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March 22, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-22

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VOL. IV.-No. 125


THEY ARE ALL RIGHT. committee was instructed to proceed SENIOR CLASS SCHOLARSHIP.
Who? The Regents-The Most in- in the completion of the gymna- plans of Ninety-Four for Leaving
portant Meeting of Years su.aFtigMmra yFud
Occurred Yesterday. 5m aFting aMemolribpFud
T-'he voluminous petition from the inalrhp
Trie long lookeid for and muchj students relative to the ventilation The scholarship commsittee of the
d'elayed meeting of the Board of Re- of the lihrary rooms was laid over,.eircasmtls vnn n
gents occurred yesterday. A quo- M1'r. Reeves, at present superintend- completed the drawing up of resolo-
rum did not arrive until afternoon, rut of buildings, was made superin- lions governing the awarding of the
hut the four regents present in the tendent of -rounds and buildings,itwsdcedolav
forenoon, Messrs. Kiefer, Barbour, w shcreby Secietary W\ade wiii be re- competition open to all members of
Fletchier andI Cocker, me-t as a conm- 1tieved of much routine,.h ieayseprset h c
iste teee 'lck natrIAdb f ttd sdet e ciepsient of the scholarship to tie de-
liscussin'g vicious matters that wsere g enstIFletcther for tlie folioswing: trsiehb oiitz ffr
to conic op io the afternoon session, -X tieresistihi inscrition ioser iostefcly iaca i
siccisleil to -raiit the iise of the i Liomise faultylFinncia-ai
.- - wiltlibe giv-en only in the focrs of a
gymiiintimuniidsier the care of the An Interesting Mveeting, lalybe vssi i. cu sti
hoardnofpcoiitrotitfor tie tirosswieh-
bor fcnrl o h rpsd-- 1noir meet, to be helid April 7. ; \ regular meetiiig of tie I radai-ouinest
The arrival of Regtent Btterfield atesn club svas heist at Newberry haltl the original titan lo iingmthie
niarie a q~uorums andI the boaid ivas last night. About fifty piersosiwsere fund, by ancunalt-aymiinti foi is-ve
salled to orsder at twvo o'cock by trecot, inscludin-g about tess isins years, was retaiiscd, but the pro-
Presisdent Angell. Deain Knowvlton beis of cisc faculty. eisioin sas aildes thtiat iiicsti of
addressed the Board foi half -in EThe tot-ic of discuissioni sas, failure to raise $2,000 ill money
hsour ois Iis recent'~officiali suit to "Whsat Shiall We dto withs (Str Min- p-aid ins-ishould bc payenit tack wiithi
te ea sterin lasw schsools, tse 'reater ors-i' The priscipsal speiakers wvere the accunmulated is-irt.
part of svhichi sas given to thecpi-si 'oesr A -sasiitsiiac t The action of te commiittee sill
ic sooss after liii return. is usniecessary to give a detailedt so- tIruh eot sc n sesg
The Dean earnestly recommnecd count of the rensarks msasdehi- each probably a week froimiSaturday. A$
as the dtuty of the Board, (s) to gentlemns. In a genesrat sey, the isal nmeeting of thei comsnisttee wi-ltt
ilengthsen the liae coarserI to three folloin-g brief stunmmary witlindi- be helst Saturday aftersnoosn st fit-c
years, (2) to isicrease the present cate tlheir features:
Itactulty to four residtent professors In tlse beginnis-g of one'se edutca-I Sniouimaster-. Cisita
and the necessary assistaints (-') to tiors the enits aimued at ass techsnicat Tel tuiia ~tttt-- 55msIi
enlarge the late library biltdin-g, rater thass substantial.XXWsat the sTh oeetsihirniy -is-itstirs'cdas-
sit- (4) to bringabsoust sascloser sre- s Bitlis taught is nothing; hos e isnMrhh md~s Pptnst
