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February 28, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-28

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cooulirhed Daily ( uay excepted) during
iColle~o g, au
:subscriptions price ue.iro per year, invariably
H art ire nlgle copies 0 cents. Sbsrip-
trons may e left at the ofice of the D~ALY,
at Stoffet's, wih ay of the editor or
authorized soiitor.
Communcations should reach the ote by
7 cloch P.r. i they arc to appear the net
l.ay. Address all matter intended o puhlica-
ton to the Managing Editor. Alt hsness
communicatitino should hr sent to tte Btrr-
Ann Arbor. Stih.IC
'... DEIStOti, tLcrr'0, Managing Editor. I.A Pru;G i.'4 sitrt
.7. Lomtr, i.95u, AList. ,arttt
L. Wirsisilo, tLiw ', At-ituot.
J. A. ELillil, Lit. 'l, Athletic Editor.
S. iW.CtRtics, . . Lit., tuinese!Mnagr.
Wrr+. ,. MOt itio,r.'07, Assitnt.
H.13 a.rnooo n. ' . i. F. r7 ,u 'ir.
t. fr. Aitin '.
. P Sder,', liii. 10011
E. t. Lyle, 'is. . L. AMod dalc. '0.
Ameis Miiliy, '7. H f. I. Iairr, li.
Cr'i'e V. Smli ir, Otii'"l. rr110 isi0, rs'tiii'.
____ A ,_ . G. Jcoiis'li.
All co0ymusit h, t t offilc o etis':s'50a. i i
01 the day of publicatio.
MSiaivniol, to'riiii'OIc rtiHus-Tie
Maonaging Editori iiiiy tic foniiil 71r1'IrrAm
daryarnd F riday, from Soto6 'clo:'i, p. m. 1%
ry ('irniog fror ':3t:o N p . mi.
CoUss3DL Ri icoL rtInterest io being
mntifested in the project for the
establislihieit of a piublic driking
fountain in the law building, as a
memorial of the class of '9.. 1 e
knoiw of no littler nemorial foy the
senioy class to decde uponi and one
which sill be of more practical use.
Sotme definite ationtsouold be taken
by tthe class at once.
1'A.501 (Irci as the athletic rmanag-
nient has miadoiiaipeal to the s'tu-
sent body for aidl for consl rble
tinme, tire tickets for tieGleeCl(Ant
tenefit to the athletic association,
whichi are now in the handso of the
directors anti of the tmembers of the
Glee club, shiouldl meet with a ready
sale. The price is moderate anti
the opportunity for helping to make
a winning boeball teamusholotd not
be neglectet. Let all how teir
appreciation of the Club's generouo
offer by giing the enterprise their
hearty support.
TuE track committee of tie ati-
letic association ao a nmatter of
great importance in ito hand. We
refer to the matter of tie annia in-
door meet, which has been left to
the track committee. The time is
fast drawing near whet the track
rien will be out on the track and an
indoor meet, to be ucceful, must
be sworked uip at once. We believe
that, if possible, the meet hould be

held in tire Waterman gymnasiumo,
as a niuchr more attractice priograti
enuidtoe arranged, if it is helii there.
A. goon titme, it seems to ns,svouild
be some timiet near the date of the
iJmhp, swhen tire gymnasitim
wcouiliihe properly lighted. hrat-
ever the time anid place, the best
arrangemnts possible shrouldt be
iniatde at onoce. Let threre be 110 de-
delay irsthte matter.
Wisconsin-Minnesota Debnte.
Thle iquestion for the 'Wisconsin-
Mrinnesota debate is as follos.s:
.9 Would thte comrplete exclusion of
foreign inmmigrants for a pieriod of
ten years be preferable fir a conrtin-

~L OIC%~gK~0
510 N N NRI II N N G. 6 0 .M ': OaD
SLr131 vfl'"S EN6NRB b 6 S EC _- t ~i
izsR~r5I oiRNs
IM"R51 s3 o. ..w.w..,. ~R s a
a~...seo ' Ewu~ww wpy°+!
- RR I

