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February 09, 1894 - Image 4

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-09

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________ ~~THE U. OF 1v. i AIlY.___________
LOWNE 'S SUPERFINE" All 0111' ' d 01 air f.ii m i.J \l a..)ii ' ii, ';.
11t<->. I St o $ 95 Tlee ico arc goiiiiino Baigaiiis as m arc. lsn ot l a1di A 5coer' Shoco.vrIME U F-r ICL
Calkins' Pharmacy

l Iaxe a Full Supjply ol'
Of.All 513Style ateil, Priers.

AtIIl a -New ine ,I'

Auu Aoralb,-ilst"uor a i) S Bank
llAmi %rboe. Mich. lt.apiltitMok, 0,009.
.Surplus., 5,00
of this Stoie c.ioive dleposoits, nts aod
;c 00000hngeontepill itjes 1i'oof the
Unitedi stes. frail rs ashed uon opeoccr
ienification. SftolO postbxes io relit
tlt'tlbjl Cllo) i i. itch ltl o , ]'res.: 0..iU.
Harrimano, Vice 'res. Clo. E. liioo,Cat~-
oha"M . J11.3 i t. As . si er-1.1
UStandard Bicycle
o Ofre World,
U ~ a~fl 10)) 1 7-11 II 111, 11 t ollill:
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Pt tlls m n nA n To c ,tl l e-
33=s twns it paceai l be hea . vill-
oll u Co te tim s of ll Iex i
Chicsag~rs o rdHarteod.
LadnAt atoa rdrtngia ilaos
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Bafo f,01 ostron, ew ork
Cahic 500. aaottdtfrd $l.oo
ATesaol a gltalnr-a oatg lottl". Far
ri atehaoge bougtat tod.: tetorof
crled raotar t avao-ertabta.
Lai BArtitiScfairresnChars
P. BCrs. RVS.S, -A MSOasaier.

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44 South Main Street.DEN&CM NY
Ann Arbor, ,Mich.DA C MAY

'1l1e annuaol electin of the S. C.
A. will be hold March 28.
Lx-G ov. Luce speaks on laariniig
Sundaly nmorning in Newberry hall.
M'iiss .AgotesKeley, '97,5is 01o1-
1f0n(1 to hirro0111111enl accounlt of
irs. lProf. lltiiiiiiwill enlertain
a seton of ithe A'oiilai'O Leagoe
M1iso Nellie Sclhroll, of Dlecattur,
Ill., will leaoe college at the close
of tiis senmester.
Course 4, Finance, antd Course 8,
Transportatioo, in Political Loon-
orniy, will be held in room Ml.
M~r. Percy Rowe haa returned
froiii'WXashiiogton and will continue
his course ini the law departnment.
The XWrinkie jester got loose yes-
terday and wandered at large abotif
town for sonic hours before being
Misses lizabethi anitlJentnette
Gardiner, of Lyons, Iowa, are visit-
itng iss Margaret Hench at tie
Sorosis house.
Miss Mabel Neil, of Salem, god.,

Thle Foley Guildl will hold a meet-
ing in the LI. G . 'T'. hall, Satur-
dlay evening, principally foir 1he
elertion of officers.
AMr. F. 110m111r, 1of Ntooster
Uinioersity, is takin, trailninig under
P~rof . 'rueblood for 1110e Oho state
ioatoriral contost.
1t thile mieetin~g If tlI n.1ioc'r-
ing soriety, tonigh~t at 5io'lolck,
Prof. C'.. Taylor will read a paper
on the ''Sinking of WVells,'' iii room
MiXlss Gertrude Shorf will -comn-
plete her work for the degree of lol.
B. at Ite close of tiis semester, and
will retulrn 10toiter honme at Dlecatur,
TIhe meeting of thie alpha u lit-
erary society tomorrow will be for
the transaction of businiess. A con-
stiution is to be adopted andoffoi-
cers elected for next semester.
Prof. Lockhart will offer a senie
otf lectures on Methods of Christian
Work in the Bible Chair and S. C.
A. course in Newaberry hall, begio-
ling Wednesday, Feb. z21, at 3 p.
in., contintuing willsoiie lectture a
week until April tot.

lP l4:~I.1),.oolflo.di
ii. E~il. 15'S F It; . t1t10v,1 ,(,.)0
M heNRihmond Traighoutne 11
gAEaI-mom mittj ofola. ai
BEWARE OF IMITATtl,! I ON ~'~~t, 1tiI,''tls Oi.(Ncto
1)1sT ital 11 1.0 tII of 011 lli~tElatlarora 05c
bolai ia o evryfprkago .
in o aalte mLetadng tapior

arrived in Ann Arbor this wveek to Rev. Mr. Sunderland will speak
take a caurse in elocution under at the Uitiarian church next Sun-
Prof. Trueblood. day tmorning on "Professor Tyn-
Prof. Mechem gave the miembers dali, and the Relation of Science to
of the senior class who were not Religion." In the evening Rev.
quizzed in tlhe general lecture room Lee S. McCollester, of Detroit, will
a special quiz on Wills, this morn-I lecture upott "The Churches and
lug. About 75 members were pros. Cathedrals of England." Illustrat-
ent.f ed with lantern views.

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