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January 22, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-22

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~ ~ ~ has labored hard to correct the professional eminence. A few years '-
' / a above item of news which has been nsake a great change in thse gradu- -
Catse al iu r setd aiggoing the rounds. of the college 1ales, as thse Directory of the Law
the Coltlne year, by press 'since thse time when te Class of 'go, which has just been ""
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION present (ditor's mind runneth not issued, will show. The Directory -okE .
__to the contrary." According to the was compiled by Geo. A. Matzen- --
Onubaeiptitonprice V.an peryear, invariably cifies of the University the library berger, of Chicago. The class num-
st as for rears been open till 9.30 bered, iscluding ninety-nine one
st samay tbe left at the offiee et the ttati, s thte LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
at Stofflet's, wthbany of the editors or p. us. Ilit the latter part of the year men and six post-graduates, attd SHORTHAND. taiientte)(i ite
authorized sotcttors. teacres; large attendancoe; gotddiciline; serc
t'osmticatsthtolt reachi the otfiee by above we discover the old news item 3t17. Tens members of the class trore; welt surtplied reainigeroo; di ylctrets,
o'cloock Y. t.it thery are to appear she aestilisgtuise to thte effect Ithat our Ii- Itave dietd and elevenlsave narried '-ujj'yjeentdigrecetios;oetnh enitre rear
Exceptonal aciliies otta itrstiotipsit
clsy. Adtdress alt matter inteniteit nor pisiubl acy isopen-o Suntay. N, Mr.sincegratlatn.rt'iooeieriitrot
tts tothe Managitng Editor. A.1 usiesbayi pnhnSn.Nilsintaett rocng.eeses $2to V.75 pter seek i iva te at tiiiee.
communicatitons shouldhrbeat to the Btust- Editor of thte Palo Alst, Sunday is See--- -e--e--catat-----t-e .,Rad LERYeRES
ness ltnsager. a day of rest in outr library as now _________________
Aaa Arbr. Mtch. constituted. B TOLEDO
I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.i IIJf "IJ~''~ ~ AB

IDID. Htgher Educatton oS Woman."
C. A. tN' so s, Lose '94, SissgiteEdituir. __
5f. 5 int tortie.'t. 4,Assisttie. Thie last two Sabbath eeig
.i. L.. Loisn, tit'., Assistatit.e e ig
F'. t' .t isa, tte 'tit, Ao.isiant. the Unitarian churscch has been'
JA. trettiic, t. '5i, Athletic Editior. crowvded to thtetdoors anti many
S. A5'. CURtTS. 5'.0Ltit., Bustness Mantager.
\s'.i'.. Mte, Iii 'tO Aetstoiit. wece titrnedassay.
LITERRY. i LAW. Last evening MNrs. Suntdecland
5H. B.tt. i on ', t. It. F. He iO
R.: o:.'luteiti.5.i timit presenseil the article which she gave
.11Lyl,t'S . atna~e'4 in thse Woman's wlilding at thet
ns> etr,. C ita Tit'C. World's Faic, on ' The Effect of
L. E. Coontid, '9. I 0 . Jetkstti,'00. Higher Edctatiots of Wbomen spun
D~omtestic Life.''
Att copy sttiestteoftitceefret5::'30ta.nii
of testevyof psublicatioti. Higher education tas had too
- ~"' "~'shtoct a history to allow us to studyf
The Editors do nettholdtetmselves retseton
sible feerte opinions or stteteetts oSfscorres- isoresults. The IPilgrim fathecs
ponidres, appearinttleeIeteLY. had been in this coutntry scarce
twventy yeacs svhets they founded
Hacvacd; but even thte puhlica
schools tvece not opetsed to gicls on-v
ISc is of interest for 'us in thse til aftecrte revolution, and thse first
Nocthwest to knots that pcacticej high schtool not utitil abouttI S533.
pauses ace beinig playedi at Lelanil The ficst ceally highter institutionx
Statnford itniversity. was Mount Hlolyoke seininacy, and
----- ____later, Vassar, in t1855. 'Michsigan
Now that bothsisdes of the S. C. uiversity was one of ste first to
A. contcovecsy Itave appmeacd ints'its: open its doors tieoomen, whicht it
Dl)Attv, a furtheer discussion of thse did in t1870.
matter its our columns use deem n- 5' Mrs. Sutnderlandl argiued that any
necessary. present breaking ult of the lhome is
thse result of prinsary anti secondary
1.s rtev one realizes thsat a ucisos education. This has already ac-
ball tease can be expectedl only after cotuplislsed thse ruin. 'The highser
long and rigid practice. In as miuch education of tvomsen will have a ten-
as ur ean epecs t u ' t tsedency for good upon lhotme life.
strongest teames of lt.eIEast tits Withs broader culture wonman will see
year, it is higly essenttal that prc-cthse value of souse, "the higleest
tice commence as soont as possible.pnaloftehgstctue f
The eamswe ae tomeetare l llthe ages.'' 'ilen thse home it-
ready its active Ipractice and it be- elf will be a splendid sclhool, sssor-
hooves our leant, thserefore, to do ally, intellectually, and industrially.
likewise. Is seems to us th'at thtere The culture nosy supposed to be ac-
ought to be tso reasons for refustng qulced in thse schsool wiill then be
to allow the candidates to practice otftseielgntmteral
intt gym" under propcr condt- becasise less titte will be required in
tions. At any rate ptracttce should not clomretecabesnti
be delayed much longer, tf tihe teasm learning domsestic dusties.
tssuueaop }'ass' a to a otestiteist osey

