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March 20, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-20

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_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY.

patlishe~d Daly t(Suaysaexcepted) daaeiao
tsit Calete St ar, by
skubscription price &1..50t per year, intariattty
io advaatae ingle copies 3tct. haboceip-
Moat may be left at the otaice at the Itiity
st Stoftietes, withbany ot the editrs ra t'
authorized slictoar.S
Cotmmuaicatiaaa ehatuld reach the daree by
attaclck P.-. if they are to appeae the aext
ltay. Addressalat matter intended tee pablica-
toe to the Manageg Editotr. All bttstteea
communications ahoultt ts sent to the Boai-
nss Manager.j
Ann Arbor.,Sticht.
C .. A .llct-:ttn, Jlatet, Matnatgitng Edtr
1. A. ht'ts.tst no, t. 'tat, A'stistaat.
J. L tct ,tLit. '95, Asetittt.
tP .tt ,ccatiss'li, At-ita

relation of the two medicat schools,
which is not a new tqueation bty any
means, wicometre before the regaents }
once niore. As representatives of
he people, the regents should do
ill in their psower to further the in-
erests of the University, atid we do
tot doublt bit what the resttlts of
onmorrowa's maeetitng wilt be entirety
Ptrof. Mteclaenm, of the lacy depart-
scent, has been calledi out of townj
by thse deatla of ihis grandmother.
'The library htas received a coot-
tlete set of the Vietnna Acadhemy,
one of the mtostvalttabile sets of
itooks dteroted to science.


111 .1. k1 K ^f
A' v1 7 1. P L Ic ^ye
RVAsED M Rr;nslm
c Ame- xo,
1CIUL s 9s
A DER8 °° ~BEaasgs
; al

