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March 29, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-29

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je ttV of


VOL. IV.-No. 131. j
Ot the Wrinkle on Sale Today-In-
creased to Twenty Pages and
the Best Yet Issued.
The junior hop number of Wrinkle
wtill be out this afternoon. It is in
our opinion the best yet issued. The
size has heen iiscreased to twventy
pages and an entirely new cover, of
'cost original design, has beens drawn
by '1. W. Canspau, '96.
The m~idle page cartoon presents
aview of the '110)'' in full blast.
It is a work tf act, perfect Iin design
and execution, and~ is drawis by R.
I.. Wagner, '95.
_k full page loem, ,''to isi Sweet-
icart's Fan,'' by It. (. Ryan, '93,
ilstrated by R. L.. Wagner, '9 , is
especially approptriate at this time.
'A Scandal in the t1oo," also by
It. C. RyVas,'i93, gives a roost amsis-
ing description of a D. K. El. initia-
Alasite Elaine Caldwell, '93 con-
tributes ,]-Sour j unior Hops,'' a
cartty poeni ,withs a good deal of
Harry Carleton Porter, '93,has
a tprose pastel, called "Coldness.''
''Woes of tse ttop,'' are de-
cribed by 11. L. Xfason, '93, ii
eight '"Groans.''
Karl E.. Harrimni has a very
itty "J. tiop Parable,'' and WV.
E. 11ollen, '93, contributes snottier
pastel "Ait Eight O'clock."
(lther articles are by Carl 13 take,
H. R. Kellogg and othsers.
C. (I. Wardell contributes twco
very clever cartoons.
W'rinkle prints in the back of the
p~aper a list of all those whlo hate
contributed to the baseball fund,
unit heads the list wiltsventy-fivei
iollars. The total amoniit contriti
rated so far is $172.50. Thle prig:
of this number will be i cents.
Meeting ot Pedaggues.
Trhe Michigan School Masters'
club will hold a session in this city
in Room L., University hail begin-
ning Friday afternoon at a o'clock
p. in., and continuing on Saturday.
The fotlowing is the prograns:
FRtDAY, 2:00 IP. .,
Conference on English Composi-
tion. Informal Discussion of the
following questions:
a . How many cotmpositions should
be required of High school pupiis.
a. How may the burden of essay-
correction be lightened?
3. From what source should sub-



