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January 29, 1894 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-29

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THE U. 01? M. DAILY.

LIENV 1I. e'(Ll'MENT 9
31 SO.M -. II Pin-il te(tr rt aia0 MnrrI-AGENT FOR THll
Christy Hat. London. L. L. & A. Hat, warranted. Roelof's Hat'.
EXCELSIOR LA UN DRY Dent'. Kid Glove..
21) RA'r'Il ['lON siiE OT. :\soa It ill i M n's lne 10 101101 -So qilt Cse . 'P luI.and lBz.
Good [Noll. Oaroanted i' lloo 'oelllflyu More Formter1y Occupied by TWio N A$Il
and aeliveret. A. F. tcOVER.T, Prop. _____________________________________
22 Fears ill the Osu itrew .+n . OF M. AEDR u
OiCLEDR many other interestog features, a
CITY LAUNDRY., I 9 r..FO.isiit fCai all pesnl grinids will be excluded
M. Mi. Soabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. lian Sociology, in Newaberry-j lll from the pages of "'To-Wit:". The
Kp;Elio..0I1.T R-lAC001I.v Tl in oily iTHElillustrations will b exceptionally
+$TATiC SAYVI1TSG3 A12R ' llon ~... '9.2lInland Le-ag-eal-. -irl-lli''-l'n- fine, including steel engavnso
C'm IbMin andWlashingoln Sireetsl lo r. Or. Honro ge- Ilibbeso-.0il-Ft li-x~riec-",-
A .N as ral-~so as~~roloh'.Iw i t oleira Ill (':lieutla.' theaorigilnal facalty, loalf-tones of thec
Tue..J. o.) 1-Chor iIFiou ~nSeries. C o-ert law building and professorsmuan10--
STAR STE AVLA UNDRY1 bOrde ll'onlinot n.llivtsity FHall. merous clots. 'The editors solicit
5111 -. cm, ohe 'islilllil i rplo ~ssal ~lilll51-ieI prose or poetical articles and carry
sat irn, od iivsloc r'-a. 111 l ,iiEat-iHiu- IOT'ii, F lt.1-.- s o-m s ri-aen
ro st. 'S'l'li'io i.. w . 'c.1.-. ' .ll--pio s dola 2onitri bution xil be admitted iliittill'
Pe o.soi Itde m-colpetitioni for lorircs. IandI all
ConT O SAESREPNal-iAKEnS. nie M contribuitions il to rlii-o-i-thle literature roili-
y u aeo. 'lto--... 'rl . -a. !. 1'. .5. rl'cl-iliill 1 1-ind ns. c iirbuiii
IllCAO. 11-th Scli Il-'l 111'-.irloittee consisting of Nlessrs.Siuis ansI
aoi~~ai SeA Subleot tor Debate. IDeisoin.'olgHont"
iCOeNCESforSheONterTOlivrAKyEe- t CobjetH''olege tnes
bale, conisting of P'rofs. T'ruie- ty'' was ciscuIssued Sunday miorning,
DANCING and DELSARTE Iblood, Scott asd Hudslon, 011 Satiir-3 at the S. C. A. chapel service. M\r.j
MRS ANNIE WARD FOSTER hlay reportedl Sle following sulbject Robinon spoke of the great extentfodicson"RelvdTath
ON 546 %S. State street. frllcluo:'RsleAottl to s-. ia cheating is, carried on in
MODYbp m. Allv-.semrlC (lo-s for iLa- o ie o-rn
die;5-. 0111 titlena. olicy o eileeral Gvrnetourir sieges, alid of noany un1suc1-t
T-. Illilaill 1olught to be tol tring aboult the A\n- ceusi ol attemopts by faclties to do
nexation o~f tile Slawalian islands.''auvay wnitho it, and of tile stand taken
SA'rRl l 0 i.Ill.Grttlmti's-ano wy
a ss1 S11"'.l.ll'l '~-. -aturdlayeveinig, lion conltestanlts hartihe studcents themslelves at ('or-t
I . t.ldis'dniiI-rlis.. (lirelw for sides switho the folloswing in-'11011 and Princeton. Air. Wilcox
15 ~lilIIsooOsanl~lil lllli -soal: All., j. Dearborni allelpi; showed the l implllortance (If cultivsat-_

