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January 31, 1894 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-31

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BET'TER STILL ? Here ip a Tasker. All Our Tan Sh oes. -
.®WNEY'S -'SUPERFINE" GOVESan ivuts, 0o-sUI'llvCUFF.
CC)FQ4oI,' ' Ei KID LE L OVES\ 5andl M1I ' N,(SNM lItOUIK"' I(V,
Y lieeIBest Rtobbers in toewn for he Pite.
At j Cper lbezA
Calkins' Pharmacy -OW :DS S/L & M r-r-SOS 1\f
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ AND STATE ST., CORN ER OF WILLIiM.

I .y 'too ttdo ee-ces t Ple p) o st otice
1o. t Ote rtat oy-tr-ceetp. tersertery hae.
Ana Arbor Sav igs Bank
C 500n Atbor. Mi c. ctept I -wo ,
-t.Orza'etl ttierttenerailtntngL awtso
of teis State.Recei-vesc deposits, 0bu tied
-ellsooocl<e ontothe r tincitpalfcite of the
Uited tat ttes. [traft-s castledttpotn proper
ideotifico then. Solfely detposit to to tot.
OFFICERtS: S'eei.tiott Mootc.', t}'rye. .)
Harrimoan, Vice P'ees..e(Shat. E. Ilteeth ,Ce-
shetet"' 11. F'ittzAsstt.o-ahot-.
$.50. UNPRECEDENTED,$1.50.
L [ i . j Ii

