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January 19, 1894 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-19

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THE U. OF M. D A11. LY.
51 So.'VMoon S. Diretor and Maaer. -- -AGENT FOR THE-
Christy Hlat. London. L" L & A. Hat, warranted. Roelofs Hat.
2 EAST HURON STREET. Also Deaer i Mn's Fin F I loiss, Sil Cases',.Tss,. and lie..
Good Work( Goaranteed. Goods colled for Store Forerly Occupied by TiWO SAXIS.
and d eliered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. ______________________________
22 Years in the Bans~n"
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. 1 fC- ~ I ~ L
KEPRP OlUR Al771101' IITHw TE, 7*,I7w
101r. Bli,fu0dlwlli W.hlolon Olrel"s. . I \ .I
A. L NOILN 'Prs. iOllls'l' II.liJ L I'0,lir. GUITARS
STAR STE AA. L A U N DRY Mandoins, Banjos Zthers
Filnes elein ~ill(-, cty.'1 n111lit-1in0 ar~s - - - - -
outo rtIIlan1d di15'1115 0c,11i ll iot 1n- 4esrey Wasburn 151I l t llmlltlL
tunosi rti~'Il l's1111' thIllrod t eou lIecieI.1i1015u
________________________ relad { eentsnole char .le
CROWN PEN Ca. FONTIN N O D 010 1 ) 111l]bel '.ee llI e A1. fll1,
trust. ans ir elel a sl
CHIAGO 0ndo ol, Rsit!1e t1~' Co. STATE & Moso O S. CHICAGO
- 1 'l - o B' rwam. The Antsi Arbor Organ Co., Sfole Asets, Ann Arbor.
M "'.'N °''U. OFPN. CALENDAR. tres lplaedI the hiosises ercted at0
Iaoutl o 11(C., withil 11111110st1b-
DANCING and DELSARTE K ,0 1 iela be slsa~nvelill llsqsenoiidilcaoof
MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER I:ll h O 1f f 11 11 Iwtleein15 Of1thltPilo 1-
405. Staste SEtreet. Dion l1Oslos c. L,11;1111',,l t.10II ll l_
HONGA Sem AS~d (IisfrIn51 c 1 n . e I "' I anhll.l_ I, rll _ 1111-ogic lill il 5111not51 ieliiiilsi
lINtD } P n. adt-s l I cas'I ,! .Ian.i lie .11e1111111III ,11111 os'Si ,[ itolGran-
ttE;D: h. u I. 1111111111111o 011011. IIl' lllbe Iwo weeks 1rom1last nil 171
0.01111 i Yi0l It0. 1n. Gentllrmel's dxl1~l.1 I .111 i. ;'t .0 .1. t5. i'po l s 01111111I ll 't "+- -
C1 5 the.111 '0111111 '1 1f011111 Athlecicsn at Wellelev.
___________________ in. ;111- 11,il. I'. alelltics at IW ellesly la e 111et sithi
0 r1 t . 11. .- 1. 1 liton tos Oil "ml ~r im areh se ssl015. I' 1 ll t e (11001
!rcid u (I1 m nlIe ntic11 10t: 1111111 5(11r1wo k 11011bess g isen the st-
* 0 n I P r o f. K e ls e y 's L e c tu r e . d u c e d ti n drll c ar7 e auls u111011 11s 100
'011'. Kelsey 's leture efore' 111.1aiil aroulsedl s1ch11nteresl t rat 175l
U.of X. 1'hilological sciety last f I ie young swoiloed coptdfor
0 00011 g (onI 110e5subjc, "A.\rcenitly 1posihions oilthe crews. 'rie class I
_____exc)avatied hlose ini 'omlpei,"Irom-j of '11 raised $, boo to blil a boat
ied to be one of unullsual interest 110u1e last year, aid lr. 1V. A.
,]XJGHIGAN GENT AL anid the gosliired atdienice 5011011 Briooks, a foroer Goarsmaniofi-(fIar-
Isl 1110i1t101 N,.1111 01.. asenbled ini the Physical labora- 0var, tsght the crews.
tos. srysere isn no wise ldisappintiled. - "
. 5 1.5.Prof. Kelsey 111111 sf watchinlg a part -Intercollegiate fooball'' formls
O N. Espre -. .. N. Y L .11E.pSll, t I
AlanticExRolcs. sI t Milis Ron.850 of the excavaton duriiig his receit the sbject of an article that will al-
51tut Es'.,,EO ..II. d10 N. S,. iiliedl .10315
G1 It. FEp. 5 . I m. visi t is Italy, 11011 sal lellattention pear in the January onumber f the
1tt1 s.51 W1 tVoi1Ea1t)15.1
Mail anaol, Sl.0 aIs G. H.ai 4al. Sa.c15to ihe adt hat Ithis holse presented North Anmericanl Reeiew. I is writ-
N. Y. 0& 11Ili .Sill . >Iso .1 i .ldsprs . 08,11
N. S. Liitied_.ld 3'aeite Esores . .1111 Olnipotrant listoriial as so-el110Iteii by lDrs. White and \'iood o1 te
0. P. ST. Ao., CluleO. Het,An~ileArlor. archologsical ierest beside10the 0.1niersily of Penlsylania, sells
fact of its eing a goodl specimnl of I Ilaitain that 110 101110cml~pares
THE ANN ARBOR ANGUS excaaedcruins. (Oe of the most)sihfoblli h 1lee~lc~ l
PRINTING and~l"" interestinlg characteristics sas that the player of those '"imilitaryvir-
=v-4PUBLISHING of its relative dimensilos toes'' whichl are of enormsous salue
- TOTTSa] 'Ihis is one of the first houses t 1o their poissessor in all tle sreggle1s
Stndent 'WAorkla aSpeeiaty. lie foundll swhichi 55105construictediI Iiof life.
Idei ~stnI~lS~d ~oses P~it 115li Clyaccordance withi the laws set dowvn I "'I'o-_it-'l,,(tios, Ateixion.
Gp A GER'li y the Architect Vetruvis, aid has'
tlrovslgh 0)0 nnci7ifooi T'here swill le a meetingef te
CLASSES IN DANCING ill met as .eiitorial boari ef "T-Wit" in
and Thutsdn0Isvteeillsli.05111.ldlre s Sturday Pitwt coas o xml,1RotmI-1, lawobuiling~l, Saturday,
afternoosns 4. Ladies and Gentlmen, ol- the lengthl of the atriuim is found to at 4 P. il.
onneed clsses, 'Tuesd0y eveings Hl8.01111y8a111-
1150 everlsgs iio'coot.Grond osor, v110 sMy- be the dagonal of the square whose ('C. A. DE\10,
sllrdstlet Tut loseternltaeeleeweekilS) $5I t ditor in Chief.
Pupisnreeied at ane t10ee sides are each equal to the width, I-
whlichi is ttie application of Vetru --
B 1G1 C -ur-r vilis.IatevS Wanted.
Th'le stereopticoni views were very, ,rwo good active stutents wanted
1.i Picui riga t 11 101110 0to "boom" the circulation of The
Heasirlorero 1110 Signs. interesting antI gave a ery clear, lt~.Go omsin loe
idea of the manner of construction to right parties. Apply at once 1o
25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor. and decoration, both of which fea- Htsiness Manager.

