VOL. IV.--No. 115.
THE WORK OF DR. CARROW. fred Russell, Detroit. "Publicity THE LAW OF ROME. EVERY U. OF M. STUDENT
Especially Fine Clinical FacilitiesanCoprtAbs,"Pf.-e- An Excellent Course Given This 111bl'155lt
For the Study of Opthal- ry C. Adams. Year for the First Time,-
___ "a A hemetig ftlse asoia Papers to be Read. fM it
Th'e exceedinsgly difficult opera.-Saturday.ulion.a in Latins, Tbe Texts MlyeCC c
tion performled by Dr. Carrow atof.aknwildsus'ie of tbe Roman Law,' conducted by 1><1nae 1ylos xc I.
tbe Uniiversity Hospital, Monday, Iadi nlalnso b 'wr~ Mr. Meader, thse followiing papers t ,°TLc jiilll «1ul7 li < tci "Af i ' °-~
calls attention to tbe fact tbat no- A.nee~ f eri,
wbere in tbe country do umedicalCiaeoIetiwlldivrn class mleeis in coons Ii from o10 ;; ol
studentls bave sucb clinical facil- adrsrn"AinSsroe' ttio I I :;o on Wyfednesday an~d Friday. tnt South Main fit.
teusoptbalmlsoogy as at tbe L1. Ixiii be readlily seces frosss tileipro- Any wvbo ua eitrse nts ___________________
iM. Wills' E:ye 1-lospital uinlsil- grain 111a1 this will lie an impsiortant subjects discussedtillii be wvelcome
dielphsia, is tise only isstitution hlav- leis. to hear tlse pallers. The subjects
1ng u 1ge ume .o yecinc. CollegecMen to meet. arc as followvs:
Last year 888 cases ini olthsal-l-l-iPrimsitive Lawvand (C0s1010anid
ogy were treated btre, nlearly all 'fhe Aumericansh epublicatl College Ibe Laws of Ibe 'Twelve 'foles. stir.
Icing indoor clinics. 'The ilosiit- Leaguse will 11011 its tbird ansnual J. I>.lBrookis. Mcth. 16.
,ls in thse large cities bave a isuchi convention at Syracuse, Nesv York, History of RomanLslawv from tlse
Decemvirate to thse Establishinenti e*
larger Ipropsortions of dispensary ellis on April 6th. 'T'he object of thse of thse lEsspire. M\r. H. It. Hoy t.
ics, wicih are of but little valise to league is to bring together college Mels.11. . Ieyuttl~~tslloiiia2sStyles
stisdents. -No othser scbool allows men into comusunion withitile Re- The Influlence of thse Institutions tiansAimi Asrbarrhilt sead los i'sl etoa
tbe stusdents to take sischs an insport- pulblican party, witb a viesv to stills of thse Empire upson tile Roman Lawv.
an~t part ill tbe treatmsent of eye dis- ulating tlseir appletite for'ilnpsrovedl Mr. H. 0. Evans. McII. 2,3. o M
'Tbe onsan iLaw Considered as a
eases as is taken b thienm here, In citizensbip, ax outlined by the plot- SsenRfliion ibt ni H0.18e N rl10 (a 11Axi C 0
fact, Miebigan isas been accissed of formss of tbat party. Thiere l 5 te.M.RapsB sl.iss nolot,83IS. - l .,tttIIA.
graduating too usany -'eye iloctors.'' doisbt that tile league hs contrib- aS.
F~romsstxwenty to forty cases are utedi considerable strenigllthtotbe 'i'le Iniluence of tlse Rosman L~awxv
treatedl at eacb clinic, twvo students Repulblicans party since tse plan upon5 the Legal Systemus of Mlodern
lieug slaet ofeacs isd- xas iitossictl. A15elcir xviiEuropse ansd of Anserica. M\r. H.
ben lcdisscharge o ahid-wsitoue. A fotwl 1'.'T'lonsas. Ms'
vdual case du~rinsg tile Ipaient's slay probably lie matie tbis year Iso 'he Roissais Concepions of jusitce. E_
in thseisospital. IsI tbe dispenssary furthser pierfect tile organisationl biyi'1r. F. W. Newton. Aptr. Z}.
