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February 03, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-03

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_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY.

tlsines Oay !(5s sasys exce pied) daris;,i
ttie Cllue e ca,,bli-
[hHE comnplimtents wisichs our law
school receive(d from eastern ptrof es-
sors is certainly gratifying to stu-
deitts of this university. Whtile we
do not aim to over estimate thitn.o-
portance of our osvn institution it
stay he said, sve think, that ttte uaw
departmtent, if not now thte forenit
in the lanid, is fast becosming suchs
Its no dlepartment of thse nniversity
have so nmany intportant changes
been matde during the present year.
Thte spirit of trogress has taket pos-
sessiois of facttlty and students, and
for thorottghtness of senrk, this pres-
ent college year is thse .fJui°r-
bl/s in the htistory of the lawv depart-
Ecunmy and Prayer. I
Last evening IProf. 14 errou's
subject was "'The Political Elrono-
my of the L ord 's Prater''aind lie
shoswed hose it wus a ('1111plete an

vaults. Wealth hsas never been hon- Tuesday, February 27, 8 p.,in., in
est withi the peopsle, but swith a na- Harris tall.I - A
taral distributinsit swould save Lectture 6.- ''lmntortality.'' On US QES
savetd us fron thle present crisis. 'lhutrsday, Marchsj., 8 p. in., in
- .. Harris hull.
An Appeal to ;Students.,~ --~ --- - - '
M1rs. Merry, whbo has heen i
'rie borard of the Fruit aind FlowersrcigIs igsDuhersits LAIN-COLOFBSNS
'dissioss has Just had thse name of b sth EDIGSHOLO BSNS
thi ssin elsarte, will glee a talk on thsat and SHORTHAND. Aifint buibiiitng; nine
eahr;lreaiieidance; geod discipline; sipsr-
th Ms tonpt on the doors of thse subject at the school of music some _,,rwo'iiwtsintippltisreading rom:iailyie-esa
[sep te iiiia esvenin ee tiins o enniie enire year
txssitn thrytoevening next wveek. tDate to he t'td iain- n paig t visiipe
students rensemtber the organization nunced later. Pvdnui uate sgnar iantd e.otin4
and its needs. Since the organiza- For New c'atalugsie, address
lion of the Mission, fruit and flowers
have beets carried. to the hospitals TjOLD
at Thlanksgiving, Christmas and ,
Easter, assil patients swho could no t Jf t 1t t U fr
otherswise remain for treatusenthave I
had their expenses laud front the-
fusids at its disl.Tisyear, Time fTble itaig eits'i'i stndiyisNov. 5,N)"'
sposa.. I Tran etite uvi' t'spriwi e (stars
frait ansti Hoovering plansts save been Hor'sf'd's Acid. hophte """' , tnu(m " i it i,
taken to the housitals, and so a fesv Posphteit. ).I; .
peile outside, anti three patients Ist:e1ns)s efecivea.i ,,e:,'a'ti"e l .i iia.,
save ibeen enatbled to remsains in the otl ran tvc.eiSnoy
hsospital for several, weeks, able retsnedy in existence fot 1-nt. (2 REenWO nn, a Ahi
ITe MSissioni is the only organi- peetngitiesur t -'
zationin iscoliege wicshliappeals cdi-'i-..i~uUfJf Uk
rectlti to one sade of life, and af- lieving those diseases arising ONN MllSiit NV,
fords an opiportutnity for an expres- front. a disordered stonsucit. SATURDAY EVE., FEBRUARY 3.
lotn of a pitrely unuselfishi interest in . -
tir ivell-beitig of others. There is Dr. W. W. Gardner, Sprinigfietl, .A.L.A91B.AJA.
tn fiinidfoir a free btai at te Mass., says: 'I1 value it as as estellent ~ YAGSU HMS
ttosplitasls, aiid snithser organizeations preventativeof indtigestiiii, asitahleasantA--

