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March 14, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-14

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_____________THE LI. OF M. DAILY.


May 2. Williams at Cambridr
Published Daily (Sanclaya excepted) during May j. Princeton at Prinrets
itiv Colect year, by
THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION May 7. U.. of P. at Philadeiph
May so. Brown at Canibridi
Sabscriptona priea6:,.501 per year, invariably iMlay 1 6. 'Trinity at Carssbrid
int advance Single copiea 3 cents. Sabterin- R 9 :rona rvdn
tis may be left at she ofisce oftshe DAIL, My .BrvnaPoidn
at htsffiet'a, twith asy at the editors sr May 2,;. U. of N1. at Cambrid1
authorizetd solicitos. lyi.Pnctn a Cl
Cosmmunicatosn should reach te otibce by Ma .ltittt at C
7 o'clockhr. . if they are to appear tbe neat bridge.
tiny. Address alt matter intended tor pablien- Jute 2. Gecorgetowvn at Cai
cion to the Managing Editor. All businessb
cnmmutnicationn saioud be sna t tthe Btsi- bridge.
nessat nacer. June S. University of Vernmc
Ann Arhor, Mich. at Catmbrisdge.
Juone 9. lBrown at .trovidence.
EDITORS.Jue2. alatCmrd .
C. A. DItNitis, Latwr'04, Managing Edttoe. Juea.YlatCmrd.
II. A. StAtItttnG, Ft. '94, Assistanttt. June 26t. NVale at New Haven.
.. L..LomJ.ttt, Lii. '9,5, Atistat."Jnjo VaktNeYr.
10. w~r~June 30. \f'al0atANew York.


sa051 a an ~n ~ ~ tINt
ttc5,~P1DI g e ot56550 Ft"CL5
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(r O, v

is. A. Itititas.t..'tis, nusiness Mattager.
It. I. H. AW'.
H. 51. tittooot . f t.T'4 Hll

7 _;_:,-~

cI ase of tie.-'The Crimusotn.
Will Lecture on Oratory.

F I t. i,'t, H. i itt-sittttt6ttO lrof. h-obt. I. 1-tlton, ao associate
itrrie - I iitttttt' (Il:1EOA Tttt- of Prot. Truebltod will lectureunh-
---C l =n bpei . t C . G calns '
._ a dr the auspices of te(Oratorical
of the dy ttof atttc~.aii.t.ittt ( tassociatiot idtay night. IlIt has
Stb~tt't, - ttttt'.it 5ttt Htrs i gained for himtself an enviablc rtlpu-
Na tit E itttttmay itt ioutnti;I t tt Dit yote~t eflown hn-+ ody tt t e tatiot asan te aclier atidl sriter Ott
tly in tFti tdaom, tttttttlt itt tttt.Iw. i I t letitiooI. 'li/shi i li e a rare treat
to all swho are interented in thne study
-N of oratory.lHe lass not announced
___________________ the subject of tin lecture but it nvill
,\i. A. Mo(iti. has been electedil on sonic nubjectcneedwh
businens manager of 'TicIi , i clv for oratorical study. Tbe lecture will
tbe unexpiredl terni .1 be given in tie lawv lecture roont,

55 50 Those who intend p-ir hasino' this /0 . -0
a5 set of Books must do so within two
an y ss35 weeks, as the toer ,w-It howith-
25= o5 drawn at the end of' tint time.