linscs in other bospitals patients tise formsatioss of state leagu~es, assd 'fie Romlan Lawv of Adopition. Atstic Photographer, .HUO T
ippear tor treatmienit01111thsesi go thuls to better systemsatize thse xvork. M.C .Abot p.f. ________________________
'The Roissan Ctosceptiois of Citizess- FEHASRMN
aivay, giving 110 opportunity to leachs college is centitletd to selndSfive siip.FRESH1'.St.SSOyRTMENrT27
ipsr ,I ayr Ar - atshtlse progress of the disease. de legates to tbe couventions, aisd it 'file General Nature of I Ibliga- 5
lit. Carrox's clilnics hsave gainsed is desired to Isave colleges well rep. tions. lMr. IIIi. Es-ocxn. May 4. J VIT~'t
suds a reputation tbat lpatients are resenlted. '''lse plan for the conven 'l'be Cbaracter of Roman Illn o.- -+.I+iQOI.A
attracted frossi all Isarts of tbe coulp' ion emsbraces tile possibility of ad- beritance. 'ilr. C. 1F. Abbot. .\Iay - eIlUS llliliVEDATS--
trr, presenting cases of sucb vari-tdresses byGov. MclKinley, Chsauncey law, Written and C.nrwrittenI. ltr.__________________
etv ansd interest as can be seen no- i\I. Dlepew, ex-Gov. J. 11. "'oraker, L. S. long.MSay TE W EE
whbere else. 'fbeIprevalent idea anld otbers. 'fbere is to be a ban- - --." - -
tbat clinics xvere fewv bere whsen cons- tduet after thue convention, and a Mrs. Merry's Practice Club. -1'iv,, :,5a im.-is li oe U ,..
iaretd witb thsose in othser hsospitals strolng city consmittee, consiosed ti". 1. $85.00isteenzio)fth
cairt ,erna o tenv-sv o te sot r Th'ie Practice clssb of all the classes l10ll. Set, it t ieidwo
is ntrel wonL. oftwn- -fieo- h ms rm
- - +--- inent citizens of Syracu~se, has1 been
To Discuss Political Science. ! or-anizedI, and thseir bearty co-op.
eratin ispromised.
1'h net eetngof heMic"-I CSevera 1 l.susersofth loalRe
gao Political association, wvlichi, it Svrlmmeso h oa e
will be remessibered, was stranded Ilubllican lu lb will attend.
lsere last year, will be hseld iln tbe unity Club.
parlors of tbe Hibbard HIosuse,--
Jackson, Friday and Saturday of At thse Unity club next \Monday
thsis wveek. everting, P'rof. Warren P'. Lombard,
Four meetings will be hseld and of tbe University, will give a paper
thse following programn will be given: upon, "The Relation of P'hysical
"Tbe Relation of tbe Cburch to Culture to Mtental Poxwer." All
Political and Social Science, " Pins- persons interested in Pbysical Sci-
ident A. G. Slocum, Kalamaeoo. ence nshould be present.
"Tbe 'Province of Agricultural Col-.- "- -
leges," President L. G. Gorton, 'fbe number of visitors in Prof.
Laning. Annual address of thle Demmon's Anmerican Literary Sem-
president of tbe association, "Cor- inary is more thsan twice as large as
porations in Micigan," Hon. Al- tbe class itself.
in pbysical csslture under Mrs.
Merry's instruction will mseet to-
usorrow nighst for thsefirst timse in
Harris Isall, frons 9 to 7 :30. Prac-
tice will be continued at thse souse
place and time every evening. It11s
free to all nsensbers of tbe various
classes. M~rs. MTerry's classes cons-
prise 250smemsbers wahicb bare been,
divided into txenty-one classes. All
wbo are not nsensbers of any of
M~rs. Merry's classess will be charg-
ed one dollar for tbe practice club
Tbe statue of Bienjanmin Franklin
wbicb stood in front of tbe electric
building at tbe XWorld's Fair bas
been presented to tbe University of
Susits assctGymnnasiumsStlp-
Yui nvited oeulIl tllnli e sk adprices.