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March 20, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-20

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VOL. IV.--NO..l'fil.
Baseba.ll Prospects at Harvard,{
Yale, Princeton, and Other
Universities. I
As oar baseball team will this sear
,ay the leading college teams of
ste East, it niay cot be out of placej
to consider the pcesent condition of
bsasebail affairs at sonie of these in-
,1t I-larvartd, Irospiects are lin.t the
Driglttest, as mtost oftheineamerl u
for thse teanm is new indl untried.i.
Cook alndi Wi "iialone ot laityear'
tent are left, its the new f our- sear
iitation has barredi out ire lass
weer tien. In the boxt\Hlarvrdrihlis,
lesiles (alit. Wiggin, 1. Iligieands,
last year substitute, end fibur other
hrorisiitg candidlates. 'There are sets
etatdidates for the infield, ill sew
Isetseccplt Cook at third. I tar-
trd is short tif gosodt iseti for te
Vale's chiatnces are mtuich better.
Site toses bet four of last yeat's
teatm, otne of thtenm beiug shtortstopi
-iMurpihy. Itsthe (iox, Patelies
Carter, nowsv witthout a riral amntg
college pitchsers. Greenswey, lest
year's catchier, will prbably catcih
tins. Canditdates for the infieldl
are nsumerous, lint the posi-
tions still probsably go ts tihe liss
seer's teen. Capt. Case takes left
field andtihie two remning puosi-
tions iltltbe warmlyiccontesterd.
Clarkson lintseen coaching the
teatm, whiich is niw looked uipon as
the swinner of the eastern champion-
l'rinceton has nearly all tier old
men, although she suffers a heavy'
loss in Drake, tier strong pitcher.
Catcher Trenchard and the last
year's infield includling Phil Tiung,
are left. In thte outfield, one neiw
mats tiust be found, Capt. Mc en-
eie and Payne taking the other two
places. With a good pitcher se-
cured, Princeton will put uip a
strong game.
,Pennsylvania had fifty-six candi-
dates, eight of then, on last year's
team. With Reese in the box,
Pennsylvania will be strong, al-
though Bayne will be tmoth missed,
but behind the bat it will not be so
:strong. Capt. Hllister will take
.third, and the other infield places
are well contested by both old and
new men. With at least five good
amen to choose from, Pennsylvania's