Horsfcrd's Acid Phosphate
1s the itttost effective anld a'ee-
abie r'emtedy in existence for
pareventing indigestion, ansd re-
lievinsg those diseases arising
f'romi a disordered stomach.
Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield,
Miass., seys: "I salue it stnettxceltent
preettive of idigestion, and a tpleasest
tcidtaedt drinksh enproperty stiltedtwisth
cuter,an soiwe'etened."
:iteusiptiti vu 0ttis'5 tree os: ipplicat iont
Rumfoerd Chemicat Weeks, ProvideaeR.I.
Beware if Sutbstituttes aItitatinsiia.
For Sale by all Druggists.

'5it 1''ulu,'iim im"pi. 'uIt . 1 :U O t 1. .'. '7
-t: ,. . '+:i m.
All tratis dailycit p Sm(
R1 S. GREENtWOODttAsI;umtt Ati tAut'1
W. H. tSNNEtt, 0.P. As ~to.i
tS'potedt bytt tt mt i 5.tt Ct i iAl.
Dotiu fail th eeItheGT eat . ii ii::' wrlt
iiitr i e r 04,55 i :u'1 I ': 'l .inI II(, lei see l;w -
it lro ucin tseeaI'uIT i n thir fmou
htee tte neilcil eusi ist.e5 rusl"t ide
PRICE. R~cu et 'isu'iv it'. iii -i iii. 70mm
Gaery mi5c.
Set~s oi i-le Cat, \5 miii- iii: Soly

2 Ci 95 on~ re s .
~Illu~tr atiorasjfor'
Reprodultiort ofPeiseodInk -
dicm sira~s xog 5cript. Aterapb Ledcs' 5 '
copies oJA rc'ilediural centiic.?e
" ad otlyer mDrawip.g
printed. In bintd in Cnln e3 o'ssJoUrC~cIaa
C@1lQCrd& iMeou (Crds.RxpeeOrder,5.PO.rnne
&re-gpcndeD ccolicied-.Z ° 5

our wothy opponeists in thse East.
"'111, tE, F'T'tER the librarcy at te Utti-
versity of Michtigati will ho opent in
the evening unitil haf-past nitte anid
permission will be givent to take out
books over Sutnday."-Daily P~alo Alto.
The above will be of interest to
Michigan readers. This is news to
tin. For several years Ttis DAILY

The Law Class SGof0
Scattered front the shores of thse
Atlantic on the East to the golden
sands of the Pacific on the West,
thse individual members of whsat
once constituted a real live class in
the law department may be found,
each plodlding the narrow way to

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