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March 17, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-17

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c f" ?*(. m To be a successful orator one mnst
S have a strong character.
--- Earnestness is one of the neces-,
Puttered Dairy mmucav excepted) duing sary qualifications, hot some do not
snetetilege year, 5y
THIE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION understand the meaning of earnest-
_________________________ ness. Earnestness is a ctear concep-3
- tion of what you are trying to do
TM Ru ULMIpMUo and the pttssesson of a great desire
- to do it. Perfection in oratory is
THE first practice game ofth the cerfection of talkigtpel.
season occurs totlay and it is a mat- Elosquencse is the joint product of
ter of encouiragemenst that the out- orator ansI audience. To acquire
of-door practice begins this year the attention of an audience, the
twvo weeks earlier than last. subject msust he suited to the audi-
THE oratorical contest is overan ence, the manner of address must he
all are pleased with the result. We simple and direct, the eye nmust he
fixed on the audience, while the
are satisfied that interest in oratory fgrso pehms esrkn
comsthe onte. s ithcrea conteiu-wSelf-control is all important. 'The
come th conestwit ourconem-greatest winning feature of an ora-
no ies ie intercollegiiate con- lrtineis theclrima.

IV ",I
t P u
s u
b Mniryr


.est and our representative wiii At the Conclusion of his address, Qn
tand a good chance to win. Our Prof. Fulton gave some selections REGISTER,
nwrn ncneeti i n hnshich were highly entertaining. PAT,APD.FsR i
le meets Ihis oipponents we believe Good Indoor Meet at U. of 1.
he will hang the college colors of -- ashsewo ned uchsngti
tio lO bv ss The University of Illinois at its , o so Tos h nedpucaigti
he U.ofN.fraoehsop I ann ual indoor imeet last week had
nenin. an attendance of eight hundred. 4s 450 set of Books must do so within two
The imost notabsle events of the n 40 5
AMoNG itls -must important inter- varied program were: s 35 0as weeks, as tie of er -\kill he with-
ces centering aroudint a great ui- Running high juimp, won hy A. 30 -s0n
versity like our own, is athletics. Clark, ai ft. g in. as25 250 drawn at the end of that time.
As is well known, our hasehall team 1o yards dash, won by Root in 20
arags1frtotrp hs Jer -J Sec. 4w ________________________
has 2ragdfrtotrp0hsya, z yards dash, won by Root in 15 5t0
and in order to make these tripls 2 4-5 sec. 100to
successful financially, considerable Half-mile walk, wvon by Evans in 5 0s
money must be raised in advance. 3 m.5 sc
For thspupseteGlean ano 4 yards hurdle, won by Weed-
ortisusseteGe ndBno an in 52-5r Sec. CharlesrDunney werner otcersaid ShetSitese.cisdicvewohenrse innenive geniust n nId enabhh;
clubs give a concert in University otope¢eiceyarrodiosnddashct scepwoncdeeby. Bhnaiusemsteinn
40llyarslst.slash, won yht Sin-Abrham nincon eSire styredpresident, wehenebotto Seanve his eeidoSeterethaSn)attainetd
baltngs.W r ueta t-5sec. the higethnris ethat a geat natiion coulhibestowupn netcseed en aetirthtSthete cords:
dents will appreciate the circesm- Several warnily contested spar- we moralcoae and htrtanpoe talkccaysThereineetheen efeeie srvivalorteen whtotdaye
asgieterring events wrealso onthe pro- menetaiiyoandphtysidcalYlyytittet.
,Stncs a d ive th co cet tei Ftersec, quality5 ou yn foretete lhetitle theytemestege inth iee olds great arentwsether tteir
mutlbrlgepot rams. lot he cersOt t e roesionoin Cte n ste honorablsete tfiedo atisansipiiaed hieststoil. ]favored