jects for composition be draswn, in NEWLY ELECTED OFFICERS. EVERY U. OF M. STUDENT
the High school? Th11i1iti3esti
4. tics- may examples of "Bad jTeOffiers for theStudents' Chris- IholIEby EErpyo
English" be used most profitably Last Night. Ii IhIdscsio il b firedbyU o
Prof. F. N. Scott, of the tniversity, fThe annual election of the Stu- AlsleI iy Lei n. ciemeit
and will be continued by Prof. I%'.c lyNs Gagr
A. harbour, State Nornial school; dcuts' Christiain association occur- i i5ns0ig
Supt. E. C. Thompson, Saginaw;fI red last evening and was conducted Thert ctit Ihlr.te since"Avf ITV/n,-
Dr. AV. Cook, D~etroit; lPrin. h.. as if es-erythinsg hail been previonsly whOt" i $ ulie i1to,11farchi 15th.
C. Goddard, Saginait:1'cm i. I'. arranged. More thin half of the °C If
T. WrielitJackson; Pcof. -<. ,1 nmneswr.eetd ybllto
Miller, Chicagonmne r lttdb lttof s51Sosth Main St.
ILetters iwill be reait fromii ric the necret-icy iii iefauilt of any op-
Samuei ThIiurber, fBso;Po.1posingcandidate. Th lierai-tliar- -
A. L.Colof1ate ( i svisity 1ni-iny thiat pievailtes sduie to a
Ii of.G . -.. (rpuntrc ofCiolumiiila c of insstrife.for thlei.presidency
bal irf J .tiu g, iy iei i;n tefattat all tiuc ifficeirsex-
lT 6 00 ~o1,.1l cet thtinpriesiietsivice-presideiits
Areception totie ti bat uitndtireasurcerss'ere recoiindiieid
Mienmorial Ha-llSwhlie aiiinfiornial Iby a noniunatiing comiiiittee.I 1 I
M~usicatl Recital usill bl ive u n iy IThi.electionsusltedt -s follovmwse: vinit~lsevM'u-'i iaiti-
I rof. A. A.Stainley, ofthteiAnniiAri- IPiesideiit, N. .G lhrslt '96; of ' -c ii x . , )Siiiei ci rie-tii Si a paic less
hoc School of Muic.general svice-piesiidents, L.H.IBeals, hinAtiArbrpcesndfrCalgeo
ssii i-nix 9:00 . 51. lit 'i-, Mary '.Bount, lit '9 ; lit-
I atm 'Symposium. Siibiect: liihe crarysvice-presidenstsS IV.;l tertz H m,t & Co0
Teicing.nof Lstun iii tie HDg1 96,1Lenorie Contver, '9,;medical 101. 183-inni5uuusun As v.,
School., DEiTROIT, - - ICIGI.
A~n introductorvyipatper willibe vice-president, E.; A.'NevinII'96;
read by IProf.I'.SA'.IKelsey, f tlb last vice-presidents, IX X V.Stills, -a-ma inE cu-uetVoo iii i'5iT rie ina
Universitysswho still be followisn5li- T. F1,1 1elantd;cdental svice-pres-
a synmposiusm by P'rin. [.C(,.-tten- ilcist It.II Icunsau '93;lioni-
gill, Ann Arbor;in. cii I'.IBliss, icol-ithsic vice-lpreideilnItjciiicGrit-
IDetroit;in.cE'I C.SWairineithat-
tle Creek;SMr. J.II.liHarrci,(tech- in, 96; pharmsaceuticaiivice-presi-
ard IL.ke Miliitary Ac adciiyut. c<<=rat,(lliction tem ci),ii casncec,
NV. hIt Honcy,5 Iin r. I. I,. L.A.I c-ttlit '9t);assistant tress- Nu. sii iii St,rsi i- ti. ireiire ilii- its el ili,
Alti uiuorkiuci tiai~ituoed-,uumod im imsn-.A
Mtiller, Iniglewvood, Il; . I. urr, c Nellie. Kenn inlit '96); iiis- ii iai.i,iii .
NighiungaleSiipt. of Hugh Schools, sonoiary tieasurrC 'hu.Wlle, FRESH ASSORTMENT
Chicago; Prof. 13 I.I)'flit 'e St-ie
Nounsml School. nuedlic.'96; assistaiit,1lusla WIaters, -r
- - "-+ --- - spcial; recording secretary, Wtilson
EsenBeai- Klingler; membership secretary, IH.Q 0LA Et0
tin Saturday, Princeton defeated B. Mserrick, lit '97;; corresponding _-iU Ec ,.,-icnAn-
Georgetowtn at Washington, I). C., secretiryXX A. Heartt, lit '9-; Tu'I"L'LE'S, - 48 S. Sftate St.
7-2; X'ale defeated U. of Vrirginia libs-arin, Cassie Montague, lit '95; H ~ vRY1 HE
at Richmond, Vsa., 28-4. (in Mon-chiorsiter, P.I'. Dykema, lit '96,
day, Pale defeatedt I. of Virginsiaorganist, (election cdeferredt);mBulle- weigihtii, 2 ous-i i--stiuiu ,-i s C
at Chiarlottesville, Va.-. i3ii; tin editors, F. IP. Sadler, Anna tiies-ftoi $85.00 nis h ii, tot ffl
Priceton defeated Ceorgehosum Z1at Richards, lit 'g, rank Itamihar, ioiiiiiieeiiil lthiinduuowo
Washingon r2-2. TuesdmayGeorge- lit '9aID. (.Thompson, I. H. BROWN'S-4DRUGSTORE.
towtn defeated Sale. 14-2 . Prentiss, lit '96, EuretaItoyles.
- *+0h- I ofessois Carhart andl DemsmonisTV
Thn Press Banquet. - __--..-3-- .-_,ra-., a:._riPIiT I mrN _J


Thiere will be a meetmig ;of thse
I enitire commnittee of the University
Press association baniqiset, ini roons
- ,5,Siturday, at 2 o'clock. This
nieeting is called at the written re-
qutest of a maajority of the conmmit-
tee, for the purpose of reconsider-
ing certain qhuestions discussed at
the last meeting. Other business
also requires attention.
Two professional pitchers fronm the
New England League, Condry slid
Sullivan, hate been engaged ho
pitch for Harygtrd's candidates' bat-
ting practice.

snare re-elected on the board os cir-
rectors. The hbulletin staff still
mseet soon asnd orgassize. The above
officers still assismse their d~uties on
the second WXednesday iniNtay. 3.
It. Van Tpassel is a candidate for
general secretary wnhichs officer is el-
ected by the other officers.
At Harsvardl, Jarvis Fiald lass
been given up eantirely to tennis
courts. The new grand stands will
probably be umited to H-olmes
field, and the biilding on Soldiers'
field will be ready for the use
of the football squad in the fall.

Suits ad GymnhlasiumltSup-
Vii mre iitieii ito ixmiimiae stockhad iides,


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