Dicalli t 'ocr1Gallery, andi 110 wilt be
also '>r r, ile. l tl' u i n t1 ills '(,r Ihe _ow-
Morgacn & GQibpon.
It isna.surtecur'. Trryli l'iai db onie.
You wli ill-evierie it. et rrn~ilitoany
l~drer'. Pirtie n-Illor.I3011N 1P. 05515,
12ii C1lr Stic alo, lllii ls. 01en1for111
And~ Mah 'Oo0101.W.1H. OWFN, IProll.,
NO. 4 ]East Heron S&t. illpl-.iu-.t'o
Btee5011udentis15 111oliughillfor-
ulotill ilt lI SI-Itlittle 11f it.,11 thinig
whlichlI ilIouid1tree 111)51-f. .Instead of
talkinig 1111the, Ieilule, (ceatinggall in-
terest ill it biy repolrtig thrcougho thie
cllllilil of the paplers, lnd appriosing
the studlentsloIf 5whlat w,(sBeling done,
the commi~i ieeiield star chanmber ses-
00o10, never 'liced a linie iln any of thle
plapers, lall 'veei usiledlllol gieionfor-
n~itilollto thiose uxilolasked folr it. Xlis
wals it i iue.ill'0s chldlenlge tol debate'
t1r1s clolt aciknowlledged,. 0 111511e0of 11c-
1t1o1 wtich caused1'lltile sud lents of the
thait Ill'wtow' unreliable? tHoees-r,
this se-ret 11lieh I f doiling businss,
111111 iailutlinvltse. It tthe 011on11
lhey learnI thlt ill 5Cvillg-the pulblic
tiles t 111-lgilve' 1ome1'acclounl~t of thleli-
et ves, the illtter. let ili 10110tin~t
1191eaf ter liie'0commlittee wsill lIellio
to ma1ke' lamen~ds for l'-st llllllrs, byi
k.eepoinglthtil'studen~its postedl tlroulgh
till column~ls If the clllege Ipaper-al
Tolsll iVery 'Trnly,.
A S'ri-oax-r.

