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March 02, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-02

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_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY.

'W. of W~~. 'Taiu.
Puhlisahed Daily (Budayt excepted) during
tx, College ,i ar, by
Su1 eription price 82.01 per year, invariably
in aave igir cope 3 cent. Subcrip-
tiona may be left at the offce of the DAILY,
iif Stofflefas, with ay of the editora or
authorized solictos.
itemmuniations hould reah the ofice by
I o'elxck . a. if they are to appear the next
ay. Addreess all matter intended for publica-
nion to the Managing Educer. All btsinees
communicafions should be ent to the Busi-
Ann Arbr ich.
C A. DEIONits, L~oe'il. Mtangig Edi.
11. A. iSAIbInO. Lit. 94, Assistat.
J. . I. Lara, Litoc. '15, Anist.
.. A. Iccox ,Lit.l'96, Athetic liur.
S. i. tuirris, P. G. Lt,,Buinee Mnage.
H. 0. Al. Oai, i. 58 cito
t'. I. Scliler, Wii. inct.
r8 1. lv, . 1'. t. M rtoidl'14
h ns Nliloy 97l. . ilo x, 114,n ] 8 n,0 .
WAll copy on,. h l't the oie' betare s:30. x
oftieday of pfllic~rlill
btNx1a axtlLNlW,'a ItC)rit:. ..Fric. ic'Ih
diyoaid i1ridy, froi o 0 t.i cilllok, p.I. 1Ev-
Hlicthia niusical cltre in the
University is being developeil to a
very appreciable extet, whlicl fact
in a flatter f cogratulatio.
A single glanoce at tle cledar in
another ciiiumni is suficient to 11m1
press one witli the fact thai there
are entetyainmoents bookd foy to
night Ill a vayieienough character
to bait all taten.
Wr, have tnot heard any new de-
velopmnts iii the scheme to iur
chase the great World's Pair organ
for University hall, but no doubt
the mtatter is receiving the atention
of te authorities. This chance to
ecure tiae great organ sold not
be allowedl to escape.
IN another colutmn we pbisho
otio conparative statitics siowsing
thte expense pet capita over atd
above the itcome fronti stittents at
fle different colleges of lihe country.
It will be sen ilat wilete atnult
expense to the state of Micigano for
eacih student its atencdaince is fourlo
in amount ii the U. S., at the saue
tinie, he value of euipment is
next to the lowest of any university
of standinog in the country.

ffor iniattention axd disturbance diir-
ing tile lectures. Such a couryse
ought not to hoe necessary in dlealiing
withi a ciass of students whco are oltd
enotight to realize fully whtat tey
are here for. We htipe it wsill not
lie inecessary to agaiii remind stu-
dents iii this tdepartment thtat sticli
rodoct is sot onsly unfair treatnment
If tile lecturer, but also reprehlensi-
ble ii thiniseives.
Ii c S. C'. A. Buliiletiniiniiansvilito-
rial, iin is Aarchi numboler, 01 ''Ionv-
i igf,'"amnothter thisngs, says: "I t
is reported thcat ini the 'Faust exanm-
liatio~n tse wvhole hack ross of sin-
ienits irent throuighi wit openl
books.''''Tis oi statetneict is sittipis
ridiccutas for tse reason that too otie
broiughi this Thiotsas's eiitionowhlirch
contilined the noles to class, anti
that Prof. Thiomuas hitself suipp1liid
"Openl books,'' containinig the text,
f roiiiwhlichi to tranislate, ill each
studentt. if this tbe "ponlying"
Prolf. Thioimas oust have beeno an ac-
cessiory before tice fact. Siutbo
groundless I"repiorts"' do the tlii-
versus 1511 good anud shouiitlli e in-
vestigateid before prinitng.
Tiveity-five of the fifty-five candi-
fiales for Vale's nine cave beein noti-
fied to stop trirning.
ohnis Hopkiniscelbrateud its
eightteensths annirersary ots lashinig-

editin weo liisedin0 2
largetOctavo XroLvvarif on-.c It=iOOOOT
wor S tCO li P h'EDp.tl, 1 1 1s0I ,V. c tyo h
world, and sprlaoio1 0 1 osan vr
topc wi heOtoti iinoip iu t bi bl 'i. 0 c-yfr dUO)) note
peolelvnn od dead1 uot c " 0 10Y Yfti' t r.wuL, a
thttehatu 0 t t 155 ~o JLstSlbOr c reachof a evn
th reb e and g. c 1 ,s o'lill--er 0iioaboio s.ecoom
ford Ith otaeiod of :'aI J') .i t1 I 0 01 "c'.;.'j co En y o
wolPdIad sparte I 1, ovars every
deparitetoyothet 'I tdbu ,l 'Y; z, 2' r1 l71otb10l,; Cy 00 oe
l ibray-outiarli o ' 1. Olst'dsor fe


ry s'87i iO tvt0Fi,'-1 '1
()nrceci * 10vl oI.no _!ob .-l Y 1.I!ll!l1 t lagol'e i xhx J! xii..Yl

the entire oft P ".:iSid a tbonc rats ofnad a
10 cents a day ttsoI'be 0111,to' .o'. ". belult It tomeasings bank
will be sent wvito lb- .1 a.3? 8 C c ti : '. each day.
This edition i cl011 11.1'll- ''''1papr, and
is strongly hound i -,"IaIl 1.1 110proer care will
Horstord s Acid Phosphate 7atfryasb'"'I'.'0~ r delivered t
latfryasV ._a7 ,J'' i_ x ftlS~ > our addresa.with all ' Ii -.' 81 Mates. '
Is tise iiiSotf'eCti'e and i rl P ' 16'Pios a ;xlecloffoier madoltthle readters of 1111 C 'U t m I T i .-i = tall Isill e
main101open1iu I ieittie only
able reumedy in existence for (it, flux O()ttaned Send to S. W. c T<I1,

preventing indigestion, antd re- I
lievin g those diseases arising
fronm a disordered stomaclh.
Dr. W. W. Gardner, Spinfogieltd,
Moss., says: "I value it os n oxelrlent
ptreventativeeoffindigestfon, axtd a pleasant
aoidullated drnkb when1proerly dilutedi wilh
waler, anti sweetened."

Binfess Manager lor'lt i', . tir 01 DILY.
No .................................
C(, ty ..........................

I Des'criptiver apotthic tree cit1,Oapp lion toi I I I

aHRmford Cemical Works, Providtence,R.I.
BPc rfsosi h a eat ewatre itt Scbsftittes aniS lnatltiittt PALACE + BARBER + SHOP Q CAARKNAVE YOU GO00 ?,~E
noent have foundl it necessary int wo i AAR If an. i oTHY my HEDICINE
t"call d 1un"}nsYouwllloiver regret it. S~entyrnailto anv
succ eeding ulays t al onNO. 4 East Matron St.tOpposite 1111,0 aildees Ptle, Oine Dollar-. tIl 1.N .Hot l{
ncertain enihers of thoe junior class For Ssle by all Druggists. Htouse. tost tolilandxiia 1,illhsit. Por- ilitI tib St.,lletio, Il loits. cnfoci

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