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January 27, 1894 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-27

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o......olas. ooPoR... assWHEN YOU WISH YOUR
51 Sn SlAiN ST. Diircor and Manager. -- -AGENT FOR THE- "Flif1lhJ
Christy Hat London. L. L & A. Hat. wvarranted. Roelof. Hat. 1 l
EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY Dent's Kid Gloves. FIIfvvfg ihf\P111ti3vv 11 L
25 LAST' HURtON ecT'IEIT. Aso Gealer in Men's ine Furi luint, Sit ('ae, Tuni.'and 1(ag.
Good Wk a r Oianteed. (oocds calliedi for - Store Foirmerly Ocuped by TW O -A'11-. De- el 0.l ~ 1
and deive"'ec. A F. (.OVERT, Prop. __________________________________________________
22I ecs nrleIui ta. sred i the to l aliic imancncr.c Sitn g
22 ter n ieBuia e ~ i OF M. CALENDAR. ilThe American Vaudeviles. iscay ie bcdil:anycinscc by Ic r. eg i, .ici
Ott .Jan. _ .Hcce ticd Nound cliii ccciii (eacc ost pleasing entertainment al. ig y Mc, icl~icc i me cc IecrIci li 'ac1-
M. X. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave c1i5 . n. e pesne t(e Crn cteccicetni
Sa pn . S.C. A1. tlc'c'i'inciiocc cicdenie or
KEEP YUt'itACiN' V'HT'1-i'((E i'ceiic (ectt ee. Opera IlitUe on Monda~y eening,
+$TATC $AVIP2G$ BAI2K+ sal Jim, 2.St.Toceci' .ibefore (the .5-.January 29, by the Acmericcac X aicj4non i~
to. Main and Wahi ogici iecis t ni iicccccl ecicicy. icciire enocc. lrho'iclenebauiutsi tcac
A. t. Nasis Pe ties (cci Pntic,('.Cci'r. iciuicaicciy cvleles. Thebeautifulandrbust_____________________
Sccc In. , Pro. Herei. ccnc''te scialci shistler, Alice J. Shaw, wistler toc1IATr R AV UGp T
STRSEMt A~~ AU1 J ' ticolnii cccii "cicrert)h i A ~iHIf sV. TRY O myEDICINE.
Scc.(cct Fi.2v9- .-ce ct f irc foreign Iotetatec etc, i cctmak ii ccs cv' e i ciieiccicri
"ccciiici cc(cc J.an.cctiic riic ' ictiSicccci.,icNilirg cl. e isFpaaeeb .icc AniorChrs \> r I t Sit a mcliscvcrregtryt it e conic editsu
oint o n cccidc l'ric. Promtce in Ecett h t~~n il ,in w tr b,,l iocidillee r Pi e icic' iiit . Set ibyiNti'. ttny
out or ' dpel'ccccccc cc. Mcic..lcic.la. MceiciliccNca-icc( hercyd fcir\tn'a tteratvn e tre citc...br adr s i. . ciice Iltloil. ic'.i I cc'c'c
i iiiii'(cv i i ' I~St. T l p o e91 I l : a .? . \ vi a e ita tnt el b1 5 ('ied t ,c ne ciu c' ' cte ci (llit ig r i l iic
