e"' t cd ilrlofly(Sundays exceted) durngo
te- ore reat, by
All copymutoeat tsthe aofie ieoe t;3a.o
of the day o pbliatist.
The Editors dottnt hold temoselve eso
Bible tot the opinis ortstatemets ostcnares-
ptondnt, ppi.eaig ite DOAILY
Vr are gladl to le able to present
to our readers a rt of tle organ
swhich sas atn objct of admiration
at thte World's Fair. It is tore tats
probable that this great orgai will
be secured for the Utiversity, to be
placed its University Hall. This is
one of te largest organs in the
country, and if it is secured will be
a great addition to the University.
WHEr"N ant oportnity of lhearitg
a mian who is an authority on te
sobject he treats, offers itself, con-
siderable interest should be arous-
ed. M~onday evening the Iland
League offers a lecture whict is of
smuch interest to all. Prof. Gibbes
will on that occasion give Iis ex-
periece in tle treating of cholera
in Calcttta. The discussion woll
britng out the hprofessor's ideas on
the '"germ"' theory, and he is pe-
paredI to oer soume strosg aru
rents agaist it
X . slip) the following front the
Dlaily Cardinal atd publish it wit-
out commnet:
"Its several of the large istitutiotss
of the west, ioably Mithigas, Mine-
s ta,Corsiell, and Stanford uiversi ties,
tle stisdets get together ecel dasy at
chapel. Tis opprttstity of meeting
is nt granttetl issitd we ae utuls-
iontiat serves to bring utiversits do-
ings before the students daily except
the bulletin boaris ansd the Cardinal.
It would seenm that te itsuficiny of
the bulletins boards its furnishing this
balm for the sicial nature woult war-
rant a nore les rty stpport of Elhe col-
lege paper."
Lincoln's 0ld Friond.
itCdinuitefromearOt a)
the Missouri conpromise; and in
te camupaigin against Mr. Douglass
for senatorship he tade the repu-
tation which paved the way to the
presidency. It was the greatest
campaign ever fought. Few isen
have growns so fast intellectually
and morally and in the respect of
the people an did Lincoln in these
few yearn, lie is often compared
with Clay, and sometimes with
Washingtoin, but with the latter lie
had little in comsmon. Neither
could have filled the place of tle
other, and no one else could ae
Flledl the place of either. He had and after death, for post mortems. e-v
all tlie qualifications which Webster The disease hsad advaiscedl at sini-
gives for eloqitence. Tlse speech is tinse to Egypt and was threatening1g ES
not to lie found that contains'more, thse commuerce of the Mediterranean--"' -"-
ini so fewe words, as his Gettysburg and, therefore, these tswo goveris- 0
adidress. W~iths the exception of the, ments were interested in staying its -
crutcifixion of the Saevosir of man,1 progress and if possible find out thse
Iis assassination was the most1 on- cause of te disease. Koch at last /~
callil s~r rine intheIsisoryof fundwhathe hougt w s the s LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
calld fr crme n th hitoryof oundwha he houht ws te ad SHORTHAND.Mific~ent bioliding; nine-
teachers;- large aieittedne; tainddiscipline; saper
thse race. cause, bitt his fellow workers failed ioork;wesidureting rom aotitytlectes-
[lie judige read Iis address, hutI to agree with, him and the doctor Exceptio acilitie for-pac-ing ie{idents inosi
the mniute attention and the fre-( will spend part of his time explain- exoess to$2.75 er wteek in privesfsailes.
ior -New Csatuloge, oddrems
qisent apsplauise attested thse interest iisg why lise differs with Prof. Koch. - P. R. CLEARY, Foes.
a«vakened. I-_________________
An Enjoyable Evening.
Last night swas a night of socials,1 jl1 f~ I~ /f f
no less than five public socials be- { H Ml HF'A
itng held. I-, :"
Thle S. C. A. social and reception - Tim~e abl kiniyeffec~t CSnday, Nisi. 1
to stusdents of the northwestern Hosod cd PopaeStwlarIiiatTime.
