_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY.
'U. of Z. T1XliI.
'ublieel Daily (Sundayt excepted) drig
saslCollee tar, by
Subcription pee V2.0 per year, in ariably
in aioane ioir copies i rents. Sbri-
lone may be tell, at the ottice o1 the DAILY,,
a Stofflet', eeith any 0of te editor or
Authorized solictos.
Co'mmicatios shold rach the ofice by
7 o'clock P. m. it they srec to appea the next
Qay. Address all matter teded or psblica
non to he Matnaging Editor. All busnes
commooication should be et to the Btsi-
nesse Maager.
THE U. af . DAILY.
Ann Abor. titch.
C. A. U OV', Lamt ', SaagigEdto.
i. .A. Srsttnas, Lit. 'N,Aosittant.
.5.L1. Linac, c Lit. '0, Asistat.
F. Watr,via os 54, Ae.;itatat.
J.1. LoYt, Lit. '6, Athletic Esitr.
Vt. A. A tux ,Lit '7, tlttetssSattager.
7. B. ttoosonttt, . It. '. Hato. '96.
r. ' ll, 'll. E. L. M artndsale, '(4 .
Ag es'. c l (y , '7 f,.1. tabkiti, '6.1
Htaryl'oemin,Spc'..Gi.0.enklsi;, 9.
Al copy ma ut brat thofficbo hr e:lo a, in
of the day o cpbliatio.
The bEditors o nt ot old tthetnselvs rao-
tstl foth opinionsioirstatmetsiof crrs-
pstondets, apearig in the DsatLY.
AkT last the Regento have taken ac-
lion anil tecided that oir gymna
slum is to be comspleted. This will
be welcome news to stdents, who
have waited patiently for an official
announcement of this fact. It is
probable that tie "gym" will not
be completeti for tse tiis college
year. ______
Vs'c are glad to note tiat the Re-
gents have acted so wisely iti retov
log the Greek inscription which as
been a puzzlie to so many stdents.
If the credit for tie erection of this
belongs to any one it certainly be-
longs to tbe donor, -Mr. Waterman.
Why such a meaningless itscription
should have been pt p in the first
place we arc enitely unable to com-
prebend. If this institution expects
benefactions in te fture de cred-
it mst le given for those received
in the past. It is only jst that
such shonld e tie case.
'i ci recommendations of Dean
Knowlton in his report to tie Re-
gents, looking to the raising of the
standard of tbe law dlepartment are
sorthy of the careful consideration
of the committee to which tie re-
port was submitted. The great im-
provenment in the methods anti
equipment of te law deparnent
this year shtows the progressive spirit
of the department and anything
which will further increase te
can be said without fear of contra-
diction, that ours is the best equip-
ped and most progressive law school
in the land.
ONE thing we have nticed in re-
garil to baseball practice that we
sish ilo suggest a slight criticism
utpon, is thtat out of all our large
numnbler of cantdidates te make-up
of the practice teams is mich ie
samue every day. It is, of course, as
yet too early for all the candidates
to have beetn given a chance, yet
soume of them feel, whien the posi-
tion they are trying for are filled by
(ther nen and the sane ones every
day, that they are not getting a fair
show. W e know that the baseball
mnanagetnent is ready to give all an
equal chance; but, as so tany are
trying, it woouid seem that mtore ew
nien should be called outt
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Adsign yourself "A constant reader" or "An old subseriber," if you want to
ktiowawhven Christopher Colutubus discovered America, or the date of the great
lire of London, or what is goad for whoopitig cough.
It is true the editor is only too woilling to oblige yaou, but why get your infor-
to-atlotn at second hianid? Is it ntutbhtter to htave it in your own head, reaay fur
iso at all times, and to realize in its ftill signiiicance that "knoswledge in power?"
All knoswledge is u~seful, but well asoorted, well digested knowledge will
cnable you to fill satisfaectoriiy any position in life to which yotu may be exiled.
Hosy is the biest wtay to acquire lis knowledlge? Nat by a stray question,
asked at odd times, but by htavittgiiy you, in convenient form, the bent and most
caretully arranged ronmpendliusm of hiuman knowledge extant.
You know wvitha what rare the present edition sot the Bible was revised. How
mtany learned mcei consulsil for mouths over eacls chapter, each paragraph.
Htov every word ws nwseighed with thoutghtfst care, so as to bring out its best and
tarlest meaning.
In the satne way schtolarly men, well versed ini ail bratnches of knowledge,
seleeted on account of thleir eminence in the piofessions which they adorned,
labored for years to prodluce in concentrated turin a comprehenasive library of all
ttseful facts. Tile result of their labors wsos the Revised Tlncycinpedia Britannica.
Illis a wonderful woark. It cotitains the history of all tintgs asnd an explanation of
ntxural phienomuena. It is as useful to the carpenter as it is to the poet. It remains
for us to place this usefuli work withitn reach of the people. For the price of one
cigar a day,, the poorest worktman usay make himself master of any art, and have
atghosne a 'library that soilisa the pride and delight of his wife and children,
On receipt of only One Dollar we will forward to yotu, charges prepaid, the
entire set of 20 voilumes, thse remaining $9.00 to ha paid at die rate of 10 cents a
day (to be rensitted monthly). A beautiful dime savings bank will be sent wills
the books; in svhieh the dime may be deposited each day. 'This edition is printed
froum new, large type on a fine quality of paper, and strongly hound in heavy
manilla paper covers, which with p roper care 'soll last far years. Bear in mind
tnat the entire i2l volumes are deliverad to your address, with all charges paid to
any part of the United States.
Thkis ia special offerniasde oiily to she readerrs sP'Ptis U, (* i. M.DttLYand iiwtill re-
sin opeat forataimited timoinwly
Cuit tMis Out and S enass to W31. A. MOUGK,
BuiisMarSnager'or Tita. U. ticAt, DAILv,
];iilm lti(°a.,,ast, rlis s'siltdeslAcd, Isfls 111c sct/i ;/slsDimeis. Rsittl/s fi&, fssi s/iou I
1 citiolss OilsDllars, 'itit)fioth/is 0 Ill/ toit ii iiit 10 Ii ills a5 It') ( c7 an I/th
smitti tttsttlslit) 2stil ei -os t 155 1 S'9/0071 sIa tll;sisi.'
stilt .........................
I'fst-tsl}it .. ....................
And Bathtftoois W. H. OWsEN, lPtroOt is itsurecelTryv ia andlie cnicd
No4East Moron S5t.. s)sto wisll nee egettit. Sent by mailto any
NOO4pposite C ttdreso. P . e. DieDollar. JICN 1I. HORidl
H~ose. Hot C old intl "i SailtnBaths.POar- 1.25 CtlrkSt.,Chiseag,os.liltinois. Stndtai Pcir
elInolais. slieI
standard of tse department will be Al DAILY 0FF1CR Opsera Hiotise Bib.
,selconmed bsy all lasv students, It or at STOFS't.T'S Netws tand.