Leonlard, Jeffersoniian; J -. .\ays, log, dirisng our prepaation for life,
ao - Webster; F.. Weslee Marlat, .1 cflr the labit of truthflnless, whiichiiis
soniain.-N eg., \. i. elvlo,Atlel- the funidamiental elemoent tif char-
4 a phi; II . It. K r(e/c, Alphia Nu1; C.loler. MlissoBldwainlshowvetdthat
I". <iin halIWebuter: 1,:. 0'. 1iiidle} ,, college dlishlonesty is partly dule to
AlphaooNI.thoe fact lthat lultlorluc orb isye
- 'Il- Te ilter-sociiety idebate xiii be qore fsllletaloitltioic
- held % larcls2, lat wvhich imulethometors are ino a umeasure reulponsible
ofIllhoc above swilllie chxosei o Iirail- florthoe rcoeating. l r. \anTasuell
resnt 1110 U.5of . brought tile disciusion to a close
M.~ICHIGAN ()ENTF AL "To-wit:" Assuming Form. uvith a plera for a betiter sentlimient
A. & -- Ianliang tlionudents.
Tlu lli tc-silN ~l.11:. 'hie editoarsof '"to-A'ilt: '"sore 00
A-.-i . As. Wt . i munchloenlcouragedh over the heartTyON
D. N. Enpncoo-...,I41 1.. N. Y. & I'. SI. ) I, oehert
Atlatic Exstes. sv ,It OlullEsp-..Sio reception which Shoe law annoal hsas dlitor I.. FSJ. DAILY':
Fant Easi'nPITI.. 4 I N. S. Limitedil-10305 Dea-IcSir-I SlotliedIill )ol r issue10 (f
to.St. Exp....- 1113,!2 e. imnel. At a meetisng of Shoe euditoriaol '-
t. . s west'siEXS1. 1.3the 0thcin0st. asoasrticlerlative to the .5Mi n x)...41 .&1asl.so or edStrateltrtr
N.a Yl & 1a-4 811 o0cl. 1. 0Exal.es1... 158 oad ed atrdytleI aclItion ofiithe eommslitte'e ill cliarve of the
N. S. Limoied..... 1 33 Paific Express-..1013I cotomittee reporteid thoat over a hilboI inte'rcolltegialte ideboteii1 wicheisyoul
. . R0- T e,.Ilixng. wo. All Art red pages of literary smatter had i state thbat '1HEs- 1,iY received its first
beesn arranlged for, inctludinlg a lis- knouiwxeidge of thle iftereltegiutte idebate
TH ANARORAG t ory- of theSlaw sdepartmnot froml the Iromns ISoultsidel'soiurre. -Now' tis
PRINTING and " ofSloes not sulrprise smoe in thle least, 1(s
penpen Judge 'Slnas 1t. Cooley, 'Illit, IDisiY has1faredlIso worse than a I
SPUBLISHING and that a sleet engraving of Sloe greaut manI~y studensts wh11 o ae insde
-IRO'tT E-. sucge uwilltbtoniclusded oblong Shoe enuirie's aboist tis subtject. '1111
Student Work a Specialty, illustrations. Amoong tile othoer it- eclomittee seemos to Save alsosmed us
Best,_workmnandLowetpricesinthe__ity. rary articles arranged for may hegradeloepwrthnbogso
meniond a aricl onI']o-tt:~itandit oos as thloughm some of Itue
GRANGER'S. mentioedbansaticleron"To-Witle to annotone.
eithersbrin prosesior pobetrt. For Oslo
CLASSES IN DANCING wsill ma s eihrinpoeTrpetye-o n 10commssittee nmembers say that tihere
folloos:Geutiesteu, -taurday maornings 10 best selectionon050this subject a prize, }Ssts beens nothing done iSI secret, oand
anod Thusaray avo'sil's 8:01; Ladica, Saturda~y
afernmooos 4. Ladico aisd Gentlemsen, ad- plerhoaps a law book, will be given. tisat thley ihave used tileetmnost tree-
vanced lssos.Tatndaveveis i8. an1d1satuin-(oiinifrngerypsn.woha
lay evtningls tai'loct. Gronid foor.,0sAlas- Anothoer prize consisting, in all dsoi nooii vr esnwl a
nd(-dsalen. Taitio,0ost termb(twelvei'wIeeks)$5.r ,exesdadsietknw Dosht
Puipils recived at any Slat. probability, of Wtebster's Interna- epesdaleiet nw i~stb~
tionl dctinar andholerwil becommuittee suippose tisat every studenut
tionl ditionry nd hlder wil bein tSie Cnivsrsityis going to runsround
(7 r given for the best literary produc- to tsr o1s u bu thedbae
lion. Sieides thse a listory of the Wily did they not fusrunh the students
Headquoartrs Cor ns- class, clasasog, p~oems, a write op with information thrsough time columns
of Dean Knowlton, a write op of of TiiE DAILY', thme source on which
all students depend for their knmow-
25dg S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor. She practice coosrt, lawy jokes and lge of University affairs?


For lin ii' n11. tooltlIhirushes 111thci-
li-rs-"- iltolie it. & M. 1)rugstore.
A E.Rose, of the GloldenI Eagle
Clouthiing llise, DeCtroIit, wuilt he at tise
fill lio Itsuplmiies if eChoice swinter-
goos. D oin't ilss Ill oppomrtusnity to1
see 111im 15;ise I'nl bloke ylom abig sav-.
in 1 O1' 011 n a1111r(i ric1ies.
I ilx I im Fifth l~ve. lbetwveenl'Wil-
Slillist.01111Ali. 0,. Idepot, a s ilver tipa
Iol cazwli ii li i110isiimiI S. 1C. l., '191.
U . of1M. tReturi Dkr~liI.il'offiee. ft.
'TolREN'.--PlebmbSait fronlt room.
Fu'Irnacei'eaIit, liglR, lbatho.211 E. Jef-
ferson street. 82-88
For redlucedI rate tickets to Ohio,
Wsot Vol. 1511 (1111Va. poinssbaspply tos
7,,. 5. Greenwoods, 'Tieket Agt., Toledos
Ann Arbor & Northl Miecl.
Seiors in ll diepartments sare entii-
tledl itosenioi utes onSIpihotograpici
wvork at thomiulalls.
Muackintloshes at boittoms prices,.'fie
J. T. Jacobsho.1
Tilt I'ietplasce to get fountacin
pens, linensIpulper, inote hooks and
books ilI)II is ht. 1Scileede's Nh0 State
Ann As lllr Steam Dye Works, ls-
(lies' andsigonfs' nlithl~ig cleaned os'
dyed. No. 3 W~est Hiuronstreet. Dye-
i hu, scousring (1id1refinsising.


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