-i'rictay atternoon at Otilotc. CharlensaDttdlty Wuaetonce taiadte timeacwould coetiwealen soetiininvetitivegenits iwonld enabie
Pati ssy night occus the final ora- -+ ..--- ants putsa dimte in the stndai take out a compjlet eduation. Tlii ins tseivetion.
torica contest to select a relireseta- 'he 'V'arsity crcev and three fresh- i Abteahatotintolin, the nartceed pteeident, itn btsout to leute bit otut tamt after be bail attained
tbhbihihethontorsthlatuagreaut nationoulaetown hot im. ntcltdaadidesit teewordt:
lative to th ibe orthwestern Ors'tori nien cretvs wenat on the avater for the "Neighboarngiveeyourtboyt unbhance. 'T'hese arc the tart of artiontandailenring competition, dare
wnhennmoraloiragent riinpiowe~r tal, duitstibereintihiterran be conlyasuervial ottbemtnwho are
cal contest so be held at Stlatlisot, irsi/t time at Cortiell, Saturilay. ussutliy und pbysicaiiy itie litet.
I O~~athets,quality yoor boysfth ba ittle tbey mittwaueiltheinnridin great urena,;nwhetbor their
Wkistotnsita, iiiiiay. Frotm present -Tat be nunt intb theitioesitn or intthe nit teatshtonorul ielditof arisantltship atthoestalol. 0Fuvared
-!tbagte ayjunty anec inthe tuittily cirnle, tthdautcomtitei whlen inthbe itexotrubletaweittfate the
indications5 and frons the interest ! irswl tb m ty outfireesidle and they aililite out ttrutginag attini intoetworld with only tbtir
taken in tint class contests, tbrt finail *O In tisitconaecittiowe niuggestito yottunmnanod strongly retommtend the "RIevised EFnry-
ri cotnedia Itritassiirts." Clrisenoafield itt tiemwrlonifeitbertmetal orphtyticalatiscity inbich
contest wiii arouse considlerable i n- iita(lssnotcoie. Ilil thte retail of she crtnical lobtir of the beet schlarsan, cottapilatin of hittory, the
stutlet sitisitl ic- r JIJ stoey oth imtev ezteutt of yearst, as panoamai in blobhareestrac ailed op hftllewiii inforiuaution
terest. I,"-cry stuentshold r-tat no college coutercin glse. It it at, education tt intl.at coststonly a trife-onet iiume nday pit
awnayiiite bank, wi illbieiprestedciyouiitthettiset ofboos,ilpurceitN ocmaneedsn
rneto attend anil encourasge teuay otber libcary. No menitiriaia i~ar'lettere.n, tintarutlest a tiny, one littledtiaionlta it will
ratage esave atdice, andudavlteait eantart that tutwi ovebtha lltauret ad a ling eefitta .t
relieseialie tf lii cansnc i.- a -READ OUR REMARKABLE PROPOSITION.
voit rao. n ha ~tier~ Hor sford's Acid Phosphate t Onreceipt ofiONE DOiLLARtwe wiltlforward to youcresprepiaid, theentireeset of0olumnes,
healthy interest in toratory can be that remnining S95tobe i 5aid at te rate of 10 cst A AYnn(to be remitted tmonthtly). A beatittal dimea
tI avngs bash ailitbe settawiith thboioks, ltiinbhcte dimte taay bteidepotited eacb day. Thin edition in
aroused at tint t.of SI. We hope Is tht18inost fective ansi op(,ree- printed fromtnewlarge type on a ine qiy o pa rant isitrongly boond in bentvtmanilla paper
that every one interested in oratory to your addiress, twith tillrcharges toil to uany patof the U/nitedi staten.
at thne U f ' fM. will attetad. able retmedy itn existence f'or' itt. i;spe s cial oiler madie on~lato eceatiers of Ti ir. U. o SM. l i ta old i ilren-

Harvard's Basebatl Schedule.
M/anager Wl~illiamus, of thne'varsity
nine, announces the following pro-
visional schedule of ganmes for the
conning season. About a dozen
other ganmes are also under consid-
eration, among thenm, three nwithi the
University of IPentnylvania:
April t4. Wiillianms at Williams-
April t7. Mass. Ins. of 'Techa. at
April 24. Dartmouth at Cann-

Prev-enting indigestion, anid t'.'-
lHeving thosse dliseases arisingj
froin a disordered stomnacht.
Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield,
Mans., says: "I valor ii asan atencelletI
prevetattive of tidigestion, and a pleasoait
acidlted drntk whleni properlytdiluted i ut
waler, andhswveetenedi."
Decriptive ptttapblct tree ott applicautiontto~
RumafordChemical Works, Proviece,R.I.
Bewnare itt Substitustes adInmittions.

(tl tis Olit aind Send tr S. Av. ('TWISS,

I'iiiiicih/lr li7n m(iimI/itotit ,a stor s i.tittow Il lacitii t 5s',1luilu iiu
]WtUar ifw., its o /i-cot sii/itl l; /i c t/i .. to, Jim.i. -ic.I'~mitt//sc tici
sit liii ti-rt Ithtu nO /liitill1(1 ti iit-ts it o is fi 'I ui/7.


ltuu,'/-oitjci -



I "

April a5,
April s6.

Amherst at Catmbridge.
Dartmouth at Cam-

For Sale by all Druggists PAAE BRE SHPt. CT RH AVYO GnI?
__________________ PALCE +BARER +SHO ~ m~~,nnnIf st. TRY msy MtEDICINgE.
(A1IlE6 Wt. tnO)IIEW, Florist. Cramer at Atnti Batb Roomsa. W.H. OIEN, l'uuo It ii tsure --tre. 'Tiryi il dhit'c-otutineil.
J Roses, C'arnttitnsad Flawers at all v tri- No. 4 Eanit Hnrou St.. Opluotute (1ittitI au idl n v5 -reJutt .il. Seti/sml t(>Httni
ety. Fiscaluduignmtade upnptushort notice. Huue u .utlit i utBts ~-itodess. r ice.- t.,i tu olla. Ihu OIs. Scul'to cirk
1a. 1 Olservatovy street, t. cemetery gait. He.Htitub nt t etSatBts. Fri l 5C r t, ii cgIiios in o


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