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February 17, 1894 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-17

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I.1 1' it i[ '[O tSN't'. -New' i" Ste n -"t . hno 011 Nt w~r t o' a
I yxc 11cii L 0111Cto. ('omiti 11101(1ee 1 twtt.P±.ii~ L
Goad 'Work. G'at'ta tt ttot' o ttad atI fo 4. 9 Siut Maiin street, t o c,fett (l5o( 1 atti t h ''woitta " .t'
aaaailtia'o A F. . Vo'la'tPro . A F. sr-aarraVneAt'tt' n^ sePrrxvrmrtarii vzur u t l~o all ;o w I(41il11N, '111 '. \1111t'
22e in t th1e Ltuottwuus, .. ".'. I' "j 0 tt , 1' Ci',tati 1tt t~ti atso -1 "1t:11' . 1?"ingsf
'OTY--i toat Histor'y of Engand. taatit ~ '''~N'.'~n
CI Y A U D R . Il Maa. . i +at (111s fct. w 'a la0'.;il I1 -Clt .1-l
1K. X. Seaholt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. Aott'., Fat. 19. -7lity Gclot'.(tc' " t a tta'aKe. '1'Thereawill baa I/to'isec'tions00 fo1r . N't a
Fa" ya'a S'O t'''w tt 'a tt., S lc. taaa t t ;tt 'tiat ' ta'tttt .tettr'ticit)}
+InFe.1.-'TATG "ttsn fteInrvl as AVI I2G B ~3 K+ ; tattoa. Na' Prf t1.t. rToyt oa" Ia' ga'- ano unt ced a. 'ITey w tll te t as
ta' ta'aaa 0aotaaaaaea taftI'iatat'aaftli taa' ' taaaa'ao iotaaaaataattatttha';follatasa:Sea'. I .,M . N.\'a'. I., at 3 JV org a .q. ii (Prs5i irlr~~ij %i:l ulieI tle4"; e .If 1oWr'. t-1 e. f
i'tlNatati't'ts'n. ta--wtat' t'a''tttta'ot{1tata'a'' Ceilfo'taa.ta'-.'' Sea'.RIIaal.e.sWae1".,d01a1rASma'.nIllv__________
tn 1) t.'tio . 'ovtsatt.aa ) aa t'sta'to h a' 'at ' nori.t'' 1ltan
ott. Na'aa 5' a't)~t'taattt a'rt!aaat'sce..l) lacroafiMat
Conan 5t ' tepo t n . ; a'. trtor a title. .. c.5. -a'at.taa'tto't't. , o siloatl cataa'
1a 1l.I lunn. (t "t.-t. a 0 9kLEG5
CRWNPE \C . [ A- . (t c^"Al.il SO 'oa itta'a.ra all a tro ec b aa'
re~laltat Ittlyalsat\sa'itt as' lass will stateal 'oa o (sat Itarta's attaa ,) to tata nEA IG C OO F IN
78 STATESTREET.PEN MAKE S. [ (SHORTHAND. Otsagtaittaottt1)t tatatttatta at t_::ttn
HCG tll isIta'1 ltte ata IlafuntllIa 'aat sataly antel H saratac aty. oas'ta'aa tota' at.'ttt tta't' oa
tON 0 4 --t S -ae .ti C. tAoRo aval l'o 'a. tlaproatiatdtoo o petlsral Vsgaa? -
'a' azlatttl'tteat It tca at 'N avisre' i al
tAtWA ttdEtDtTHEA7T HE 'rts a e ad o~ th erwoias ttaate alU INa.S.OA/C
Th'tt'Siottt.'t'tttatw erybiL i)Il( I san ltr)d~ T(n o -H . WORaat''. FIR 'a 'oat'saLDtaa'Ga I l'ialaa 't OFt- A N. SEat
INMCIEHL N'ttttt5CHaI.a. Ct'at A'GOa a. aai'.ao'' a Ptatioaotatay of Ratio a tat ta i tt, atas)tr
MANUFACTURERaStata l 5 o r tt 1l 1. t atsnt5 f t ' I l e til ~' S ud y 'Ha r o n y .I ti~ v o k l s a i1 1 1 i4,~l 1) 11 T ll 'I- t l
as as. ~aslsa'' .aaa.'aa~a ' to'. ott's tiaaleata reg'rNiesa 'at aanstt1'It to toEtret.s 'taeirse llaa Nato i u uc atients itt ik a lt'; 'auttl stt'tireAt
Aa'at~ aaa tttI tlrabitc S t alls ,ttee l lar ta s tate .tl s ay ew tT'{ _NXt t at 1 [1{s11r[lii) st~el oi
__________C _____N ______________ alI trati.t ght- eto~tr. .'r tat ia o s wl be tat ti~t I taat ha l u t~tat atn'I'.. tt t. ii1g
andSDLttaia'tlw jas, eia nt,' a natltabt }ta (a'ctnaidereda' AIt a 'eass.tw'thl ofie t t staWiIper t'aaki sri at rtj~i
rata1 t t.. atl'i ' a. -awlat stltalali lare
MRS, ANNIEWARD t03TRiia\'thecourse wil be ('evtat t h P .CEAY a
4604 taeSret et ekter il1(:ar(e ) h Rm k o ihr I g. ta' ht 0I
Franota, ScooforSotata
diatsua 51 l taalItCaar - c 7us a ien s Ianoc ed atatl a I a L'S
- ,. I I it'ataltY' -a7tl1)ttoo t' ks'ItuaarisalIlao ii et la' lt rilaatalIt attt, z
1 I, lot.l1'. 1' a a. a.ta=e ~.tistatl. Ilatatlay l iaal't I atr-a. a a ativ a s ll aa'a'ati tt''cittaaaol'a th mitt
(oa ttla lpt or li e ptona' aaaata ()Ita5ra sti a1t) a1 'aa' tair lts stforlonta-ty
_____________memts r s a. ol. to' I' " ll h r ----,ItrDI YOt('t.
I i ). s't'sttatoatti'haur'atr t hi'c ure Ph lo -':strs't lttaa.
I t. N. )1 1t' .. 1~ aIt' N.tatit .~ . t o ' oti,, ." a est~e t e a~is. l(-I' m tt wll ho lo iv'..t; .) ,l't o lt ar 'i's iti iataa6", aAltit
.05a.at a. t at 7. !e >(aaaiaa Ott. toi~r. 00' ask- ( I o tr. a aol ert~llfog th's' ec'ill es. IlaIt o aias It
'stt tottt Sia a t. N 0 Iitaata . ..to ~ r tistto I '. rclaet e at l eal ti- I I c nl t~ot. ltc d s sat O t t. a'tlll' a at Iaaata
NtsitattdStat...'i'~ t~'. t'a't't taa.t a ~ . ata~a~. ltaatt . a t otag v n h n- atta(o ta u1t' a l'tttr aat atal . zttt
dt.[tt., i Cot. Stat. . at Ito Ott.dNtr. ototal. Sn ior Lahcvw.lNottoarr anel 1 t '1t( ." in't ;81
GM'.°o 'aatacesptItoto.oI all'a ot e r Itatl 'OtattS(Ota'Itatlaitte t'tI)t'ttttt col)t!tat
y ~~~ls snr1i l Ilad in ta 'yentlab- ttt otattntstatas. Te N1st1O ltirot t'ta.&I<tatatasi igl(tstoote.
atutorv.tat ranccatasi)o 1t1..ey cfn(. t r tt a t tt ;sttlni(of c. 1t [t 17 l 99 t
)' ORH ICIGNh( or bforeowngtChaneas ana hooears~-
-,~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ RA1LAY Jatte ane ttclittit.tt(1vo attla Atontun('"gt1o(1t1aireARaraChnce

