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January 29, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-29

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'~. of -~w Td~
Published Daily (Bunctays exocepted) duriati
the College year,.b
utborriptiott priee Itt501 per year, invariably
iii adeanae Single copies 3 cents. Sautscrip-
cones may be left at the of-bee of the DAILY,
at Stoftlets, weith any of the editors or
authorized solicitors.
Commauaticationa should reacit the office by
to'clokhP.sm.if they are to appear the neat
say. Address all matter intended for poblica-
tionaso the Managing Editor. All boniness
comsmnications should be snt 10 the Boni-
ness Masuagee.
Ann Arbor, Hinh.
The Ed1itorsno t tthold thotmoelvesoreopon
Bible f=oertihe opiniotts or statemenrtts ttfcors-
pondlents, applearing itt the DAttY.
TtsctsRJ will be a short but itmpor-
tattmeetintg of tt c I ). r1 tY staff to-
night (Montay)-7 :130, o/lttb. Ev-
ery nemiber miss! be present as pro-
vided for by thsecrnstitutions.
S rtv m)t-xrs should remietmber that
de P'achman, wvho gives a concert
in thse Choral Uttion series, tonmor-
rote ight, is ini many respects thte
eqluaI of Itaderfeslli, thtefattouts pi-
anist. 'Tickets for thtt renmainidr of
thse course shltt be pu~rchtasedi nowv,
so tilat you mnay sear Ifsis great or-
tist. Thiler5fies of conscerts to be
givens at the May lesloca I alone

ed to atnothter paper first, and whten conmpanoysvere calletd upon and re-
the bearer said he would give it to. spontded appropriatrly. After sing-
Tie: .DIllN for publicatiots at thse itsg ettllege songs thse company cdis-
saute titme, lie receivedc the atnssver: I persed, thtanking tlse S. C .A. for
-"to .rV,-t, ttf do it, If 'Tztv l).v the very pleaoant eveningthsey load
7eOrit ii /11,1/7n Oots oef W tv-." i passed.-
We ap)peal to thse students if this is Oelt ssIedisoaoia
lairrli hrasthettdoftlecollgerpape
fai tre:'e o th coleg paercontest. H. G. Mattson wat given
utpotnshicth is sanse constmitteeI first rank atsd will repreaent the col-
look~s for support in thseir enterprise. lege at Madison. S. D. Callender,
We are retady to prove every state- ineofscdplewlgoa
ment we save nsade, and all see ask sineofecdplewlgoa
. , . E al ternate.E

ts lair play.
Ar last, thsrotighsthseideath ofa!
p~ublicspiritedl nan, the University sbeo1.h.rcpin.o) lb
erbletquest. This, perhapss, i
only thte beginning of tnany niore to
follow. Ill the sill of the latej-
Christiats H.- Buhl, of D~etroit, filed
for probtate Satutrday, is a provisiotsI Horsfor'd's Acid Phosphate
for $tio,ooo to be given to the U.ni-
versity of Michsigan for enlarginsg Is the motst effective and aaree..
tite library of the lasw delpartnment. aTble remsedy in existence for
This will be pleasant tesvs for thse
latv sttidetsts, as thse stuts donated preventing indigestions, and re-
siul adld greatly to the facilities of leie soedsae rsn
thisgroswing departnment. Mr. Biuhl
has swisely appropriated thsis sutn, Froms a disordered stomach.
and htis tnamef will long be renlett-
heretl as that of a great benefactor D.M.W adeSoi~ill
10 lsehisoryof ls la clparnset.Ma ss., sayt: -I valoe it as an escellent
If ttore tIielso are so able to dot preventtative of indigestion, andt a pleasatt
so swouldl follow thoe noble exansple acitlatetd triok wthen propterly dilsutetd with
of tis public-sptirited mnt, thle 1.ni- atr-ad - etne.
versity, whichl is lose litti ted to a

antd SHORTHAND. magnificen tltuldisng;nine
teachers; large attendtane;t good dtscipltine; sutpe--
loerworke; telt supplied sending rount daily lectursv
Saturdtay evennttgreeptions; opntte entireyear
Exeptionttfa cilitites toe placiag tunttts in post-
Itots-shthl~andtnrdoatesnaratteedthe. Livoing
eolleltnsts $2 t..5per weekin privatetfailies.
For -Newe Catalnogte, adttsst
Tittte Tottle tLtbtineeetc tiuday, Ntt ,5, 1593
Trattts ltavte AtimtAtrbtr by vetrtat
*1::13 p. stt. 1 e .I
*Trains erttn between Attn Aror tte tttTotetd(
X311 trats.da~ityexcept Suntdoy.
Ri. S. GREENWOODI, Anet, Annt At-to:,
W. R1. BENNETT, 0. P. A. Tttledot.


will be svtrth tiore thtanthie price tarrosw inconme, ssottld be sale to
of a ticket for all thse remlaining exptand ansc make sesw depsartttresI
concerts iti the series, wviicht in- otut itnto thteside fieii of knowledge.
duties the May Festival. Huty your Paii -etEnettrd
ticket at once.

Ar the last nieeting of the Michii-
gatn state board of health, a reso-
lution was passed recommlnendinsg the
teaching of sanitary science in
Michigats literary colleges. Thsis is
certainly a movement in tile tght
direction, as no better place can be
found than at thoe college to teach
this nost important subject. A few
years ago suchl a course of insstruct-
ion was included in thse curriculum
of tile literary department, but was
dropped for some reasons. fly all
means such a course should be given
in the literary department, and the
hoard of regents would do well to
follow the recommendation of the
state hoard of health in this niatter.
IT would seem from the commu-
nication in anothser coluntn that TiiL
DAtY was not thse only paper which
could not get informiation from
the inter-university debate commit-
tee. It has been the policy of this
committee all along to keep the in-
formation, which belongs to the
public, strictly to themselves. When
the letter was received from North-
western's committee, it was furnios-

The stocial given bty te S. C. A.
Satulrday evensing to tile studleists of
tile Pacific coast, was pronsounlced a
grand stuccess by all whio overe pres-
ent. About 40 respotided to tile in-
vitatiots. ihe first part of the
evetning svas passed int gettitng ac-
tquainted and hsavinig a social time.
Later, tile social took thse forni of ant
"lObsersvallots Party.'', Aprize svas
offered to tse persons whlo had Itse
greatest power of otbservationi, also
one to the person possessinsg thte
least. California seented to be es-
pecially selfishs on thsis evening, for
her sons msonoplized botls lio first
and the booby prices. Mr. Mahan
was tile fortunate winnser of tihe first
price, whle Mr. Derling had to con-
tent himself withs the booby price.
Thle judges were very imipartial ansd
decided that bothlshsould receive
equal reward. Thte prize was thse
privilege of making a short seech
to the crowd.
Refreshments, which consisted of
orange sauce, coffee and cake, were
then passed. While the guests par-
took of these, thse winners made a
few apt remarks. Others of the

Rumford Chemienl Worhs, Pravittence,R.t.
For Sale bsy all Druggists
295 Cone,ss S.
Hllf-Tonie euts
:. repredo tonsof
- ( @1e~seJou (sa'~3O
1-eprods tio nJfPetpattlsk
tes-ts,fjas-o. eriptAutalrapl tsetcs
r confrleceblin 5"A
~Y~rtrit5oj the IFaXulIty
tristedi, to btrsd n y @lgee 3k-S^Jnursyaa;
CallI Cord,5 4\eInu jrd,5-RxlneOrder5
offs onodene oic tied r S
r)K Iz tl 5S

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