Dose, sll a our Gallery, and yeauswill he
seredl ill the susal atisti manner. Sitigs
may e had a;any ine y d . MorsganI,sIn
i ns Ily i.e.iCsse, 1n ime frte 115100-
01011l 5105115season.
Morgjan & Gibpon,
1Yo0 wilt nsev~e er. Seyo11 a. mIl sto11f1ll
,ire1 1't [,e. One l t~g l 111 J(1TIN011. 11101
gllsse, list 1111.effers1111sti11, or
111l1 li ec'sarded1111bylaing iat D ll.li
17 S. Eith.11
11110 C 51111een1to l11azleloss 115Bil-
01111111nice. 'Stae sreet.
'T'lIReit- Nicely'furilshledl1oom11,
110111Ce heat, bat, gat. At 1 1, lu-
est aivenuei. I2--77
For' file Silips. 1111111 brushes 1111(1e5-
goers, gis tuoItle IP. hM. lDrugstore.
S'eniofrs i ldep1artment11i5i~s 111e' liti
tiedl 111 senior 1r1tes 111 photgralpic
wor1k 1at lasellll's.
Thls'elchaplest IlpleC 1o1get founitaini
.bo111s.lw111ul 'i 111111 )ieed's Willtht.
If)Iel. NoI. 7;O oL'10111 ois~reeli IIOC-
AnnlllArbfor , tNorth hMich,
Democratic Club,
''iereswill lieit meteing ot the
Dculccratie clitbiof 1110 U.,of K. ts
be hielid 011Saturday Jan. 2., at
7.30 P. i., ill Ihe lasw lecture rooti,
for the 0101ctionl of officers and the
transactin f asyoIter bisiness
wohicht may10'011111 leforeIte club.
NV. K. 11111110
Nice- Presideilt.
J amnen (0. Hliane.
statiesta1~1 G1a il, llI ill , literglati
zean tie.instIllyinereste in IIte sa-
rileei of te 1in11t' fle IIliVCOdiplosh
mat' sislid Illorgli111'nd wll5bFCgladfIto
tiell s byhis esf1111'tehorI lie biiessIlln
intimt1frien, Gl ii lti iiithHI The
workis lw edy frIdlveryaindi
-we vihtongoite(wt 'aliabg, l
fielus1155isoie to 11111uginteseof
toreeti, itsCI111111 il'15ichiga lln egi
lice ess Jl ~llCinelliigSher Two-
SeAleiiiy nd Anyioo 1sf1.er
itathat's Satyr(I y Eeing Clieat
Atolet adyem v ~ienor i Mayward en
one thaockay5be1sitraedStOstorea

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