c'cnccc'c' A vetyit ttrac e c eayture adw .il c aek itttchlels
1 "0 , ]i-a .l i.-) Il a ndIr'.i e e~e c i's . c t I-_. - - - - - - - -
MccI.. ri. Hemi . cc'ccccI .'onii t'c ('''i i e usicg la s ci olia I Iccl 't
ecicStea.*iiileRie *. cii i ccid at mentss ii ;ic ie cclUcc-
1n San ioChra tmo Siss.u volr tiplusteran tin.c a tdstating- iw Ras.cccyuceoca
'ricicra delii 22. c.C. .s. eccicccc i.cc fol.u . I'ische len edcoety o ccctlit i ii I cilcir ccclccrelotIic i
__________________________ Iii dr scccit tirt ei he resti it ticluen lcacge.anJasc obs ( ci i ci ciill iset
DAN IN adMDLS RT TebIi SOPaH eME StO CiALs foraioc ins undr coeligh. t n exfu 'cS ~t~e
46W oae cReensFAR Hadt, al. I.Glo rcs Time tond Ien.. tha cci' ie lSalr c t uucadeyp'clc liiei 27lSt, w(tote icicclastc~
MOft.CHc A I dCtAGO. (cc- en d toeshaveagAnlttmaerdreamy cad lday. lDoctcciislis c hnciei of 'biSlat
cl-c-.. let seccior,Cjunepiono fethincs vlpuu m tos ~ ssatig ag(n irhuitio aecohn
'icceehe o f at dice' 'ciii
Str' ~ N ci c. cc. te itc'c-i'aiciic'cu ('umilan te llsofsocal iif nt ieets ttsudd e.c'an ey n ras are-fr. . IildS ciclu icaidecioded. c
'AN CNGancDc SA TE THE. fSIPMbut inCluenoA Lceoma or, tnderlterliytsain I cd ye. 1.IsiFT ectIllccuPUci cret.lbi
M R . $ 'Cc. c c i i i ' ' i i u i ic'' /..c e c ucp c a c ti c cjn - ,a tut hc eC oola c u cuie.
riANyNluEcccceiic'cedciiiu(iicucisiacGli reat Silcfeshs.i-Thi as ic. S lits at Te lurkeris imaubritci he Onepes c Ks-owt onti
I igut.hartsynilubltfeetttwe thaa rs in hlroiginl l c ha s l -de Aui liii'parniosll e ii hnis Iandi'
01 titim.lt re Casfo a- t n t av n th r ook pburcis ai.ici hlcle. I (etc cd taote
dietirall coiicbicucl tc icake t h iogue. She iot fior c iet T ee s~rec cc. cciucccc eueetic(c
ytx~ .m atdl1toi5 e en oricleasior. rKeelymaien iactd 1ticai uld A~i u~eIild tci lc ciicciii
d (cc theeetuccesss.ofh'y9are eirAiuc' sic- Sci;tecamlye .lcldddci'y 2
e'.c m lino h l s fsoial ldertktg, a l. 'diitellt SItilasugd gceitig tlcc'ir 'c .i ucor
nihuscee t ll s n ielcs crid. froislondote singsk e v h mera l ina gcccl. 1 .ci _
aiimusic, ttue co lintercf mrakue ituens ti slcton.it, (hn lts t lel ~E boISS'.
an dce onr 0nIeoialo'gc ue. Sheis fSloCALS. e opeedit (cil'ci h.'ct it. cm ctinst'.
