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January 22, 1894 - Image 4

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-22

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Lozllsiht .F -F~ N
1L\ INI'AN'S HAT. $4.00, M)W$x.0.o
SOC. ILEL 1."S IiA'J 4,cr.on$300
ALL ;$5.01 )SHOES now«- 5
Reduced 'ron ho.
EverytingmpIi~et1 clini Lroportioni at T'IlEOI.'I''9IitLH,
ICalkins' Pharmacy <Z OW:DTSE 3& MAWWU ESOI T
______________________________________________AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLI1AM.
~FQJ4 ('1-I TV'A 1. odoii g 8110K', A~LBUMS1,111 .)1k iAI 111A)Xl>,I;
- (ALL .XNI SEE Oilt EN(' 'CIIO1,EII(:11A1-);Sfll\01"SliI: c',

J 01F,6W. (113011110, Flo10ist. Groweof
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
I(1 001,011or 0)10) 000 Caital stocke , 0)t
Su 1118O1)t. 11" '.10000 11.0)
of11this1state. 0t-ispoits 1)011 ), 1)101n0
Unite) State.. roll. cnshed )upon)proper
ide~ntifica~tion. Saf0ty de1)))i))bone. to)r00i1.
OFFn'rnno) ('1)01t.)))lMoot, Pres.)XW. ID.
HarrimnonVice Pres.;) ('as. E. linock1, Ca-
nba no MO]1 A.lho.
ofte Colo,) e0Fear1fo)' .50.
At DAIL\ I 1011E0Opera llousco 1tN
oat SriL'ET'S Neor. Sand.
In' Ladies' Artistic Hairdressing Parlors.
YrAF)ES' hairdressing.,1)manicuri101)) 0. to
Copitl, $0000. Sorpolus 1andProfits,$0,0.)
Transacts a geeral banking husiness. For-
eign exchange bought 081d sold. Loller. of
cedit preenored for travnelers abroad.
P. BAtCK,Pren. S.W. CLARKESON, Cashier.
And Bath R onms. W. Hi. OWEN, Irop..
NO. 4 Cast Huron St.. Opposite Court
Hose.. Het, Cold asd Sea Salt Baths. Por-
celain tuino.
E. S. SEsRirISS, - Manager.

C _ ... _ _.._._

Jai r tt's tt ))' 1110 1tv1'.. ' "';tt s3)(&00)1C 01(111,..., -- U.- OF M -F LA GS-
41E Southn Main Street,
Ann Arbor, Mich, DEAN & COMPANX LW 1. KOW1
UNIVERS3ITY NOi'ES. The M.IE R ttl q no' >61. nvAr-
A._.___d nts ha a 071 8 ) l ikf lSo'rii, Teiepbone I)b.
Presidlent AngellI left this lmornlini)"g -, ilgSttoa 001) 1 ;I.
fo th 1 'tOt. Ite will1 be away47for4ttreet. A 011)111 .0)411 lilj VCl-litits 8111
Ible rest of tb' weerko. r~ei~lt 0 1j)'I b
N. Iel'ty', tlilb lofitlr of oifer, thtese oithlerin 1s'. l0)1ht-)' 'held 10.1 '4 001)'))1P.C.11))
. l ' L0oy,05'lltloroeeittr of' )))1ttll l))t 11il )Olwi l ays)0'0. i'te)
banq1uet.11111-be held11Stine1)1i0'Ill K .11 mb 'l.10 . 's'ii . li og asii
LZev.NI r. (Nol)ern b)01410last e0001) A. C.NIMarshall, lit ', is)now
0100a etries of sermon~ls 011 lethotl;onnect)11)011w1iVt11 110e I ltiato I)n-
dist historyt, lo)'tritio Oand (701Cr)) Isl)ctiol'1311111 Coft. )et11101. Il~e
11e011. is e1ngaged1in 1ns11011n07electrical CI~j
Biowermtanl ' . of INI. ca11cr it)1001paratuslbefore 1insuran)c, aps- 1 ,0 i T
p.. and later of thte I). A. C., wil110on for 00111ch hioslstudies i10e0100
probably be 0sig0)d 11is1year as lrical engineering ltave well preO- ARE THlEBET
catcher by thte Iletroit NNestern plarCel hta. CIGARETTE SMOKERS wooewil
lng 1to0)1ay 11)110t0le inor thn te011
leagule teal). I tIle Stna 1 s' u o f 1tihe Iletroiteo dfrt ~r i lenc ordinar11010 ace4)1 igarettes),
At the last faculty' meeting, lProf.'1ribunec is of 0'onsideoraleCinters h Ih i tagtCt isae )r rsot Prftosuesiasmcastco- f'L
1H01mpl, and T.Nesrs. Reed a011)1 i tidoseeral articles on teLT. of C IGAR :I"IE
are made0fIonm11)0 11)1 11))., 1most) delca1te
ma11n we're iappoinItd 0 cortlllittee to 'Mt Besidcs thle regtular Stutday in flavor, )1 lhigest; cot GOLD LEAP
copeearrangemtslOtfor the sn-corresptonden~ce, which 1s always BEWARE OP IMITATIORA,01n1 obnenve
01Cr school. ;ecomplete andrIinteresting, a three tla)tlthe11na0e0of Ith' mnnfac reroos 0s
Prof. Taylor's clasinlhand tProb- ea illtustratedl 'write' u1p"'o1)1 beore1100i1s1l on vy acag.
letus will noatmeet at thleastral boar tIle Glee and iloojo clubs, and an T0r t t&CIAY? 4MEmRmC#TS'0ACO0O
Ihis afternoon, bat will attendthter article on Semitic stadieo at 1110 U. VB5NH"' Rcse~~mm
lecture by Mr. Past, an Henry of M. by Prof. C raigare publiobed.
George's Siogle Tax Schemes, at Mr. Nicola arrd Mr. Wesseol, baboFt.h
11:3o a. or., tomorrowv. medics, occupying roams in Mro.
Prof. M. E. Coaley will on Jana1- Cordey'suhaase,44 E. Liberty street, The Leading
nary 26 begin a series of six lectures suffered 50100 lass by fire Saturday
in Taleda, an "Prime Movers." moarning. A blaze started abaut _.,s ota 'TA1 LOQi
The first two wilt be on "Steam En- six o'clock in a clouet crrrtained off
" ines," the next two on "Water froos the halt, but was extinguished
Engines," then one on "Hot Air before it extended farther. Both largest sleek Fiand imt wooleanetnd
and Gas Engines," and the last on students lose moat of their clothing, selection you ore louking fer.
"W ,d d;Engines." Tbese_ lectures which was hung in. the. closet. The COME AND SEE US.
are given in connection with the fire department was called out, but
Univrsiy exenson curs. Iarrived too late to be of any service. 2 E. Washington 3t,, near Main.

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