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February 19, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-19

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,- . ',p. " f t ( sLiterary Commenst. tf
It is a fact svell known Ibi the
book huyers of this counatry, thatC 10
Publiahed t)aily isuaasys earepred)i daring, the Putrrain's are in the leadl as pub-j a
the Coieare rear. 5 lshers of standardl works of) hiistory.j f
HFE Ui. OF 11. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Tswo series wehichr they are publishr-
ig are of the greatest interest to
-stisleris and sisoulnicinrd their way .
sviI iimric e Sn ii sie yearinvaratyinto the liraries of eeery true Stir-
iii iaaeface irs I rrrries 5 erts. haibrerip- lent of history. 'These series are l1
ionusmay be left: anthe nie of the OrAIY,
st Stoi er's, miithanly oithre eir~rrs or 51I, Stoiry of Nations,,,swhichis-
authrizeds eiiere. wiirc idrie a svelilswritten history
rrrramrraiearirire silt eracherr offerriceeby of CiVerr ration of imstportance by a
sear'a.rrayaerrairarhrxaspecialist and a secoari series of arb \TYSI
arla rn the ssalta erinstenedfrAubriras tienyvlm -a
na. etteseitasrreirraer-t arrrtric-abouttetyvlms orstine 'He- L j ~ aa5 51 a.l
communicratiosrrsherrir re seartsorire lsir froes of tire Nations,' inling tinea a
eras Msali aar- -. representative characters rif ristory. H '
T~s .a tDCY olumes in these series are being -.M
AnAbr h-issued at short intervas .c m r eac ri w .l:A3
il cp i 1" lt>a toofic efre :A,> iiI Tine iast voirine issered irr ''Tie . a,-' °_-'% S-b- - f , q~ nr
Or e ti-day oef rriicretierr. Story of Nations'' Series, wvhichii las a5
- - - ir Jstr appiearedl, is centitied"'"Tire
TheI- a r res -irrir oi tn rsir s-i-to is rti isrstar- I c- vy of Sinr,' ' Y SPECIAL arrangement with the publishers of that greatest of all ref.
i-neus ipre i - in the DAILY.- Wit.Wets. isi1wre s sc B erence Libraries, the NEW REVISED ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA,
_ inal y i nt ere st irn fromrstire fact that we are able to place that great work within easy reach of our readers. Thu
tine perirodiswiichr it corers iras never edition we offer is not a reprint hot a new edition. It is published in 21)
f beers adeciati trateliyby ay large Octavo Volomes of over 7,000 pages, 1.4,000 eokumon, antd 8,000,000
.fi ss ...,a, ormier swriter. Al1 r. Watts hras oradle words. It contains 96 maps printed in colors, showing every country of the
-- --- ---- - - - sin esipeciai strrdy if tire dloeurers - world, and separate maps of every State in the Union. It contains every
liatrise.. iss nera once nmore irs our ray esiderice whiicih throssmurht topic in the original Edinburgh Edition, and biographies of over 4,000 noted
midst Satureday night ansr stuentris light upiorstire history if Spain,I people, living and dead, not contained in .any otheur edfiion
are svarned to he prepare- frifiemnetsfreom -Moorishrreru est rrtirte fail Without paralel in thuiistory of educational entrrtptrisen st.'ands nn offer
shoultih ie)- ray anothier visit tintire of (Grnadia (7rY1-1492 A D.-It 'to our thousands of friends and res sc. Sireb n offer ias ncvarlien nnade
is fast brecominirgirore andi riore cvi- h efoere. and should ba-va yonr carefral e-uoidcration. l1very reada0 r, thurefore,
cty. (lernt that thsose wvorlis oil historical, is earn e;r-y solierted to) gie e oett notion to this offer that its importance.
Ar - -lirsn srerhesaesurbjects are best which sirs not ipre- and liberality drsr,s, us itis raopera for a liemated period oniy. It means
i 4II deinqunt sbscrbersareteanito cvererthe seirele oi a nation's that nyloei rthe treat and mostexpenut-vaeuncreisinwithiies e~sy n-arch of even
uredito pinuthi irsubiiscripitioshiistory, hut somse defeinite teriod, the Irov'sand. grrls. axP 0uG-enuagendyour childern iis anils of economy
as it takses monsesy iioisin a c olr-ge as tie re iter cars give a clearer and for that neebleat of"aIIpirruseh:-a..onroy fu fr thue -..offn'a -1.r 1naition.
reirsialsec.jrajecialy iisin iretirescrrire rdretailediacres-ut of tire stun-Jusatthiok of it. AP rlan-
jli;rs-s ect. leer this recareisowe c-errs enel - 9 -
te- aroearetmrust higirlyto avers-A,
orn eiho is interestedl in ihistorical
As~N rseNis allsi o mnisesta-steerdy. Thinprice of either series isisit e, elnortoyuh I S).CY
ordinirary Errcycirlreriss nrats sica $f- n ear senilure. for thaCa._e-to 'litisoyean'
siai stetrrr-ssrr iiiisi LO -3dr ten7nil I-t-.0octa o ec oei-a'1 r ,;_s'?uccovfers every
Tieierr re tti rate dupnett.of lekanlov uown itounuLeua. N 12tf .o nW'' orVon9any other
speciali aerr ersithemistire-pebr
lishers see areabel e tralke this ns-s bi-teretly of Iirigis, comnplainis it- lbansossaes ~uabte en
irrccetenteei riffeiricis se.trust b ttentre eseeriresre thevsingcanleerraO ION
still result irstire sale of mianry sets b triri i heettiests
err ursget'es rshan Arir1ise.1 vrm-0 ..r,- nA r Aus nehlsen 55 irarai ,a'arsau's