outfield will be strong,.tHer team THE STATUS OF WOMAN. (EVERY U. OF M. STUDENT
has been well trained, got outdoor Prof. Knowlton Discussed Some Shouditit y a i-tin'of
I tpractice very' early, ansd should be Phases of our Marriage and Di- 3 u IEI
s vorce Laws at Inland League., ! il AaI
in it with the best of thsem tilt year. AtCrel rsetsaentte lU. s
AtCrelposscs r otte Prof. J.C. Knowlton spoke tie- Stu,-i- LIewti . i- t
hest. :M'any' of last year's mten are fore a goodly audience, at the In- I nure bw ts-s GOrasa-er.
gone, aogte ret h rc land League last nighit, on "'Soite T/ti prettiies(iie itzsi'i "Aa ' fIkied,-
1itciter. At shuort, Yonig, anti at Peculiar Plhases of Marriage and eti ur".' Os ih uettttsfrc i tt-b.
center, Towle, are tare. htetind Divorce haun.'
sithe lies andI in te liox gooid tate- The tposition of women legally I
netl is scarce, alttoui i~httccrCubbti eeal tirttesoth tin-5Z SouthsMain St.
trill probablty derelopi a gooid deat retically, she is inferior to mtan, bitt
iprigst eios iti nlst actically, site is lilt legal superior.h
outifieldi iositionis are nut cosveret is There tsave linen greet cihanges in
iin last srear's teann. the law withsin the last century'.
lirtitiasriset tes' iiii ittS Under the conmttotsntisw, atwuman's
pects. In the bitx andsbhindiii the propierty becomes at maerriagetier
hs~t sie trll ie srotg, cit husbandrs, inow she retains it; thue
is as uvet atsniuknositiuant tity. Btthutsbatnd had thin right of chsasising
twro of last y ear's iine are left for fie triflenothIlis ivoultdhbe contid- We 0L WnuuttrllAiu-~u~i -rti iitii Ci ty-
this year, Capt. Stecrec it short, red goodh ground for tdivorce. All iiutiuiAiiiiArbio-niiries sentit iir iaisit>uesto
andi caetcher 'Peinney. IThicir are tensof the restrictionts whiichi the lawv
ranidahtes for the in field andcsci uarsitin vmaeanvteno r
miie for thin outfield. vantages. She cannot msake cit- 11 eia riiwtitnr.
Yale's Winter Meeig. tacts and hsence cannosthbe arrested Oh fit1OiTI, - - MICHIIGAN.
Thenre uere 169 constansts in or pebit. Shseis excused froni very- tENtOSGirt s H 5mm 'iiiitsueu ati
in a'srs hianidicaip imeeting, 'sarch grate crinmes, on the ground thuat
1.Hitckok broke hits iwritcolhege any deed conmmtittedh in thin iresence
recrd tfi41 t i shrtspit iioafut het husband mayrit be lint free
i edof 1 ft.o i shIoli ciut but ec act. If a wife shoitdhituse thine
tubrout'' on thin husbandi, n matter
witnners were:
t 0yaisral '-S t n-how severely, thin lawncoulin nIo Nit. 6lir t eit -., ui. Setore fe rus -eit mii
itnibie (6 it sec. ivay protect him. 'There is no such tia olcted ri.ni citt i icr
Shot pet--X' I0.Hickok.,'sale, thing as a right Io vote,its a pvi FRESH ASSORTMENT
actual hit 42ft.t i. lege given by society'. W'ornan suf--O_
Mile ten -unter, New hat-en, frage is, therefore, only a qutestion Lot zY
A.A.(15y-ds~, nun 44~-y ec.of whether it would be profitable to
'Ml ak F unel aeexchange Ithis lresenst condition of _a QHORECE OLDAT-
(scratch), 7 min.fl sec. "adult babies" for one of harsh TUTTLE 'S, - 48 S. state St.
finn yards run-H. L,. I~adnhiu, eq~uality.
WorestrA. ., mn. 3 sc. The Professor severely criticised THE ifWUAVERLY" WHEEL
' oyrsiuileP innetie present conflicting jumble of v i I tI-iitireet.&..
S Vale, 64-~ sec.marriage anti divorce hams in the tire,-itr $85.00 5 is tessltn'
1Running high jump1- I". 11. United States, anti cloned wills an linn iseet itt ttawitndoio
Thomlpsons, hale, actutatlhjup, appeal for a study us colleges of BREOWN1'S DRUGS'TORE.
ft. 9 in. the rudiments of the lain of dlomes-
Pole vault-(t. N. Alln, hale, tic relations.
jactual vault, 9 ft. 9 in. .. U.oP.TakAheis
1 iglstweigfl, nresthun- - I. Se,_ U.oP.TakAheis

Y hale.
Welerwneight wres ting - Jones,
Middleweight wrestling -J. D.
Mchell, Yale.
Delegates from the various young
peoples' societies and oilier temper-
ance organizations met last evening
rat McMillan hail to organize a tem-
perance association and draw up a
cconstitution. This business meeting
was the result of the mass meeting
held at Newberry Ral, Sunday,
iMarch 1Iz.

'The track conmmitte at the U. of
P. has instituted a series of handi-
cap games, and winners of the great-
tst number of points in tie series
will receive gold medals, emblem.
atic of the championship of the
university in each event. The first
games of the series will be held
March 3nnt and will include the
runs from iou yards to one mile,
running high and broad jumps, high
and low hurdles, pole vault, mile
walk, two mile bicycle, shot put and
hammer throw.

Suits and Gymnasium Sup-
You tire sil nriteeamine ntoek and prIces.

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