, _ t

.rt. A. llitta is., 9'N, Busitt'eseaaero MU o
Ht. Bt. titammt 9t t .Atia. 9i. ff DWAL fffEJ' PATAPD.FORa
it.IIE. t.lt', 'lilt. lO '9s.
f\. ' tssT I ,'e l H ).t.ilcn__ts.__
sto -is'htlE ai 91 lpsi. t I)PTH5 550
ltcailia~p-.. t.Jt'ai(,ia, Those who intond purchasing' this
Horsford's Acid Phosphate '5tO s°t
of 'tlleyostItit'0511ati' t oitit' 1 hellote Bovead ll ' -'set of Books must do so within two
arta s~n!C(tay tr tTtsttt' ttut :~t3t~{Sia I s lt it te tv t'(- a a
'littactittdflitsc ttvits'tsossttst Itt 't ty % t ble 'I in 11existernce 5O. .. 50cti wekas t-e, ffer willbewt
ssis-an rstt'stda. fsdo tttt Scockts1). io. Fwees, [nO3Lrbe w0n
.tay-stlttnistt'. ro tss bp.ls'nt. v i rvetnginiesinad Is- 2 2s
prevntin indgesion,510( Icdrawn at the end of that time.
<-,0 lieving those diseases arihinse1 at z00
----_fron .t a disordered stomach.
ON i a reqsiet that wiii be maude of o go
the regents tonmorrowv se avoutld es- 1 Dr. 'W. VW. Gardner, Springhield, ! s s
pecially emnphasizeenamiely' the scat- Mas,., says: "Istaue is as etc excellet
ier of granting the stse of the WXater-tscreotnatirr af Indigestiott, utnd a pleasutanate lto p dte Wthestentare otacomthetiete essutcameoTsetheatinettirto tatiteu
tian gyliiiassitiiicfor an indoor meet. uaicusstedirsinssk waietnirsoery siltedieath Ahrahatta itscela, ts'eiumarteesideat, stiesn aboust to ineie tistsdshome aftler e ha'dist tlained
We sewo te ait t ater,atdsweetsncted.cshl''s hnr htI retnto ol bso pnhm coe nades ihteewrs
esen t o e vld olijection to'Neigthorsginae ststrsoys a chsattce. 'rttesenar the tats of actistoilan eastimtt-a ittts,
te tier o1 the gyiminasitittifor this tttntally atns phtysically te ittest.
athers ,ssuaiftysouo y stfr the ttle ltrtheeyimust swage' inthet 'wortldt's great arena, ttlititt' it
putrliose. 1H ereafter intdoor mee ii-s'titt ptisstSc ts i atti ''t ito ot tie catinthesprofessionestelotr i i e eeitssinoabltite ofhaiti satt'iti atitihont t oilv
tttotuth ttx st it lae initiie atilirti-e,,lith aismuisttottswhtin attcth te ,.ali" tlss +>t tar
sill blieil there, andth Sits tppor- Rumfard OChemical Warks, Providence, R. I,. cairs wtill tbae'iimpty byha arsid earniltheill b otl stiltgat inigdaeloteai thehaorldtwith til(-11yile
Stitaty Si tiltSitegn ntss',iitit it nsce w'~j jitt toftrau litcalaois iandilittitations. ineritrtttalto asir tthtini."
nolstitbeteilcet le For Sale by all Druggists nisitor ftim achiev"aiiis eayirsI, t aaorauatiihs eare ot'catted up ticedmwtit
oibjectioni thtStegym i u nttlBtitt, ____________________________ tatno slaslegercouisne cania vel. It ie aiednatio-nitain 11c itsef. Itotsonlyia atrsfte-mio 'i,e - t tii
aa t he banit,' tit iistlt stiltltie presenatedlyosuwithstine art iiibooaks, sitl u rchiseit. \oNIana
In notie Unihearti rib cay'be 1iiiul cd I ,P cv. G lctsottitdvlo'isii- titroer af ally tetlibrary.s Not- mtnosudtots' itatiettearstie. iOaa cia-a aresIt lay, ''si. littlea ityitti~ ,it
}tiRoest a natlil ssitionandFloetrsi t l at Iri- ,oaeaims ,,adtont a v aa treaseusnthatswilllproea btlih aipleauan d a lating benefit.
is tiot wothrii much noic . n s -sty. ioraltdsisa itde itptn shrittnoitici'.!
Nit. lservictattirynteert,oits. cmtery ete. READ OUR REMARKABLE PROPOSITION:
tiuicha anste grailiniaiu cain iited
tiv jitsio B t case1.[tooniereceipti it iNC IOLLARwill ftatorwead to yeus, chattesretpstlaid, thsreatire act o -0 olo1
Sortir Jnirho s eIl n o - Ithe rertainiitsr 5 ii tieipaiddatte ratet it10 CaETSA to tabermitted inottity-. .b"ruitiu i si's
ible reasnoSia-nticiptatt.h the1 " sal~iDT~ irii sak rtli a net a-ittheibeoks, itn whichl the dimea may haesdpsited eachtil-ti.'thile edition i3
TH COLIitr~z~J.UMI A)11 inted fInw ara-gtertypein taltne qtuaity at tapir, and istratngly hbound t -it ea itailapaer
holders of lice inidsoor mtitwciiilibe aacowie, thichtuith sroe cane willlat f etiars.-tale hr in esintithtat the entire 20 vtholucsar deliread
lii - s~ i ~ ll titt a uraddrci'estithtall cltar. a i ta ny a rt of itheeUhalted Statrs.
tefulsed its use, Standa dBicycle 1 thi. stalspetcishaltfertitase italy io te rcae-s oitt 'Iti'(SI t . 11 a I.t a iillr*
''iris:Meetinig of the boardIofire- o h Xol, - (atliis(ht S tdfosslannglr'FirTHEi,()its I LYst.
aents tomorrow, lies been lookesi irtttchli, hiti sandsiltrotng,thit
forward to with considerable inter- prtaut fthe o Ile st icynlesi es- -
tnt.SevrSeveral os o ineretstions ofdcily interestt(,ro01c :Y(#)f'ts A iiiP ,r pi ftv stilty et'-lif
ta itspitieeat tlt-h asi, A li ii )11 n t -I 'l titia ltit -ats titi ils
to all will iprobably ice consideresd, well utthtet'time' sr alteis Ilitaja i ca s( m)c isits id, tacyt ilisettil ytth or iiltit St aittdlislietrt' cliait-i
among wnhich the completion of the etataaettatt-i's iiiiiltttttt.IIitjit 1tt.
tits makes. oriid'tel tatiiattit
the greatest conccern to the largest crud n t toid e tilemiahis-toi'tit.............
number of studenta. there hae been f all shorst si the futlstenj'tti-
no meetinig since the special commit- Ieteoa a tole sorit. 1 ft---------------------------..............
tee returned front their tourofi-al P p .C .c of n- -------..------------------------------------------------------------..
law schools. It is to be hoped that Boston, New York, S/ht'
some definite action will be taken at Chicago, Hartford.
the meeting tomorrow, concerning PALACE + BARBER + SHOP w CATARRH HAV yYU OTI~T?
the gym so that the students 'may .A beatifustiitltstret'a'lottttt tasall f so.TRY m DIINEa.
tret.at teaaatt ~ Ai ahBsas . . O E, tt 'Yeo will anerre rtet it eat tbrmail to atty
know cwhat to expect. it. has been mailadItor two teattlutit tatta NO. 4 iiast Huron St. OpposnteeC'strt tadidres-. Pric'e, OttDollar. JOHIN I'. H0tisj
rumored that the gquestion of the Howse. Hot C'tld -ad n-a Saidt ah- or- 125 Clark St.,tCicaga, Illinolis. Senti fat sitj

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