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March 21, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-21

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Voi,. IV.-No. 124.
The Total Enrollment of th
Deoartments Class,
to Date.
Thle following classificati
dents of alld tepartmlenl
University will be nlateria
as the forth-coming vale
lhe summary l 515is sfolio
.\N ) TIll. IIIS
'1 loleti of the ilush''J(
Clas51sial. 'llwship..
i-esidenlt Gradnates...
I Snlidtes for 11ai) Neval
IDereI Eroled 10 (1
GrIadunates Studying in
Canldidlates for a degree.
Students not Candidates
a Degree...........
Total ..............
lveI'RTNIFvN'v()V SEItle
Resident Gradnates..
-lortis Year Studensts ..
'hirvi sear Students ...
Sevondt Year Stuldents...
Cyrst fear Studlents..
Total ..............
I>.I sl'1'1IIN\'1' II I.'
Resildent Gradluates..
Seniors ..........
juniors ................
Special Students...
Students enrolled in the
partnment (If Literal
Science, andl the Arts,
Total ..............

e Various
loll of stu5-
ts of tile
1l the sanme1
near twill



Ii Ic

) (Iws t: l
n'2 11,.
71)1 llt
thel oo
33 1110
lie f4 7 'jtha
60 " N1)

Total in all departments, 2688S PROPOSED SCHOLARSHIP. EVERY U. OF M. STUDENT
Deduct for names counted Sol u oyo
moethan once... . 29 An Effort is Being Made to Estab- 'l~l 15.1110
moelish a Senior Scholar- I 'hi o
Net total .............. 26589
eseral students Ihave registered Thte senior literar* conmmittee ap- t scbyLwH. cleent
ec thse above table was com- pointed to make arrangements fora a nc Rs ene
ted. class scholarship will meet nt 8I Tue (5(1/0' Ic Ttt sla 5(1115 " ITi-,
Seon -Cuse -nR I o'clock this evening, at z0 N. Divi- Cr112. DOil es/v 1c) 1(//er i1/ll.
sionl street. The comlmittee orig- A . 0t"0?3aI
vrol. Scott is conducting the inally a ppointed by Presidlent Lyons IsuhMi t
k 01n Rhetoric, course 2, withsout consisted of M.'essvs. Halaplian,
alid of any text book. N small Spaldinsg antd Harmon. This cons-'
I ts contribu~tedl by esach lmem(ber omittee thsrought its chlairmlans repsort- I,
:e class for tile purtchase of a edl a plans at tile meetinlg of the class
tiber oIf good lworks tollthe' su~b-015nNlarch 10. After51s0me1discus-
of comapositions, andtin 1this waly5101n it was decided to increase thle
1011 library is furnshed 11ntile comm~nittee tIo sevens Imemlbers, whlo
as whlere thse work is carried on wvere to reiport at sonic fulture mseet-
ellich tlte studenstnsay refer at tig If thse class. Tile othser foutr
tlaslIds mnbr ies a pitd seewhtt'1v 555 tIlltlt' stelMe l el oliasn ks
timse. By this pa151 tuensmebe.15n ppite 0r1o/ ,U o-$Shoes 5101alte:o t I a pair "el-
svierlge is not confined toIone 'Messrs. Ladd and Seeley, Miss il( 5Alt i\ is ((1515 T~ inrt eedCatalogesus
soy, butt different books a1re con- Buck and Miss Textor. This coom-
ed, and a large amtoutnt of coala-mittee met last Saturday, but took
it reading is requ~iredl '15orlder no definite action. Hoswever, it is t101,1I3--In5 vlsllstll1Ace.,
t a thsoroughl nncerstalsrbn- ofIprobabsle that at this evening's nmeet- D1"TRyOIT. ' - XBtCILIGA'.
su~bject nsay be ohtind. gn steps will be taken looking to NiIICs (N 5ev ForIhrts i l at
-- ";--- he establishment of a class sclholar-
Baseball Practice, ship, which if carried out wrill be a
'ite following was tlhe linte-tup of nesw depsartusre in the l1. of :NI. j
twvo teams for thle practice ganse UNIVERSITY NOTES.
Varsity -- catchler, i' . n, Webster Society' meets tolI~gltt. Nl.Isct1.li-.Iee IeoROn,
hers, ilondtIand Crawefosrdl; Ist, jury trial int tte practce coturt feia -soltctd. (~lvd5011let
crison; 211, Wentwortih; 3d, today. I FRESH ASSORTMENT
tnsbers; short, Russell; left field, Jeffersonian Society mleets tonmor- _coF-
termsan; center, Shields; right, row eeningi1 Vk. 1yy0+
Ilister. A petition is being circulated by =S4.Q4OQ,AC
crub- catcher, Drumhteller; thle Senminary studellts asking for II 51 0011111T-
chers, Carter and IHart; iI better chairs. rTL t.,Lu-,'s, - 48 S. Stale St.
chell; 2d, Mtakiver; Ad Deans; Ak case of German books fronlTHE "WAERY WHE
rt, Pepple; left hield, Chicker- Leipsic have arrived in Nesw YorkAERY WH L
;center, Condon; right, tFrenchs. and will be added to the library in a sv eh.1 .2s pounds-1w11ilhllvinr0G.&T.I
"+-few days. tires-oe8500 slIt1e1s110atilfth
HarvardSpr~ngGames. On accounlt of a rehsearsal of lbthe c
he ganses comsmittee of te Har. Easter nmtsic Wednesday evening, BROWTN'S DRUG STORE.
d A. A. has decided upon M\'on. the Practice Club can not meet 1083in. au
rApril 23, as the date for the Harris hall.[U 'WR (T
er-class ganses for the W eld cup, Iron railings htave been placed on 138W 1 361x 11M WIA
last y'ear by '94.Tlte 'rarsity the campus at different places to __
atclh games will be held on Sat- obviate the practice of unnecessary BASE BALL GOODS
ay, April 28th. This is earlier paths being made across the lawno.
.n usual, but the nmen are expec- A synopsis of the lecture recently'
Sisto get on the track the first of delivered before the Hobert Guild Stit t Gynasi~ilasStsp-
It week. On Saturday, May 5, by Rev. R. A. Holland, D. D., ap- flIies.
invitation handicap meeting will peared in the N. Y. Churchman for
held. March s'7th, prepared by Rev. F. you ace cinied tlanIIn stock 111dpriees.
The University Glee Club will Princeton and the University of
et this evening for practice. On Pennsylvania will not meet in base-.A H I
t Monday evening the club will ball this season, owing to the refusaleacocrinYsltiudrfth Pictnmngmnto NFRST B0 SO E
auspices of the Episcopal agree tn Pennsylvania's densand for
irch. three games.

C; V.

Resident Gradluate ......
secon~d Near Students..........2
First Near Students...........30
Total ....................60
,IO'I 11101110 SlC EWldAI diLLEEd.
'ourth Year Students........so0
Third 'Year Students...........3
Second Year Students........8b
First X'ear Student.............6
Total ....................27
Seniors............ 66
Juniors ......................52
Fireshm en ....................67
Total... ................185


F .

o.. M.a rI O L Z.1r.LY1l ti1.1V A"MUN.

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