HO'fO'i ci hopat O ~t. Slit.
states wvan, as might be expected, up ,_~i) p .. Ini. i ty. .
to the igh standard of those pre- Iste otefciv and a 'l ee- Z rai ns ;torunsu' no9JIiivt''tii
viouisly held. To say thsat the S. C. onosy.
1 l ri d~l cse~na.ODA. in doing a great work in theseo- able remedy in existence for w ENT, A o ,oAiiii Acsv
cial line, and ivork thsat lass hereto- preventing indigestion, and ie- {
fore been slighted, is to speak the . E TD OPEVAI IJLISE
opinion of the public. The attend- lieving those diseases arising i ~iSl T
ance seas not too loran so detract f '-i lasslvdasrsl
froms social convenience, and vlarge
enough for all intents and purposes.
The usual miethod of labelling
comers was in vogue.
After an sour of handshaking and
visiting all repaired to the Iparlors
ivhere the followinug enjoyable pro-
gruii wsa given: 'College Songs,'
by the auidiencre; "The tPeople of
Utah~" R. R. Lynman; A Kansas
Sketch, Miss Luicia Kieve; "AuIts-
terviewe withs Brighsans Hung,"
Judge Parks.
The remssinder of the evening was
spent as ecrl sawv fit, and the entire
absensce oi restraint ansdnmutual
good feelitng sade the social an
event wyhich woul always lie pleasant-
ly remensbered.
A Lecture on Cholera.
tDr. Gibbes is to lecture before
thse InlandiLleague, Nlonday even-
tog, oss his experience withschsolera
in Calcutta. Thsis will surely be a
very interesting lecture, as the pro-
fessor has hail an opportuisity to
study cholera in a way wyhich few
Anmericans have had.
In i882, the Englius and Gernsan
governents sent out commissions to
study cholera in India. The .lug-
lith government sent Dr. Gibbes and
Prof. Klein,the eisinent listologist,
while Else German sent Prof. Koch.
They proceeded to Blombay where
an exhaustive reseach was msade as
to the cause of cholera.
In India, the professors were
given every chance to study the dis-
ease an all thse cholera patients were
turned over to them for examination
Dr. W. WV. Gardner, Springfiold, ----
Massn., says: "I value is as ass excellent, ~
prevetativeo intdigestin.nsoi leptasant TE M AN 1 T IL
acidulated lrstkswhiesn prvperly diluitetdwilthlmvtui55in the Favrit te sirci-si WikE i5 r
water, soil sweetened-." Cisvsit o
Ocssriptice i p ble~iti'free ioaplition Suto
Rumford ChemicaliWorks, Peovidenet,.I. PICttttC~ tes-reuc ,t u-. T(%AImi n
Bewaure ofsssubstttsandmtdaitionss. tMarquetteoatiuiOr-s oin Iii utt r
S~v. Earqutte cirruletbacko i, 5 itt-i .K{
For Sale by all Druggists 14eatj> ti al 55. at<ts vly Sioe
2j 95 Coneyoss St.
- reprodsioet,5of
lede(5hctcbe ,
lhho trathep jor
@NI~e eJournIaoafooK5
RepredneticoetoJ Pepasisink G
f hscsitAs,@N .hf~5cril)tAutoa,)rapb ,ehlefs,
/ ~~faj~ lgebuildin
copies o cfIrsbiecluraol.eesifkcAl
etr)d ollhcr.Oracwin~p.
Q &5ss itu res
F. o Prtrai t,5fejthe Ecdelty
- isec bird, i n Cc115l~leh1ooltV-Josr q,&a.
@ll @rd5.MCOLI Car&- DanceOrder5 ;-iitcp o rm e
Ar Cti ti ronrc un e5
Corregpndeoeec Iicited-Z a :