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March 02, 1894 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-02

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11"0.NV Ft t 1IIM)E'',
5 1 . -- . IN ISr. Wretorand 1. r Newv S)riln Styles itt Negligee1 Shnirtns;oid Nc l0 0 Sar.I I I.
Good Xwook 0400000,10 1Good4 Balledfor No.9I#South Maintreet, loooo ~rntoooootd by 'ic al.
anod aelivrrd. A. F. (.OVERT, Prop._____________________________
jADIKS W. GOtollI2Wi.ti, 1loriat. Gmwr ofroTHE FI SK TFEACHERS' AGENCIES.
RoeCornatiotogrind 'Ioooooof aloil
ety. Filoral leioOOnflO rode upon short, 1000000. C(HICA(GO, 106 Wabh snAve., 1B. F. (1.A1I-K.
No. 1Obseorraooorolr, t te op). orbootery !0at0. 0o0 bo 22 .101oiiolild l2oilooblo10l
2Vestry ine le i3 an2+L!!. / SEND FOR OUR AGENCY MANUAL.
CITY LAUNDRY, i XG 1ltiCIIs : ewok, rI, o..Aoooooles otu. t-o. "tEVE ? 0. 0 0 F1rd CQ ^ t r

fBOWDtIS17 n ;1. OlolOSEfProaorinot4,xs
Official ?hotogropheAs

T4. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave.
01 r.Main 0an XWashingtso kScto.
A. G. Nlotom'le. o m i 00100PtlIX 000 1 oh~
C R 6NP E %C . F '% -te' It e
(Ot W o I 10 o 0 00

lob leT. 1 00o10o'isrl Novo. 11011, 101111. j
1). N. [ sl ' . 410 13., N. V Y . 000 1)OS 1 0
Atlantic . p s c4. s 1017 & ol . Eo.... 8ll
Foot IE!ost'lo 11'oo9o12 N.0- . L iited. .0,;15
(.. I. 1Ex 0 1). 2... 1 0'. 0.t
1 N. Fastool -A0'o"1o Ex.oo.1 55
Alail and lp.o..I"118 . lR. 0& Iol. SOl...1110
N. Y, & Boo'. 5114 .208 Chil. N. Express... 020'
N. S. Limoited.... 1 1033 Paciicl l0.o0oo.. .1013
0.'W. R7rX,Eo HI. XW. HAYER,
0. P. &'rTAgt., Clieigoo. Ant., Ann Aroroo.
rime Taleirtoo.ki;01e01 tooooloy, Nov. 5, 1011.
'Trainos leaove Aiom Arbor by Cenotrol
7:15 . 111. 07 1 1 0 . l
*V1.01.00Inl.O11:3 0 .
d4:I5) . in. 91000p. tn,
*Trains roon betweenoAnn ArbloroondolToleoo
All trains doily 05oct0Sunoday.
I. S.10EWODAgenot,000000Aro.
W. H. PNIntO iG.. PA.0Toledoo
E. S. SERVoISS, - Manager.
ANGM 931iTA'' Sortrelt.