houring of tesuev enlysalspetGirards(icea sc iltcau l rcles ciAiprc- itlold c-clii stccclwherecice itir. - cciii
r otesceso c u d ra ig n erk'.22 dcl " " " . . - $y :I'2
una '.oc o! laereinoi, e all lic."gu i ss tco Ida & M iIscc gsi beingt~ii.i'i ''" ((lii
(cc. evertesytisoptihcc cc eemlets ad hauncetttires ndufewlciac yisbleacstic dlookcis very i til ni ntidO. . . . . . slilit
1ecewcicc'go eyforesith luelnohcf an intryIcili'n.h Nwc drng coturene.- til . . . . . . .iorblde armnt cca
"ce qceic sc.k5 N 5 iicirl. b.~ .eastn ghtslc c scialreroes. eetry tuekci Lon ce, ingser el ra tclcoracld ohis.. . . . . . zit
andtrdoerslices' opetceatl(Ice Thdck Iiccct IN. 'H Oidic''"" .nc.. . pl
N.Sficuidrsctdc'icEcree. 0 eveoiurnro h vencingowascent'dspc lciIuccl0h'.r0tcrccstc.au c'",tos'cce cs. t'c to . t
0.ti. T. Aec Cuiacci Ti.AccArcr id otd see moenvre in rcrllofrs.cy-ciaototel D as~e.b'lcy .dl $t1ttt.0
athe igc tdfntsti.' eda nc nure of luaereytce beeanccto t~lcceveek, saI'M- S$40 . .x S -dccc
PRINTING an . - bgnbatfreo'clock. ''h Icrgan lay. 15ye.210ce ad vry
A M. ~tTT'"coititioMesdregiarknucnr -rcceIec, ilhal.2 .Jt-hrccubrtcc seaelvi urd
D. N. Exp±css ... >ive1extras;v but these exitattttedon hasbeen c slsteelostmu r y,.it cciiincoat. sn ccs tor ut _ i g1tue
AiniExpe.81 lii&Ep. 50 zexta ft Se eta as addroe, eandyito'IceofMinetme'cthanigtdstaiorsmadcoss ssle'thcec gnisrith'cvsltlltee
I Stndnta Work 9 ais ialtyo . 1036uttie(ccu lcis,1r hovci tay'rdtuc (ctld--lccc
Het ~otoc c tcee Ple' i CueClp sasno tuiltie sce .ous i l t b liceolne o b(yttote-cuscieClothcitng, 2(F''(id''iN cti.
G. the dances wer.read for he OvrotsoSdtenltSIdteok Fancy ests -_ ::,0
Maot anccidlvccc4rcu , It.clorda l So to8 Ihe coerwasan e d wcuih the lc- ou dcct ie iour pa)C tronscdti}. c toicc' ctA criuite-i
N.iY,&r1ducy eve.ctccOssc(' IilEpes. S.d50c etrd rce tcktit li, an is cttchcicvekdictu c
N. S. ied laec' . uodsee'cisExso .. 103 evnulnvaiusa usmettad Irc'- AN S
ts P.e&TicAgt., uCilecb nu l;o gtAnArboradid 'teeumtt ente anag e r of reay-maSeG r ic e.dTcetyAwi loledai ~aitcciccctccic nillega u
cererditeeet.lTncetofctiisnice Inenltwelc8 co--it l'.
"the_____lig___t___fantastic.The"lcne oftheiftimntcbtynFne teiA byhi '-iucic1ii'rt-yexeitor ci
antHEa letNasurRluOwhch cih beMerltactJ a ilor-Madh, engteiircgat f or nic$s ricc, idl is lti .mTi
b~3c1~t"ueda f oclskinTe p srocoiwgramcvet pydhayrk1 mccccclyfr elvry ac
conistd o twlv reula n cber crageretdy-inade clthie1r foret~- R'e ithe ucme tute 'celtih re liabloe.
'PhUB I H NG ad-iexreas;uc es of austeight'smcccstuprde sue i ift 8 bstwekpolieutWllctcess ccc ing tci csl
ii iir-ncciig d T2RL'm. ChThisfiturlotigPros o ~se hs ndi n esalder
Htu de~ rnt etor oraStgciac. exaffr iledutlesws are ,a toeat itelfhe ccrso o opecs at theok givea pexcusie-timehowtohe. s e~ u
BestWormenand owet Pice in he ity wasnotuntl te we hors hatit iteSinue O s sm-aell nthn C t Mrha, ntleectirITCg sIcc ~Mrhcigucci.
teoecn noai ththehacesclassed Taile()ero ad Sis gants anstyonehstisiet Sil&Semn
25R.AFurt Ae,S. st rb ranecfupHateseainwiee futre. o tsel rigiccatheorgnodered price au-22 ~trcrtS
follows:Geutlereu srtaday morinclays-heJaice.wa27.d'cciiiih eeticeir lst da. j ei.>l i Citf meicagn , iti.

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