-,) cuybov lwhohas boght front ns full I
its Luitles.
Calkins' Pharmacy <
s IN oiJ AN At the OIJTF~iT rTS.
lieof $300 und $4.00 HATS is the lutest Sprngy Shupes.
Ti e flittes Line of R.eck-w ear in the C.ity.
__________________________________________7 AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM.
M~iA Ittins seiis:J520 per cent. IDiouontl, and ci T
last. ( et 1 1 iI' , S
_ I1 'i'it'- I ,l . Ife ts - lee
elieshed f Ito flu
thee 8iet,-Le-ilql/?teteee
11 IfuI 18 \lee t e1)es.: 8. 1), 11811V;1)(
1 e !'e . t(he.. li tile 1("at- .1188 1
)N'TING and ,t _ 44iSotMa
Stuent Work a Specialty. U N IVI
lee cle eel Ltes81t Prices t e ty t.
Ha~~sAeite{irdressing Purlurs. yesterduy.
5' 3 ll S l~eet: ineu, llt~icurie f 1e ~e a
teh'. A r3te. Il 1 r'leei'tuee\\4., ;i t'a ' l - el Dl 5 tim
Sev eral sZ
,44 _, " .... ith year of
;>r ej dency of 11
,, " ichaull enge ha
Tale freshmn,
trSHORTHAND. SMagnificent buitding; nineoMiss Mur
lacleaendauenuce; ood discipeline; suere-
,lcvl supptlied revating oom; daitytlectures, is teachter 10
.e elu e ting eepttions; oenet enctirecyeae
54 a n' w 'lttilidie lor placing studenttsi osie- is vtsititng it-
eot18.13 pc,
tee to >.Tipere wekino riat ca ileu
P. R. CLEARY, PRuES.the engineer:
dhshof Dassise>g Groused Flour. ottessj
j~j~~J i fj -1lV had their ic
l't}Fte 8 8811ei 0 lket It-te te Tlirec. tieep Mr. Cuts-si
- fa 88 31 0 . 1ot 8i teull It-elI. esterda it
-! at r ns e itoe ~ d c ilne;utcy icttA <ciyOrators. Hi
Miss Dora
wi-o 1-scbee]
in Chicago,I
1 Miss Ada
Jeannette M,
A ing friends a
a~ few days.
VECTOR Cycles Lead. Mr. Sillir
Cs9;eSoretatug andtiexamine wheels at enjoying a
3. Staebler's Cycle Exnporinin, from the not
.1 ,1 W. WASHIINCTON ST, Ann Arbor. for the past
. y,,.
"l~ be t'ifP.
in Streei.
.Arbor, Mi
C~aldwell xwa
A fountd ai
at Suoniayi
:stdetsts hay
ext xwiiiend
umbia fresl
as been ace
an crew.
-y L. Miner,
the Detroit
ite city.
rentnsore wi.
s Saltrday
ect oflon
)all leamn i,
cture taken.
1of twventy
pbeil gave
a the coutr
s stabject w
athea Roth,
n visiting;
returned ye
a Cartwrigi
alarky bar.
at Norville
1 D)Ec 1111 8,11181. ' l'Jelit , . _ 9.^^ U. O0 M. FLAGS.
{ '8W rs I pure 8 llit f/lt.a , 815tl f81
fcll' 8c 0 ie~lat f/s 1l tllled1111/ le 1.. __d .te 1 11 .1 1~i, t118 l,' 1
Sliyh811f/l. eito .oll P71 lute eYell;M !t.etic ee1 ,-1
t ult) 01!1b )tit COtocac pi.PiNv 11 1n0lly prie meet l I oel. llI'I. A1?XOJDI Je're1, '.
ich. DEAN & COMPANY. F(ysVbuIC 5 F+ .OQIuJ+ 95
OTES. Thte Choral Cetion will eltect offi- 1 (; S. L ~ r. Arc
cers sext Tuesday evening. iTe 8 '
as in Detroit lectutre was deferredi one week. flie r,' iil etiiii ~ad
ndMs Hta oIayes, '95 lit, whto was cotmpelled i J
Ld isMatoleave last senmester or. account of Capita~l, P81.' . 8.8)1181nd11Profits i,(lol
iPo-tc. sicktsess, itas returtnedtocontplete etluconeSit a l, 1oieaeevts. lPe-Sfet.-
toe reI stere epost'les fep ent.Istel
ye reiteethe remainder of the year's work. 1I. t(EITI,1 res. F f.c uE. EECaserf
istealio erst . .Cost, J. A. Sargent and J. l e18 ,uieyc lg
-thtvnt-C. Hunloote, all members of the '9 rt
dtetet-laer class, have recently fornmedi a -ee
Eliot's pres- partnership for the practice of law, av'
at Lewiston, Mont.
Ensman crewts Dr. A. J. Rosenbeeryof Wsausauo, If Itoo Jj A T
cepted by teAvis., 'go medic, is intshie city and 'iK2'
intends remainitng for a few weekps. Til1BST
u lt 52, rhohs rthr, CRiREAT E SMO ERS BElSaTe
' ' He is accompanied by hi rte, CtAETHMKR wi r il
HihSioiS. C. Rosenbory, of iulton, Mhich. cage or heodiar rae iartts
The art gallery wilitereafter be wuilltud THIS BRAND seuertotattothers.
iil lecture to open on Fridays front a io 4 in ihe The Richmond Straight Cut No. I
y, Mtarch 24, afternoon, for the special con- C1GA'.TETIEi 5
.idations. Venience of the class in Roman see mode fruomt thergtte,itmot dicate
inetiavuor,ad ith lest ucotGOLD LEAF
ave recently Archaeology, alihough other visitors geotte telt.
T1he grottexii eadstedan le dy. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, unet obsevet
L. illbe dmite ason the da s. tttthele Itneeofthte matufatures t
players. Messrs. Blarber, Cocker, Kiefer. telewsis onetaeyepaFoate.
the oration 'letcher and Blutterfield are in at-. oet 8Gk? redcac oacoc
rse of Greet lendance at today's meeting of the t " RANC , SiitIcOVIOIIINIA
vas Sheridan. Board of Regents. FTe Board
lit special, spent yesterday in looking over the 'WE ARE IN 'IT
at her home new recitation building, te "gym" v th iltnIee Lttne of Ipoteanudte
esterday mor- and the hospitals. I)omestuc
The Freshman medical class held SRN n
it and Mliss a mteetng and the subject of a class + UMR A IC
ebeen visit- social was discussed. President
for the past' Brumenstool was authorized to ap- tIOR FASIIIONABLE 'NEAR.
point committees on class yell, col-
f, on r. flower, and arrangement corn-, G. 1 4,. Uftf l
visit from his brother mittee for the social which will be THE LEADING TAILOR,
wdrtbernapsrt of Michigan held sometime before the spring va-
fwdys. cation. No, 2 E. Washington St., NEARMAIN