uance of tire resent freedotr of im-
niigration for tire satie loeriod?'' It B PCA r.mcto "' " ' ts fair
bieiog conceded and agreed: ihot. lrnc ita:c,0.' 1 i$ I. *',,'r E og's ihTANICA,
we are able to place tho., ? 7mi oot t is or d repnders. )T'he
That our present military forces arid edition we oifer is c ot 0i totthpulished in 2)1
inmimigration officers are sufficient to large Octavo Volutmwes of osver Ii,0W nod 8,000,00)
etnforce such exclusion. 2nd. 'Tlat words. It conkains S96otaps lprintdciii c lorsy" ohgo iiery''country of the
the term "Immtiigrantsi" is to apiply'world, and separatn inaps of- cv" ry l so bin h 1'.. 1It contains every
too ll lien erterrili i 'rittic ite origin-al ifdilittr'oh Ediition, aod ilioflOC o' of over 4,000 noted
teoeeliving acicldtad, notct i ot in1) ry otl -c tcrit
States, cxcept (a) tourists; (bi) = Without parallel in tic hi toi, c dntfin,,l enterprisesaSte-nds our offm)
agetnts of foreign cononercial hiouses; to our thousands of fierG6netie'so hci oti cuter itas never been made
(c) governmeint officials; (d) such before. and shoutidbave your crksfit ensidcrutioio, i ver'y reader, therefore
artits''and skiled sorkoieu'' s earnesty solicited to "i-,c I'th eodenion to this offer t1hat its importance
"artsts an "silld wrkmn" s ,and liberalisty deserves, ns t ior)oti'so"r'a limiked period oniy. It means
are exempt from the alien contract- that the best antilt mu" eixpnmivc i''-oo~is i within easy reach of even
labor law; aind (e) all ipersons enter- the boys aod otri ' ' is c's oroocti your chiico int habits of economy
ing for the purpooses of engaging in for that nob'st of all ' f ir~root1Cr thieceke of an education,
educational, literary anti scientific Jssst thinleof t. A asoil.zprut.3.Ta tepro fF
ten years'' is to begin as sooni as V
practicable and switliin onie year is
asoat-for the shertppriod o u i-kSr' ? " , to Iln'ti'c X'ti"ISED ENCY.
utiderstoodl anidagreedaul ci-iCLOPEDIA BRIIO . 0.0 r=. i?., < :' hcovers every
cable. departmeot of 1-o' o 0cia any ethez
'Ihe Athletic Associationofo Norh- lbaym a .
western Uroiversity is inicorporated FN ,h)f.0 L
under tire lasws of Illinois. >es lsd { 1 ' flf mfloI
On recitofuonly one"h "~ o wr d c' o rncharges prepaid,
the entire bet of 210 voic's . Is, .se l'-U at the rate of
10 cents a day (kuhbesrmitdl ' 1 1,.C U1'i-esavsngs hank
will be scot wsth tli t;o' ~r2< , .,sted each day.C.oTiedtnispnedfQ
Thss edstso to nice fir'<; fpaper, and
is strongly boond ino hcl"' 1' '< . is= _R:? hpope'r care will

Horsford's Acid Phosphate
Is tise moost effective anod aiylee-
able remiedy in existence for -
preventing indigestion, andd se-
lieving those diseases arising
froma a disordered stomach.
Dr. W. W. Gardner, Sprinoeield,
Mass., says: 't value it as an excelient
preventative of inrdigertiosn, and a pleasant
acidulated drink when property diluted with,
rearer, and sweerened."
Descriptive poiniphhet tree on applicaoiin, to
RuamfordeChemial Wrks, Prvidne,R.I.
Bewaore of Substitutes and Imitations.
For Sale bylall Druggists.

last for years. Dear Mt :I,. l i ... i 100,oe delivered tQ
1sour address, with nl ..r .. - 1 to.d.J.lt xl Sates.
ill, s no s 'pociol od'er midooliyito thereadlersof 'too C. ()l'M. 1, ti.N01101 iiwille
min openi lor aliniethimely ul)
('iii lii Oun S eM-nd friM. W. CU' ISoe,
lli Is;laiiiio'iilc Sot_'. iioh iM , IL.
I encoOfi'thitDoll', (huh f'oi'hhioc oq o'ii hit ii 10 cis (leaf f r/ 1 omilhiiiothe
'101111d)zltlte r~tiaby00 i~clrtard
Aridtlittb, looims'. W.1. OWEN, tron.itt' is toureicire. Try it and he u'unuincrx.
YOn wilntever regret it. Sent by mi oa
NO. 4 East Murorii St..Oponsinte Coiii,;i sidrers. Piie, Onne Dollar. J01nI N PiHiR
Honuse.Hot Coilih td es .Saiht Bthis. Pune-50CirkSt., Othicago, Illitnois. Setnidfor irl
clain hubs. ur.

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