AAa Is-esisii-i foe tine Wasinirge-
tn Ilirtlisrycelehrattin hareipro-
grassed seo rell that see can trees icr
as most siuccessfuli celebratiionthins
rear. All sl eis resten acirirspany
the speaker to Dietroit and attend
the Michnigans (lube banqueet rshouil
obtain tickets at once.
IN April tine annuial elections of
DILYe editors occurs, and as tire
selections is msade on tire bsis of
wock donna in cornrpetion, sin op-
portutnity swill be offered during thse
next sin weeks to alsvho desire to
compete. A position on tire edi-
torial hoard of 'FixreDaili is sworth
warking for and all whro desire train-
ing in newspaper wvork are urged to
compete. 'Those doing the best
wvork will he recormmended for
position on thre staff. All wino de-
sire to compete are reqluested to see
the managing editor at once. The
managing editor may he found at
the office betwecen the hours 5 and 6
o'ciock, daily or evenings.

the catirn set of 20 volumes, the remaining $9.00 to be paid at the rate of
10 centts a day (to be remitted monthly). A beautiful dime savings hank
will be seit with the books, in which the dime may he deposited each day.
jS Lf / This edition is printed from new, large type on a fine quality of paper, and
is strongly bound in heavy manilla paper covers, which with proper care will
Ilast .for years. -- Bear in mind that the entire 20 volumes are delivered to
- your address, with all charges paid to ay part of the iUited States,
Tb m sa cpcilotferemasde only tishriecadter-s o iti tnt U. i()sNi. Dtiers andieisllie
Horst'ord's Acid Phosphate irairiiipefrs a im uited ntrse sirs

Is the roost effective stud agrtee-
able remtedy icr existence for-
preventing indigestion, and re'-
liexiirg those diseases arising
front ai disordered stomach.
Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfid,
Mass., says: "I valae it as aaexcelleta
preenativerof nidigestion, aad a pleasat
acidulated drink wirshen oerlty ilted witis
water, and seetened.'

(ofiCtis Outl and, snd ts -S. V. ('U1 iItS,
tin-mine- .M1triarii t cer ie : r.t. iris en tire .
Istev niw rirai rrnr 'u S nn siii iiiii. 4 i ein frriiirir
di er er veritovi-i i e ct, sir s-rii iof irre20 sr irrtfic fRi's((, 7' i rtb iririrtc
I errierer Onr esolirs, run i frcr r etoii rerait air0 iens aii lien isits iir/ tier
"uirrinre lsiri) un)til ii the r'Ii i vyiil tin 00itaih i d.irt
fi toci .. .. .. ...-.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .-
Ps-fiee .........................................
Coity ...i .................................

T)an-nhlFt free on sinzmenfinn tel 1

DescriutiVe 1

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If sa, TRY my STZE DICIfE.
Berware of Substitutes and Imitations. And nath Sinners. W. H. OWIEN, rii ., It in a suercrure. Try it ad be cnvrincedr.
Yousailnitiaser-rearet it. Seat byemait ireairy
No. 4 East Huras St.. Opporesintertsaddress.Pwince. OneDoliiar.ales i'P. RHR~
Hernie. Her, CSemi dSaSa t m atmss. Per- 1insClnrk aSr., Chiciao, Iiiirnois. Se-ndmforir
For Sale by all Druggists. ceraain br. cuas.

,, '

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