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February 24, 1894 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-24

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LE", iI;LFOItNI, Q11%e5:ASSpisut.;
So . DLii r s. 5)1rtora Ntate. Na 'pin-Styles iniNegige hirts and NeckwearO. teats BOWDISH & HOUSE Proprietors
'55 tAr;T HL RON 5 IEl' D-A IK R H. O IHYU
Good W" F ort I t tdss tes sed ord No. 9 South Matin street (Stoercetot s ttdy TooSm
aod d elIvret'. A. F.,-OVERT, Prop.nh mfrn lIn
et. Ftir.i deigs modee ols oort nootic. (1(A(,104;Wabash .A14., 13. F.(l AR Ki
No. l Oboervrovssr sai, , opp.tt cemetterytirti;rSatte..tBoneitsos 'tilriat Stou tattoy, ans o y si i e
22 Sears in tie 1usineou,.s:-SN FOR OUR AGENCY MANUAL. sevdt h s ritcmne. Stig
I Y LA N R , Al1ENCIrS: ,,tu, tnit l . u Io.0 '1-11 (1 ma& ti.y e ad a- ty time by Mr. Mstgss, soil
CITY LA N~lI3,Y I N,,, Vo~l< t,,.. iOirsleityeror. (.ihrsn, OrFISH &issr tsr hr carty-y
M. M. Seabot, No 4 N. Fourth Ave.aloSy')Gbnilim frth o-
KE~. VS~tA t~l iS 5' it ~ IU. OF'M 15.AI L NI)Ait \\'e sendtti th each set a dinse sat' mnceme se rao.
K1 togs0tasiitss'iseeezs aNii ttt att'hi it
Ior.[ tlcb ".1 trhdsgso -melt 1-1,tt is iss Re dt. posited each day. [o~rgan & (Gibso.
(' ..ot, r.t 's.n il ,lt'itt'. r '1,1 P'.1 Ca ~' .tei., letb. .. 5. .A. 1rciptiott o VIt Tht5 ist s et i nly _____________golden________
potie teitsatietone whiihiturse t-e a
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et s osotri-. t iii4'. 'tt )ini.tt ric
PEN MAKERS lhtoffer willitir rist-forarlimtts:i$s
DA CN[adD LS R E n atst Di ea ay itirtintiit iiltoto.tt EDIG5COO F°' INS
4yvlr- ^ITAN I W R FOx E RJ it setjtttrcstl-itexti a in tt sit(ivtan t( Aer i ca i s.tt t ory (
46 ~ti ti %tre,. giigs' i " ttiisii' it'tt ik citi itet etiiiii'..ttiittit'is. i. tjCii
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is.g tittid + r etrtieitto' t'irr O FER Co r tsO2. ltit o ur.tttstt clt s
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iAN IeiandDettit' T r icafrj i e a te i tt sI oliabisisti iiliatiutri
RS, ANN E AR FOSTER t 1 elstittwilebeettonst- sitl iistrt niI ee.
.9iStSatttsret u e tt m h ses tie so ti stt s s httttst in IR 0 d a its.c ietytititw i c la 1I s iiir ttik I',tstI I( ,I S In.
d_ e ___ enleen w, tketo-d a gto tt(sta rae rst s i v r I.tst iand it. tsuttir' sit
1i ttri ",i"I, tiisnsrti titpctii-vtttiitustsotrt ifrssteitstses sel
,NI GHIGp~. AN 3" NT A S rt t.Ir as. ttSti erisitrii itsst'iss'atir3ittit'tti' i i'$UtC n IB N W'.
1titr'I)Ar ptrtiti (itt iii tiia(ilwhiii P. Rs te-RYSensor
LawsstiAtinentiotiesof.he a e.']'itihvithasi Iittor'.;Niiiri wilt1it
it.N IN. r '1'.r .wea l i n fe sit ansit it ticet rs llel \tttceicstt-
Atttititti tititi~~~~ad itt d.tt adr.t ci reI~i a sict's, tuna t evsae ' tiftie i ett- \i it i t tttlN tttl 115- - ________________
N P.intr tti ttte4-0 1.'by i o rtto -is I. si i' t rtta il aoterkDint is0 ttl a nite tte cSilo t- th \-Xi ' g ls i i - I. S I ~ 'is t'
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t.. t w g titti ' tttAtte siltli itt ote ss i't t b a steallet ant)imi s te aninot tei 1iti iitit U Mtt ECEDE - Nlii TED,5til$1.00. t
st-- -t- iwil inieo raer iis t o ir tl te a n sa t on e wtstihgigetniis' ltttfor' it'r i1
o nl ettittiet oftht gate lst o l ( t ic F the} wishiS, t ltto tlt ttil is1ltitis ii (lii.
iteiirin e'Librartyies the is. wii 'Ca ate ingAlp anoD elah r uax itiit(ii iltlltt itiiiat
N O TH M I H I A Nsst" t r Si tt- l easuv r ita t iter ng it r . CA itt e ld,\V .Ta y eri- K' { ie l t st'tstbey o nd ilt's tition elofith egttreet
Stiihe (ttlleeii2 eaC otits Setle siSh aet N s. . .-lt
ihe first.editionoofatihi00 0 0 s ori lted Al o tibti nste dexercises inthk s -its. lit-t l IttI, t.ilt ~o tiuls stit
t~eoiio riti ,Sttt Aeitetttii-ilth ypandi stresaoglyd henla stearyftrearchtthAslanittle lmoreicf-a srd
.51ttit iit tii.ittty tnleititonCPr oes ssue[ hiclt i f-fot i eiatlif c t ri hail r stw l
IGtstNC EenLteenyeastgo.istthgivesse edaiisirll erirhptarneofte U ttI I EstiNSOW ie'+ inli al
It t.litl-N C 1 L l, ttiAr ie. PothelP c nc areenco - treectiasoit.
"r I ime'~ 't t'In rsc N ,1th,11e sd tev ised a. f ya rs. tewtt Itisicie. 151 I. Fos0t rr i: coiti. t eici's. 5 Wasl1 aL~ u te-
Aw A B r _ the'itetisot ofndrft atin ot itei in alspe ioss is er'"W"O~ iC
"s"e'; ist 'ts othei neos ofer mis ia t ne ir taiss Aote. tiorn. rtc
D.TN. 1JYJi u...4, It N 'L t0 chage.iredatlCoi.it rce~ o 1-as.Fote ii- Ats Artt.al-
23 ti ~ poSUTH FOURTHl AVE. Gs lyrners niolarte antutlow ing-1Sot tf Sit bane ksxceptig hur- AtItlto stciiar t gl-ia
v.x.Slx .. RVIS Mtl i ns'. pay ithein ngach o tShe P rae s f not:been a y whenm ste isin ie ~c itiittttst' i th littonirii
r________________ast __________slyfo ayityai ta at Fi
toilandeti.ts a 90IK. . hiSpoil u.SasI rt(narcrignarwhoCoudaket ossblyintsl teaedsi nss wetifleaseattrrt
O. W~ito~t~x.1, noshitiatoStret. In t thneaoesreacofdeveryione.goto psiess s. totop thebak IitrinII ent lrltodsIl

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