TPHE U. OF M. DAILY. A 25 CENT -,) cuybov lwhohas boght front ns full I its Luitles. THI IS 1 A STANDING0 OFFER-~ Calkins' Pharmacy < 1.14 s IN oiJ AN At the OIJTF~iT rTS. lieof $300 und $4.00 HATS is the lutest Sprngy Shupes. Ti e flittes Line of R.eck-w ear in the C.ity. IMMINER OQEBl & ~ QI 1 NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET __________________________________________7 AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. M~iA Ittins seiis:J520 per cent. IDiouontl, and ci T last. ( et 1 1 iI' , S _ I1 'i'it'- I ,l . Ife ts - lee elieshed f Ito flu thee 8iet,-Le-ilql/?teteee 11 IfuI 18 \lee t e1)es.: 8. 1), 11811V;1)( 1 e !'e . t(he.. li tile 1("at- .1188 1 E ANN ARBOR APGUS __ )N'TING and ,t _ 44iSotMa PUBLISHING 1 Ann ---=OTTS-ZSJ.- Stuent Work a Specialty. U N IVI lee cle eel Ltes81t Prices t e ty t. Ha~~sAeite{irdressing Purlurs. yesterduy. 5' 3 ll S l~eet: ineu, llt~icurie f 1e ~e a teh'. A r3te. Il 1 r'leei'tuee\\4., ;i t'a ' l - el Dl 5 tim Sev eral sZ ,44 _, " .... ith year of ;>r ej dency of 11 ,, " ichaull enge ha Tale freshmn, 5 ? '8EADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS trSHORTHAND. SMagnificent buitding; nineoMiss Mur lacleaendauenuce; ood discipeline; suere- ,lcvl supptlied revating oom; daitytlectures, is teachter 10 .e elu e ting eepttions; oenet enctirecyeae 54 a n' w 'lttilidie lor placing studenttsi osie- is vtsititng it- eot18.13 pc, tee to >.Tipere wekino riat ca ileu P. R. CLEARY, PRuES.the engineer: dhshof Dassise>g Groused Flour. ottessj MAYNARD :STREET. 'gZ) footbE j~j~~J i fj -1lV had their ic l't}Fte 8 8811ei 0 lket It-te te Tlirec. tieep Mr. Cuts-si - fa 88 31 0 . 1ot 8i teull It-elI. esterda it -! at r ns e itoe ~ d c ilne;utcy icttA