tattoo betwveen tey law ansI literary tauighst is everythsing. At thin it-ige, be
Itzactttiei. then, the tenasher isosost imiportant. Ireasd by' Ps-of. EI.- . cot t-Pof -
W. Kelsey and Ir'slB. i-i Xinnil-le.
No actions sas taken os-ith-e re- As thse stusdesnt beconses older and iicsin el i rittti t
pocrt other thamn askinig that the re- adveances ins-iliiwork, t-inrtbythe issmpport-tediatmn i
tort be- formsally presented to te ance of the instructor decrea sen. As b the tate. nrid-neenucntore-i
itoard. P'rofessor Hinsdale expsressed it, cetoehb uest h iha
iRegesit Eder lhroisght uhpIlse "The fiuctions of the -ood teacher Fiz esoitI l tlss- i
Fatter of the hsomeopathsic school. is to stake himuself useless.'' orisal osisial hacltithli In il. "
asod reptortedt that thse two deasns had The purpose of usndergradusate Stanley-.
agreedl it-on the usne of the anslphi- weorko as-d the Ipreviouis traissisig in to - -".--
theaters. Notting, however, sea-iforos proter habits of swork as-it to Jeffersonians Meet Toni--tt
tone. IThigihting of the "ymuna -obtain so n-ich synmpathseticisighss efroinlteaysceywl
stun-i sas gien; to -Mcssrs. ilslingesilto thse sariouis bransches of the field Jfesna icaysceyst
&'i Drue at a cost ofl $25o.It ivan of knowledge as is necessary- beforehodisualsetn ssseig
athl atmoved by iAeeent Ilarbour to dividc man can specialize intelligently. Essay, M r. tzarbaitkn oration, J.-
the library appropriation of $Sm 000 othus far, usiousbtedly-, sinossrs, to I1 Pastons;speech,'sX IC. Htmtsass:
as follosn genecral library, $si,-one the tern- freely, are necessary.
0o0; osedical, 2500; awe 5 000 1 yen in the pusruit of weork for a borps,(.N Iil ii
zlenalproospto dincussioss aft., M 1 L.tM-
shetal o;0 -nst homeopathscsnater's degree, it is generally agre-LaglnneMiOob dbse
$250, ed that tI-iy may profitably be re- ",Resolved, That the Reforns Iro-
The iluestion of the " gyn,''which tained, for here the weork does not cedure is P'referable to the Cous-
in first in every student's mind, was differ widely in spirit frons that pre- mon Law Procedure," aff., Geo.
settled with dispatch and according ceding. lint in working for the Leonard and D. P. Devault; nee.,'
to thse hope of the long suffering doctorate, a new principle enters. iF. XV. 'sarlatt and Geo. H. Kane.
student body. The-work whichs hat Here the ais is to produce, and _________
beengoig onfortheIsas motis"specialization" is the watchword.
bust hownfarnthis specialization At the Engineering society meet-
on the responsibility of 'a minority js o a hsseilzto should he carried cannot be rigidly tug Saturday evenina, in roons no,
of the Reeents was authorized by a stated. It must be suited to the at eight o'clock, C. C. NWrentnsore
vote of the Board, and the btuildinsg personality of the individual, wilt talk on "Foundationss."

Shosulsi bue sissyy o
U ofMuio- Less H. Ceirsit.
Dan55 ce sin-is GOnges-.
T issiictlzc 1tsle sie: 'Aiif Kiieit)-
l5t South Main St.
VIseste ivyo i i tit usivi 5 -t isus~t ss itassi tyli -i
sift b . ;ft N or 55M Stie(s', ii ,tis i Si i r ir te
Ii 'i's Ass Si-~oyisi, i-ss nsisfori initao-it.s
sos, 1na-lSunScssss',sssiAvis,.,
t)E-tch-t, - ICIISKAN .
I - iis 'sss- steic
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isis is' 15.OO i iii 5iss tiiiz I
ssssiiisusuiii E

Sticts andi GyausiumsSump-
j Yosusarinistedi csitoeaieu- stock suit prices.

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