tierfert sustetul of life. lieIexpti- casesswhiere sucshshitpseemts adis- sttrmt setitil".A.d t is
atetiontthe separate lpetitlions of the ale so the mieicial lprofessors. pae irer_1oaurMter- _'ecit tutu' -c a'u ci
wsho art its heavess declaressthe liiilii the ileaniaatinaid fia s r nitotsitl eri'iul tuiti uss llliii treetolapiaitlil clo Bsil.SitI'irtc
rga rothierhsoidl of smariesbit imeigntclitthattnRe- umford tsensteatWoi-ts, PrasienceRI.
iii iiutsi iiiti'ititit Iltiichiiiiiy to'irei-uii t iuuus: l i-i 'v~ ii.. -. t i ti li iole
thrtsn oart i gI tI niceiveeits mieanssfor seork Irons te 1. Patrquetto Cirluse lade of ilit'.rm,'c
psoor, thsat tile iroducetion und itli- ttlnsIeievs For Sale by all Druggists. iu tlrls,
tribsution isi iealtht ilulst bhacco trtd- Te Missioni as three boxes in
ing to a natural idemicratys Socialtiftfereist tails, 015esear tim front
cast is utlicisist, atid pliltiocracy vitrance intsh~e tall of the mistuissa
swhichs is enithiroinetditnmricass buildisig, ote in thse hiii of the law
righsts, thie'fatherlsootd of foi. l'oiiIsuilding, andt one in te rear en-
treat any tmat less tanthetlsSoil olfIre to tile nmedical btuildinsg. 29 iontgress .
God is iprofanity. ' k.
:icinin th S «Yirl a is ia fate' lur~t. An interesting Series,- _

To be a isrofessor, a baisker or a
merchtaitt is no letter thtats to be a rTse Hobart Guild wviltis year
coal niner or a brakensan. Sawiisg give a very interesting series oh lect-
wood is as hsonorable as pursuing the ures on the Slocus iFoundation.
study oh philosophsy. WVhat is called The Rev. Robert A. Itolland, D.D.,
rising its thte vorldl is often falling of St. Louis. Thte general title of
from a themne to a siaterial state. the lectutres will be, "Divine Mtan-
Thse divine righst of youtr coachmtlan isood, or thte llightest Good.''Thse
to rule is greater thata thse divine stibjects and dtes of lectures are as
righst of any kiisg to rttle. 'Ihe lpue- followvs:
sitit of htappitness is tlte eisslavemsent Lectutre iT. 'iFolloswing after
of life, and the kingdom of Clod is Winil." .Sunday, February i8S, at
thte political econonty of thse state.' 7:30 p. M5., itt St. Ansrese's chtirchs.
W~here God's will is tdnne thsere is Lecture 2.- "The Noise of Water-
heaven, and wvlere stan's will as- spouts."'T'Tuesilay, -Febsruary so, S
serts itself against God's swill there p. ni1., in Farris hail.
in hell. Conscience is a safe guide lecture 3.- Midsunmmer Nightt's
only when Gosh is its director, only Dream." Thursday, February 22,
whlen it is esiucated in righteous- S p. in., its Harris hail.
ness. \Vealtht is loosing itself today Lecture 4.-'"The Divine Mtan."
is trying to hide itself. In thie Sunday, February 25, 7:30 p. us., in
present crisis when it is isost neetded St. Andrew's church.
it skulks and iides assay us thse Lecture 5.-"Tie Art of Liviisg.'

Mar) lu vbctcrcrsef
Hlf -Ton~e euts.
-reftedtidi teusf
(IegeJoun1ad( OK
RcprosiucticoseJ'Pei) auIlnk
ns c zirt sn (rayoih criphAutoa pLts h et 'fe
apts oArc~iedaiaI.Scle[niic ,
f a i gcitie rspa
oVrtrxitc~of he fxeulty.
- p toi ndih. n us s IIhjeokphrJotirr~d
@1 II Crd5 eni ju (h.Dnerder5
e-Ar{I5 tic PrQ,,'rrroThe5.
Crre6FondeDpe6oihcited..1 's:

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