
Too often impllortant college ee-
lions are not weell attended. It
wvould seem that in ordler to secure
the best men for the varioes offices
in the gift of tile studlents, a lively

6. "A Winter's Lullaby.1' DeKo-
veen. Miss Clara J. Jacobs.
7. Sonata1 E major, Op. 14, No.
i. .Beethoven. Allegro, Allegretto,
Allegro commodo. Elsa Gardner
8. Quartet, "Sanita 1laria," Ne-
apolitani Air. Arranged by Ries.
Mrs. B:.1). Hoyt, Misses Cran,
stun, Beach and McGresw.
yI. Variations Serieuses, Op. 54
Mendelssohn. Miss Mary A. Col-
to. Entre' Act, ilManfred,"i (for
violins). Reinecke. Misses Bates,
Blutton, Kelley, Knoswlton, Mceen-
sic, i'tead, Smith, Stewart, Mr. Fel.
senthal, Masters Nancrelle, Smith
anid Mr. Sawcyer.
'rie anlnual mleeting of the Athi-
letic association of the University of
Michigan wviii be held at to o'clock
a. in., Saturday, April 7, 1894, ir.
room A, literary building. Al pr
sons holditig membership tickets of
the Athletic association are entitled
to vote. (Officers andl board of di-
rectors for the fouming year wiiilibe
elected antd oter necessary buisiness
LiiS. C. Siur11,1s
Pres. of A. A.
Horsford's Acid Phosphate!
Is the tmost effeictive and aoglee-

SOWS TiE aIABIT h 1 , v> / /M'fi(
51k / L111
with his dollarslate in life
If hi lsso i eonoy asthe nlyendin iiW i wold til b
eductone wlitntrahofeveryionmembienofy ouraily;rthelaing tof
yR hoeEcclpeofanypublic baryin the world, ofaevryasotefactsuc
hTryche ioerie oft e ceofandimt.He acial thknoldeofwathword:
areh ci onerd trinlie
yoItfathilsyountink.confmyouasth nennowvhow ouwldt.lb
wonyorceiofonly Oneollarfine lforw aladei to ouwhares prepaii
thet etir end sta2vmes thea reai nng $9.00rtogbegpittrhoe teof
wilhe etiththeyooksin whicdtheievemaynwbe e positndofalibeday.
Thisuetionisin ted reahonerg emtbe onfayoueqali;thfeai'ndo
histony, boundiinoheavysmaflilaepaperncoversrhichknwithgprop ter 10wrlt
lst ryers.hBeryingmIndetatthe mntir 20 oumes are donlit.7want
youreadreseth alvlumrespdtoreain part 0 of e Unid at tesaef

interest should be taken in the elec- abie remseuy in existence for
lions. It has beell the policy of T'iir peventinig iniigestionl, fnd te t-
5),, Iv to urge tile selection of the 17
best men for the offices iii all college lievitie ,chose diseaises arising
organizations, and swe feel that tilefotiteitiltdststic.
coiming elections wiii result in the
election of replresentative college Dr. W. W. Gardner, 'Spciognell,'
men. Mass., says;. "I11value itiasOan excell
pr~eventative o117 ' tll i mlli,iind a pleasanti


011in1o111n1for ailiiedtimleloly

Pupilis' Hecital.
The programi at the piupils' recital
at the school of niusic this evening
is as followvs:
r. Sonata, 1) major, No. a, for
organ. Guilnmant. (a) Allegro niod-
erato. (b) adagio. Mr. Llewellyni
L,. Renweick.
a. :l ruehzlingslied. Coenen. Karl
. Three agatelles, from Op. 12,
Hugo Reinhold. Velocissimo; Con
Moto; \Valse Caprice. Miss Martha
4.l"Dear is the Hour Advanc-
lug." Gluck. (Cavatina from Sc-
miramis.) ]Miss Rose M. Cranston.
5. Duel. "Traum der Sennerin."
Lahitzky. Miss Alma Phila Bates
and Mr. Herbert Felsenthial.

waler, an111 s0eetenedl."

Rumford ChsemicaaWorks, Providence,R.I.
Beware ofitSulbstitutes ald Iiltalltin.
For Sale by all Druggists
"Talkes F14irst Place.'
The name stands for lust what it is.
The best Bicycle buitfor $125.00.
Basebaili and Lawn Tennis.
Sp lding's Bassiball and Lawni ''eiiiis uoit
arecusedreselasieiy tbrouliciii tbe 1.fS. 1an11
CanladaI. Spaldiac's 'trademark101s~igaratitee
that thie 5111d1sar' thei'beset. Cioip l ilb..-
A. G. Spalding & ]Bros.,
Chicago. New York. Philadelphia.

ciis fl ut miad Seud ito XV3I. :A. 3oGu ,
lu.llilles. Muagae ror 'fcc C1. o I, t0.1
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fosa i........ii .................. .
Aril Bath Rioomcs. W. 14. OWEN, lProp., P111RcsEiVRTsING0AND EvEtY IiIDiY.
NO. 4 East Hnron St.. Opposcite Court Iom
House. Hoc Codiand Sea Slt Baths. 5Por- KS HALE Florists 26cclS5. ivch. Ac,
celain lobs IW5i~ IUimcaTlpbhc 15,

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