TirnepTabta l tol ' t Suttnt~day, Novaa..5,n18a3. above ttnne. 1I. S. tiAttR\\t0'.ce brto of heattttt lttttt 't''ltneil; tt-
Tfrains lesove nA b~o rtat 4 y Catal 4Itta I aoinl nycoed a
sta'ta tite.ota lttlabot'il b. Cst t$260t. Nt
77n1t5.. *7:a: tat..II .. 'at.a'rtlaEtatacats to. 'Tarif f fthe corner atone of tine Pythnian it'jlt t at ll. Will sell itt 00grett
'tatte to.)to. 1:30ao. 'al' History of the United States. Stat- 'emple at Grand Raptds, 'February sotcrttla'c'. lottost tots'teSlon tltey.
4:15 t).1t. attasp. d res" l"
*Trains runa tbetoatwen .i1nnAaar~or'Pnti oldo dents whlo Inave land or ore taking Toth, the T1. A. A. & N. ot.1 'y ttra"t
Alittrains dsilv exceptt Staty. otto coarse in P~olitical IEonomy wilt nell round trip excaursion tickets sted. 1.ofA1 AIY
nt. S. OUtFESNWtOtO, a'aot, slAn Arbor.aa'ore eligible. 'Pite class wiltl meet at rate of one and one-third fare. - .4--
so.'. ti ttNN>I''G. P. A. ''otad'da fo r organization ian Room 3, 'Putt- W. H. BEla NIa'TTI To-Wit: The Sentor Law Annuat
1 0 _ C Jrr day, Fb 0 Gent1 Pass. Agt. Solicits thtofalltoing adrawings.
______c u lob.-o-- - D'"""~~""'Ienigtns for Coyser, 't'itle Pange and
ta 'sa ol' tAdvancod Mechanics. At Granger's Academy. Bioard oaf Editors, Etching of Prac-
SteadqIua'es faa Signsa. tdnn ae'The Schtool of Dancitng, No. St Mono- tice (Coatrt Rootam, Snaall P'relude
Stdnswinthing t ltke t atlte- Lnird street, is run strietly ns a schoot, Cul tanod 'lail tiece. For furthner
matics t5, swiltlIntense mteet me in uttly pupils, parents attttchl ttetaott ad- itntfornmatiton as to the character of
25 S. Fourth Ave., - Annu Arbor. Roont 27, on Wednesday, Feb. ?n, mitted to adutttclasses. Ptu~pils re-.tn trtvnscoslr1.F ol
~-~c.'8~ElR at 2 p. m.-a to arrange hours. calved at any titue., Office, ceetter eta.n-' a- '
Nii tatW ttgo>ret t'X0a'S M'P tratteet> Maynartd street. Mr. and rutan, r)eoS. 51o1 St. Senatl draw-
Mt-!is. Grattger insltrunct at tlt cltases. ings tai.thne alatlv atddress.

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