Y c.PiJ.. Irm. W P II . F LD .,
i ST.A~i~0;LEC~,i~2',tDA... t'IA lIiSEt Sz
Jftestt sf-lss c t ick.TDoes )iot 8f1~ -1104- felSS m i/o ) F M A S
lies tee leteS 0(10).(i cfetetfefe fi~f
Vao05s Bve renitt loetire fo 18ttes Ihifr s.(lisfillec f50.So htC 'ld vStr
Ito isfSSt 'SS caronSS. lies lihthf ollhoiof stoks forteS f .eteyt lo)4 t iS elt e e tiSkp
1)tfjredo mp tselyf. Sold ot-tlbyi lo t & isCo. ore~te 55 0ttt ietttt e50S
Still etS et ee-eeetieolteil.T lf l.%11 . t OLlS Jt 151Ste.
41SuAnn Arbo, Mich. DEAN & COMPANY. LO E. S fK t..f
UNIVERSITY NO l'ES. EI .To st, eete o ~e ONI&I 1 i 4t.eh e.
I'residlset XAllhas retutrned senoior class of Iowa college, is hsere
I rott te loesl.attending Ithe Siociological fInstitfe. e tfs~ldfL1I~c'1d
.5. (Co1Lemneoelose'<a is e ILG.Cobfurn, lass egois assistt- c ef'eef.fte
aeet secretary of te Dmflee . I leeeeos calrt4i, odPiatrnyo sha d W s Ia o;f trt la ~i rbtFiEF. eyerf
ta.toreeey of Aslolanpef, blltings. et l t ,tett. lesSt
leo.Scott still toot teeet leis c lass tntit% 0 otetstBelfte e ieteo Loe tes torte.SSs eet-
Diefroit. 5 1st 15', s -tet . t-P' te eN . I S eerlr,:+hee.
inte t oricoel Ana~lysis totoorrosc. frank A. bellI latsr go, f the i t Sthtore s tet ire -ettt ir
Arleellti swill elect officers for next lirtee of ~cCkle or &- Dell, is cficeif
seeeester at fleeemecteng IFriday even-sert ttnt-ee se910lts
coute tut soe fNaqet
S fle rrosingforrooeesicefle 001 1rot. 1It."Steere teasiteen elected a/
recitaetitteehall lhas already takenef csereoTle / .A.:la
150cc. tresfreesofethteS.Ce.tel Braf. d ofG
II.ce. Caiefceoes, lentpltte ofis oat> resegeece
fI .Cnillw'), sco-rsg.SR y attorner of Gfirard, .\letcoeepin Twe'ntry-etget cantdidates ore try- 1II ARE THE BEST. /
coeunty, Ill. eing for posonttstee Brown's lease-- CIGARETTE SMOKERS wtrettwieell-
in o pate lee ilttle r e hntepie
At orfiteer 1.I - Iudsoec losw tg., ball tteem- Stecre, sheort stab, caol- rieeeted otlfter cteierd r-tractCi garette,
wietebled THIS BRAND sueris o oeeloeecco.
is IProsecuicg Attorney for N'lasotn tafnsth le teame. Sragh
coutly, tiche. ltrot. Ilerrone will spelt-arhis eve- The Richmond Srih Cut No.I
Ia.I-l Elleeesooelaw er'go, is U.- ! eiog one-The(Christiatn Contitee- cI ifErrc
lie ~e othese ritgeetet,motdlc e
S. attornecy for fle District of Ari-lion of Society."(Coneference thiei'e tee toe, etetdeeigleLosrt GOLD LEAF
zont, Tucrsotn. Aniz. aftertnoon as usutal. goni 'rgia
ITfe couerse itoCiurrenicy a d a nk- oel IIenry Cranoe got-c a th esis itn teeaeteethecer eCtier eaeeeete tee asc-
beloew is on estee- paleesioo
ineg swill tore oral revies or e Lee atien yesterdayoyilec"TteIHistory
next fiereImeetitngs. aestlentce of RomanoteLatwsitoce tr 1 GI , xicaAA~eo r
Ptrof.tlHudson exatminesleis cdoss'ethe Time of Justniefate." VERA NCH ottcrtont trtI
eta IHistory of fle ecdeReroluttiote C"Elizabeth Iteabodyante cclod-'
nest Saturday forenoon. ern hitdergardere M\orceneettifee TAKE1 NOTICE
:Rufos ft. Bennett, LL I0. 'i, is Education" will be Rer. Mr. Sunt-
a tomember of the lose firm of Eseitng derland's subject at te Unitarian
& Blennett, of Iola, Ilan. church next Sunday nmorning. 15~ t -le-a e/t00
A faculty concert of thte schtool The Engineering society will mteet i t a c c 'zh ~~
of mtusic will be held toneorrow Friday evening in Room to of the 1'cPet/S V'15-s e ltee I/Ertet tot e
evenintg in Frieze Atemorial heall. Engineering building, at S o'clock.cis1 eecette(as/scelr
'A recently discovered edition of Prof. Patterson will read a paper on
the Four Gospels, over f1700 years "Electric, Power front Niagara 4 iI L~
old," will be the topic discussed at F alls' 'The election of officers 14 _ Af p.I),
the At1. E. churcha next Sunday for the second senmester will follosw
mornintg.I the regular meeting. No.2 East TheLai alr
Wualu n gton St. TeLaigTalr

AetO Sf1I Iff1, t ' Il le-ttt 11k
oteIsetI i5Nette SwIeI.
adies' Artisc adesteing-Partors,
Ii-i-tttld i Ieeeeetenteoee iletie- lot;t
-iitt mtt. 55 tist' tsabtie lu
e0,ANN AIlt3tI.
Cepetal.,o"Ke9e000. Oarpels etndProfitts, . 00i.
l roe tr at-.£1 oteet heeel ilr )eeg tttita. For
eigenhechang oeoght needsold. 5Letters of
credlteprsocuredtlor traelecir-labrod.
1. B0 Sot Pee. )S teCt -Rl hoNCakti
E. S. SESYISS, - Manager.
An B lath Rtomns. W . MOWEN, 1It-eu..
NO. 4 EasE Moron St.. Opi'te Cout
House.- Rot.,('oldl act See, SaltiBaths. Per-
clain tubs~.

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