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February 17, 1894 - Image 4

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-17

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_____ T HR I. OF MT. DAILY. ____ ___ __
1/T E TILL ' 1-11I AS I ~ 1E V5') : Ji
L ! e h v td d al n f.O ' Y ' : U P E R F IN EIAll o ur f . 59 1 an d .$4 . 0 Si cko es fo r $ 2 3 5 A ll 52 . 5, 9 00 ,,:i i Ti
acIIOCOO. : N't0 These oRe('geniuno BazĀ°arios as 'ate are (losing outtall Lattits' >IShoes.
At "5C por 11. AT lIE 1OUTFITTER1JS
Calkins' Pliari acy OWDISE11_~r:& C7
___________________________________ ________AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM.
Ilae I1'x1l1 Supjply of1 Andla NetvLins of
Of .A11SItyles and~ Privet.

Ty (t4, i.b ')DI Wrlotie i. mwet o
Ass -"rattbe r.'itt tlo!1) t ,1i v 't.t'tYte
I ' iett itssrrt tt t( e iteIIt ik : I L4IV,;t
t attrlState. rI It rittes, lt to.',
irerat on 'tts'tsderllrIpttteots tires
Oc3tt t itt tf i.t,t M'srl.. ~o,(to r 55. 15
Hatetrse. _l Vice Irc-;('lot. 5E. (trot. 5Ca-
rseri. ..F(rite Asst.tCsshier.
S oudet Work oa Specialty-
ca-keienemtt Loestt '(((s il th 7f
aLo ;t S.Aeitieliicireessi a.Pail's. C
t e ttllo t ( mc n it i
..t .t, I Ii ee ((at ;i,)'iiE. ,
(tel.l I rI ' ((( .0

41 South Main Streest.
Ann Arbor, Mi

Lt)totlt sslteitltf . ''-'' U. OF M. FLAGS.
(tive" p si's swhitt l it/Itt
ISes t ie ttJ i sit iitillero l trb'. I 4ar i'ial i~ ,entn ldi
(itte lls t tt'ltbetttl stoke ot ' lo. /nom eirlee eti t t 'eer'c pl
1 Solds n yl e ?,Itt -tt I' (o. fiwtto itt' et Prie, $57i.
trill meet l fly eo it't'i nott ttsil.I'WAY .l ANOLDIs I t'
RTES. AMist Prentice, '94,also Itas beet tlbI 0v54(;Sp#,rte. r
at her homtie its ralattaerttsfor iihe

JesseIB. IHortning, I)a;lit, isitedl
U' itersit r>friettts today.
91 is('arhtart entertainsera1nur1-
ber of college girls toni'ght
'+Ir MrttStevetns, ';,is attd-
ttt; thle Sc hool of 'IMics at orltden,
Prof. 5Scott trill not bile(Coture
t in lAdvanscedt Compostlionth ~is'
Prof. Scott has litmitedth le class
in rhtetoric, coturse Z, to otte ttst-
drred for next seester.

past two tweekstretrtiedtotc'tl lege}
Th t once0111 bc thle Newv 9rkE
Phbilbatriotice citb sill lie 11111ntxt1
entertaittnmenttite Studtis' lees-
tttre; asrsociationi
Sophomrinore liltsewho isremtettibers
of te S.C. 'teae 'ivitedl lo a
lhratvttt" Party," lotttlay eventing
at Newbherry bltl.
At a meeting of thte freshmitan
class last Satursday, MNr. A. 11.. Sotitht
wran electert class pcoet ansd Miss I..

Matude Elaine Caldwell, 93I bas A piaper on "Why Should I Be-
returned to lake some special work cm hrhiitme?"ilb
du'ngthe secondiroeseCmesterebe? wllI
11, ILY The ler clbillgsentester ertread by Mr. F.91. IBacon, dettt '95,
1k 411111 ~ te leecbt wil gie aconertat the St. Andrew's \tesper service
for thte beneftt of the Athsletic as- tomorrowv at 6:45 p. m.
sociation itt the near future. Itransk Griffitht, the phlenomntal
'vt; bttdeliverett et vote ronleer ites'saiittter Res'. J. M. Gelston witll spteak on left lhanded pitcher, htas decided to
ofthe t'Cotllege Ya fr$1.00. <<'olitics and Religion "' at thte remain withs Northtwestern thtis year,
Presbsyterian church tomorrowe even- itsstead of going to Ann Arbor as
- ing. hte had thoughit of doing. This
.Geo. lZ. Neil, law '93, and Miss wteans that with Kedzie to catch,
W' "$GRIBE NOW' + * * Susie Tttrner were married at Jack- Northwvestern will have the best cot-
___________________________sonville, Oregon, Wednesday Feb- loge battery in the West during thse
FIRST 7.TIOoLmBANKseason-The Northwestern.
T NATIN.L B NK Mr. Manny will speak at the The first of the Slocum lectures
Uo~oo Supls ad rofts M W.morning service of the S. C. A. to- on "Divine Manhood or the High-
Tmaaas a gonerallbaokingbsless. For- morrow, on the Hull and McGregor eat Good," will be delivered by
mitproeorod for traveersabod. Lteso Missions. Rev. R. A. Hlad .Do t
P. BAdfl5, Fees. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier.
A petition is being circulated Louis, Mo., in St. Andrew's church
-ANN ARBOR- among the history students asking at the Sunday evening service.
' T" ' that there hbe some' means provided Special topic, '"Following After
for regulating the heat of the library Wind.' Dr. Holland will preachI
28 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. and the'vent~lation of this and reel- 'at the morning' service upon -St.'
L .SERTISS, - Manager. tation rooms. Paul."

Il 33332it't 'tee. I ' I t t tt. i r.I
I(riit r ~ x.itarItttsa rftNi,(U
Itet er.c a v tnI( ,ts as Il. et
1)s, etlfsisettlta fr ,tallet trt
ingte amade ttle mreteth anattelprate
BheWREmoSF Its at teterve
thlast te nameeofIthe manufaeturers as
belowe is osn5everIspsckag.
li eoti sto'1c'k'ed (fct/s Iwiter,
W~oolens (an(1will ssl l tmt re-
deced prfass'tihe Goods eI n1 qsg.
No " t The Leading Tallr.

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