1il~t ibeal 111porSItogh theyjtl aeiinth e famnilycircle, te d(la teeusttle wtrit i eor ble lawie fsfeteee ir
__________ elchairs ewit)lObe emptty bytyouees irnide nteiy till)behouee tstygnlin alinse inte ewerld ewiitont eii
'IAasettles1 over tie crresjtondeents vice tcyoent ctier.ctt iets thtiet citfte etri tt t scllbo the est schee otaesudctspilation ositistt y, tet
were attenmpting tee get thee ve5171his 1ta tsoctstte crtelttcan give. Ittis aneuttniitselfttcsts ocnyte-onetttttttllttetss
stepa ie in tshernktic wittt ll tt pceselttt youtst te lnnttlsett oof itluchase it. itsn
tesy otheStlibrta.y. I ote 5 on~lI ct ette r i ls se. Ode cr esysteda, este littlnedeprivan s teatsil
of the soratorical cosntest ho s)t tisae a tdimtte, atdtytle t etarsire slat teilkt eeo th a15plets esstritghnd
oi town papers. lirst, wyit> isn _ READ OUR REMARKABLE PROPOSITION.
tiversity hath, thue tights were
turned out while they acre prepuar- Horsford s Acid Phosphate te ent-tijst$9t e d tthrto tilostc rsA So tots btre r pottoe, Sithly).dAtr eutiful dutese-
syeiean illhetstet t 11 cte okcsten -victeltdimesy eestedeachtsda.AThieitin isr.
inshi e ot. T ereatest din Cettein te teell 55-ow, clttutyp et 5 fietcualityiottpe r ndettss stnlontetteed ey T sd~oi
Is tl e Inostet ~tlveand c ttsiscoettstchswth pe st ill asttt ears. vtieattrOnsmid othhe enyhtti2nolsce reteltaivered
comfort ivan metivhsessthue telegraph t Sr tile s thrs55 l eagespaid teteny pert coftshe nited Stetes.
ottice vas found to be closed for the able remtedy in existence for ntis ista special offer made eoly us thu edesouectf 'rue d Ttt I Dtel.sits andsilre
night. After omuch Ihustling around ad maines sotenfrs ica limited tinee snlp
peveting inigesion an re- catt~isOutawtSeiid do S. W. Cu~i tis,
thue telegrams were sent out, only peetigsogesd. i' ot lt utar iiieeo 'Menageer -Tree . OFt 1 OsIie.
after ye correspondents were tired lieving those diseases atising
from the work of the evening, fo adireedsmchI
b ' f o tai o d rdt c._ _ _ J l t t e l i v ritc c Is i ts ti c de i is t t t ( f 0 ttttt e s o } * e t so t 1 ff Ie s c l s fe s i ts
Arn InstructtiveLecture. D.X.X.(4adeSpringfield, hJicts st~ic, toaslbose tlcpcribtsh, sgrlles s seh oul jtsri itte.itciitf it/ st, fIoe evissel
Yeteda vein helavletueMass., seys: "I value ft as as nxellent tti eicllslsOnj stlli)rt ct(o uid urther ihil istllrcmi 1 sl 1,dy(cih te
preventsative of indeigestion, and a peasantsi M otlll oi h cchiy$,0isfdypld
room wan comfortably filled with aciduloated dinkstwhetspre~lhy dileted witee...............
students so hear Prof. R. I. Fulton, wtr n weee.
the ditinguished professor of Elo- wacn sisoerr.ftot-otgitt............................. .
dresnctattwase (ssssf re i aplctinto...............................
versity. Prof. Fulton gave an ad- OsrptcpeettSte s plcdosO
highy aprecitedRumfordChermicaiWorks, ProvtdenresRI.Ssf. . .
dress tht was hghly appeciated Bewease of sbstittesanad lmittetions. Sae ...............
bytoepeet 4 -He outlined the principal telling For Sale by all 00ggst PLACE~ BARBER SHOP CATARR H I o TRY mvy OTDIC?~E
points in a speaders address. One r.L v~I i, ti sr ie.Tyi5f db onicd
Al1SW. tJOOOIEW. OFlritS. GrnwerofAsnd Bath Itoosos. W.1H. OW ENT, oI s, o inee erettySand beysmaireoean
who aspires to oratory should culti- JRes, Carneations and Flowers of al varit-o 4Ee.Hrn t.Opni adorS tdrers.Price. Oner Doliar. JOHNP.t Oh
nate his imaginationtandosensibilitit .1 bs bervatovy stiet. nop.neetery gate. iHousse. HofCldiatnd Sea Salt Baths. Per- t'S Claerk St, dChicagoIlinoi~s. Ssnd Cor in i;
ceantube, ouster..

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