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February 24, 1894 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-24

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All the new Spirin Styles anti Nov elties ini Genits' Wenr.
{t*. ....... AT r THaEj () rtJ S' itrT E r ia
a :w~ * w: hax irif BOW-DISP3I Y7..i &. A."R XE'Td-1. 1 IESO1- onoTar-




NE1W " 1 ,i(ISONI
Aa~s., ane,".;.-:._b's cr.czxsr:z.:av'i~ iWnnsaG
;AO>'i S Iey(O -i, ksiceltsro..i
0-hsss . 1.. 1 it ss sles' 5,8


NOTE-ItR)OIsS 'i slifUlA LIV.

Its ,c~ait cis'ie i iitf 1)os unotl sokeltissies~(/. - U.. L. OF Mv. FLAGS.
If'ts nusbetl aslat'. (arcsa a z erht lt 19lit.
i's u1r ben(,' )t'Yl Ia '' s 'a'ifa av itsil daistliled 5' lst * a-t it S siher. en cin llill
itipure 151 t'cse.6(ins ill "lilliovt s tator ls. p- l a eiandst 1asic. i pa
I) is's 555 751 5557)19. 7 Fold altj yIaj s it i f & ('a acrcs.trhn' u. 'sce, 51isa
---till Issscnisy prce ct' e o i las i.I l'1lf. ,A I Y .7fJ rl ' _1 ll.
4 o tAnniArbor, Mich. DEAN & COMPANY''.FL WE S, F OW Ii S
UNIVERSITY NOTES. Miss Annie L. Roonra, '96 llt, OQtz ' & HIL L. Flrists ele" rpnon ig 15 .
has returned for the setood senes
Final inter-society debate occurste.u sl ' I i . s
neat Friday. Th~~Irtmnen arc at present trying 4~J~leSPii~f~li~Jll
Unity club xill give a social _Non- rlrictnsnn. Makni ~il~ s)('.Nsiss-sl1'st 1/la
-dsy evening,.lDoes zatm-eal biaslsa tasiecs'. SPas inters-
,captains the team. etolIin-ts psits. lies Safety
Atlti onetusM~iln y- The N. N'. l'liiliarrnonic club It. BAII 'Trs. F.'H. BEISER Cashier.
na siunm thin afternoon, at 4o'clock. i Bin kopenSa-tiurdasaveiig.
Ntrs. Frederick Jordlan entertains ~~ydi ateCekTiisa
a nober of college girls this earn- nndawilatprforin Deri ed
in"ay andinChicago _Marchati.
in.Ihe meeting of the Froley' Guiltl -
11rs. lr\'aighan entertains a sec-,
Wino tettoman's League this tomovrrosv will be at eight odcocki
lo ilbthe evening instead of in the morn-T
evening. ingsanone
'The junior clans oratorical con- l5>,i 'Rsiadya EFTiEBET
testocrs etMo.yeeigii =-.Oin Monday evening at 7 osciock, CIGARETTE SMOKERS whosare sill
co i rof. Knowlton xwiil begin lisa series 'inipa alttle meii siiilit e r
Alpha N a sailhld Iin eeting"< ilid~o t RN il)rutoiot~s
of lectures on J'ewish Iistitutions ilailSBRNiissiailiii.
thseer lg iin oteiilig n T'inie of. Chrit.' They will The Richmond Straight Cut No, I
cslto.be given in the lass lecture rooni. ICLiA FTTi 5
Rtobert FlItnionslcit end, has
'I' l'rof. W illett is gisving a neries ot I re ade from i e ss i lt i '.-. dlicate
bseen eiected captain of IHarvardl's in 's asso, aissi liiscO csss(, GOLD LEAF
fise lectures sina"O(lsd Testamnet growia'i tx
fositisali team.I lrssductisn''in Neswberry hail, iisl15 5ii 5hiiiiiiialie.i
i'Issit S ittie W4aterliory, of laaa- sinigyelra ltcoi it5sx.a arc7isc.i
in i/sin, is the guest of Miss Jean i clock toi contiinue through dartch. Ae & Ts~a'~cntnncS e
Iurn i,' nec.the thirdl liouicyesterdlay IBRANCrt , c(SieNDlv 5iN15
lies'.lDr. H-olland swill lecture to-' isrig___________________
morrow morning and evening inmoeta tseypron eeu-
tt. Andrewns church, able to fintl seals in the library. At TAK N T1 V
Mtenibern of the varioun college one tune no less than twelve were IA
piapiers meet thin afternoon in ennui standing in tine back of tine rooma. __
- 2 jto arrange for a baneluet. 'The seating capacity of tine library
' The S. C. A. Sunday mmring in rapidly becoming inadeq~uate. is (I's SsI'(i'at(5s'hi(/ si'stfh isis2tis'=
- oeeting will be addrenned by Mr- lneYongpol' oiteZo)i(itiaisdsi/ e//ii s
rLyon, on the Students' Volunteer tine various churches wiil hold a /ewed Juic s M/e boots1155/ /0q.
Movement, union mneeting tomorrow evening at
The Youlng People's vespers will 6:15 o'clock in the Presbyterian _ 1j4' iltuvi
be onmitted tomorrow evening on ac- church. The meeting will be ad- ~ ~ NA~pF
counmt of the onion nervicer of the dressed by Mr. Lyon, necretary of
ninnes nei'tia IthteStudeent's volunteer Movement o n The Leatina Tailo


was IthePhssss t c tpo ct 5szitaao;
OF 11N 1 A lG 3N A 1 .
t lal, $-50ia0. StipcisandsiPi csilts, $;0,0011.
a,; xsaaiiitt iUiwit andisoal.Letrs.oa
ct i rcuredsiformtra.vesatsbsst.
1". Bit'iS, Pres. a. av.L,1a1 SN, Cmslidor.
1 eashi miadesiellig a stle asicile, ors'
vais ay you istted siiitcv. Agueeaia gent
(maiie r fiual)sanatedl in esoryvcty.Stown
ii esacouity ti andia sarcoodvials ds n
wiahtS ,aaiiis, liarsisaiiLii RINDiiCio., Nosi
-ith 59111 St, LEisiasimn, ta.

Y vuii5 j..,%jjj-, o ova t ttV .

! LUC; VLUU ,.aaL 0 1 va uaa aY.. a.a a.avr .. aaa .aa . 1 wasningLonzL. "s.v :v...,++.. "...+"va+

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