U. OF 1 . (0A1ENI)A It. The mo(st wonderful foot 1n c000
nection with ooir offer is t10at 0e0 S iTI1:INI'S' 1V'.OILK A 510El,-
olo.,'JHol ll 3117::( . oo. or. '\InI1 c~i.\~i enti h te enttre200 V01um0 s, oWitht al Ct 'I.A X l .
'r , lt''o1 .uloooooro' IooooSoooioo 10.000210 0 oloo ch rges prepiaidol n12 the receoipt of __________________________
halonly o1010dollar, anodf0al100 00111too
hI J+t -0 . P '0 100000 looo ot 11,101.1 I~e to p1ay' fthe 011001101 hg So) at the10ra11e.oo
000 11i to~1'' 10 01nsoh a o I 'o o o ysooto atfo l 11
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0, a :C.oooo 2000 _.i'ftooli:.loooo..I"S' .01!)l1 000 Sn1t1 oea 01 71 oh 000 ('100
litfoiooloo.olet Soonll.d
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Prof00.055'.lro.t. o t, roiot 5010) 00Oiooilioo".1ob'ndooSooORT H AN D'oooioo '.1
Prf T hi %-ezoLatet Elol11. 1110.10. mi, rl tooolla meeting enofe yoa
______-; stool kloohfavolitiotsPotoPlacingosttoten fot tloeosi
. tlo. 011 1400 001 l. Icahn.!. n tllle Sot iif perod000 o onl io00. o01lorl fef~ "J}J~ 1II4I.~V .3..
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stl)20 Ioc 'ts (110 ll) o ckholders111d1 o f o1rintt o r 0 th000110 5
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is00 110.00y 1.011n Othe l 1ead o, andoiotheieyrvomustoctr'-to 0.01 1 01-0 of S. Io' 1001 00 ji
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00l rooand idates foro th'flee'o00.0 00 1 1 ( 0, 11100 10 !o~o'oo 00110eol ' 0 h t.l c
(lnolll 1'.oo to t ool teideooo to, so aeb ll t nimstreet.ll he2' too 2'. o too eo . 1T o o MilIe
100101011 010bteio r a 1,hy C .000. oloor;es a41oll.naottlooloooo
''ver oey 'oottaoprySetttyrtlOnor Doons."1'.1'oll'"ASboIII) bo t. ' n t io :lo ittle0500i [[
AR losu sotoralooo 10 nowr? iby I' 'F ad l I AlpharoDelta ll 000110ouse;000100 S'0100
solor oorB a terFeton';J"The'. sweet00 or Ed0C. 0 Sh'a elds, 1"asoioo hatioroI Sotoot- P I1 )0 IVLg.l) Auo<:t,
Ap ea, English0001) a nd Vrelnt h, s ot-ty trsee11. aol 00'attobfooitre Ia20.0'~ 1o.er'.Tol7, Ne:'.A t' o ek,
Soto>te Foun10.40. to 1100.et'Ou'oDaStes.,''11.hos 1olgoeor (a hi n Uo~y
Adao s o so pran,'.1oooor tenor ilret he 0 0 ro' 00)00 0. 0 tool(=:~iotooo 00.00.00
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ont e t Ye 0000 alt, :to endssealj 0100 011110 t o la, . 'Flohensl.at or.10
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'loe 0 ston b ostuli 1nJo0dan;00 0 11)11 os s tGoran100r, t nest 000.1 oatd LItoo 'o oi to AllXoottS 11
Ttar norch fo tlt0. 101000 1111.0anyalltleadiostacadneiet. hX e ral ootto l, I.t.1 No, 1000rttord.ct
a omre . hotttbeafchc sclen thvlfe f Tooroo Softfep wht"v 1101.0101' Slob'Ga-r
l eotoons o Nis ltze.,Aacdunt forlete tte,"igotnod oonyisdin 0100.1m02001 e lo1eltfVa. t tooi ll(ht 0011. p010I1l optoty to
toofetin oaynheguitari e ry 01.p0r sfo002 fe lo. (~etItyla. . ie tt, 'ioo toIt ie .\gt.Tr et
lo .'ot& IelSoeaof lfzi'Iorf .20001l ArtbollrI& ItNoill ieilt tls.
roe ~ ~ ~ 'uetd stretpecoao.al atteentions11 oot fwillmeotb00ec t
Rl evni' tat, Rusedl I vallatonso ndo tyioilo les ofre awcings '.oriooslsatoototo1 0.[fr
hentn Enis yoslei Bitonallforghtbo Vthantootp120 an e 12 e- 1 oottos too. ALS
nias forwa l mesc a l njyO temwthy.pomtigf.nte-
-h fornP stM rh i op lses10tharowoe512. nAxlittle pn or f-t Ior otoe pi'll he to gzet oooltooio-
uaomanh ounc e ino.oe hes0e,0 orany t e pat ofcontrnibto rs i ['noesh11;1y(-t New''.ruest andtoev11111
cre buadat ra ofve ery lr eid t~ alieent se- f fo ooo.Ii tootooot S at streeto' olSot
sl e nableojurt rset.ero o mpcquir e rbiohtof.aFot'sIfion n utb o OOed bibs. ftootcketrtos11110 1-o
coomletn as e obht graed t fb ll1address0-Cos. oo00002 go', to a Ofl V &a. poit al y to
Refeenceoihories 1110thestsoo r.OfieI ay t.S Ge L o s it A-. oei
ingLonS.o Healy,00 Sbo t OndA. o1n15I n Announcement. orh Mch
osrieyod0010oeoftt l dns,,Cmenahero of--F. and ---oooo's n til eptmca nsalysis at
grndstmnotoe.t0o1 shoaly A.1 T.ae ot otdtoi nee tIn tie r oseityor rte inlbrary. raFide
resaouncoantedpeav orret ote oom of cw buigtfours-wllpes erbpaptooI)ot o oksice aori
tc o oleeltoof hatgeatsor. a lay ve IgERARY o if 73. .ln. T -20:gasgoto the B M r ugsore

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