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January 17, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-17

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,-Z i g appreciation by the students has Richard 1H. Hunt is the architect. Ciarksosnivill be'gin to coach the
"'i ' ' a been manifested this year, by the The building will be of India lime- candidates for the 'aale sine on
esiiaed soe Sisday eoepc'l dri~tlargely iscreased attendance. Itt stone, and as nearly ire-proof as February 21st and remain is charge
she Collee sear, by may not be generally knowns that possible. tts frontage sill be fully four weeks.
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOC;IA TON the increase tn number of oar gradu- 115 feet, wiile its depth will be te Lafayette has bought landl for an
__- ate students list been shout 33!1 same. There are so be only two athletic field oii which a grand
Susiptiisn price ffit Cl iee year, invairiabty per cest. in te past year, the stories, and the general ground plan stand anid club souse will lie erected
Uadvlen' sirzanies C sents. n. Ssrip- sissisiler at pireseist enrolled being sows tsso main divisions. The at a cost of abut $10,000.
nessnstar6e left is the outice ostshe tisics',
tits tstirct'n, sith lynof stshe editosnon iS7. All th~at is nteeded niv is a front of tir building will be dividled Tihe gymnasiumi of the defunct
nuthoiesoicsiitors. feel ssg among graduates of pride into exhiition and other rooms, M\ainhattan Athletic clubi has been
ciniizstsin shiiiidresach theoffceebr
a'ic;P . is theeysre to appear she next unit interest in the school, similar while the rear will be ocispied by a secured for the use of Colsumbia.
Jay. :tdres iallesatter intended foe publiea- so she class spirit supposed to ex-( large seimi-circolar lecture coons. In It is one of she best eq~uipped gyns-
tints is tse Managing hEditor. Aul husisess
eomiststasiss~tiossoid inbe st tii the But-issit5anmong iundrrgraduates,not neces- addition to lis there will be onit nasiums iC the country.
TesMaaer~ AL. sarily nanifesting itself in enthusi- large room for casts, with roonus on-
Ann Arbor.,5Mith. atsn over athletic contents, hot con- either aide fur other collections and
sissually strengthening slur ties of for offIces. The second floor in
.A.uiithE'I.TtRitgis. comnmon interest and bringing the similarly designed, but the pupo e d s ~;f
I. A estms', cit'54, As'sisiit. school into a prominence not otner- ifrwch in t be used hv not;I
.L. l t,sssLit. CC.5 Assistsant. wsie attained. To secure for the as yet been definitely settled.
P '. rosesitss, e 'it, Assiit . I
J. A. tetis, Lt.t't96, Athlietic Ediitsr. gradate department tir power
S. .cLRIS'S,vP. G. Lit.,nBsnss Manager. gained by such a union, slur gradu- INTER-COLLEGIATE.
WV-it. A. Ctsii ,, tit. 'S, Asitaint. ates' club isprosd and backed - Hcrsfrld's Acid Phosphate
sITsERAY. sAw.1rporThe ULiversity of the City of,
H. n. GOsos,,'Ca. 5R. F. 1iaii.'C. as is is apparently by the mass of Newv York has rejected the proposal Is the most effec-tiv e anull agree-
i. 0. Aus.'S. oMEsCAL.. the graduates themselves, ans yrl oaos ubafrcnoldto, aletmd nexsec o
E. 5'. Ssdle,'th. E .Mridl,9 bo oubafrcnoiain
E. P. tyic Oh.e eed n xstne o
Agtsnut'ii'. H. I. 'lisis,'il' by the faculty, it assuredly wvi int n ode n it e uv
t.GJins,ip'. alinipups. handed in their names at Harvard preventing indigesin n e
L. E. Cusosrstt't.)c teii,'i.______
ts symeh sh itrbfr i~s s "repopcsfrwnigbs o train for the M\ott Haven team, liex'inoc those dliseasses arising-
us the say afpubliceation,. ball trans at Ann Arbor next spring A bequest Of $5,000 has been
Theditrnussihod temolss rt pss regoo. Mchianwil bestrng made so Harvard, to found a scholar- frois a disordered stoslaeah.
slue o hesinss s taeetso crr- er than she tins beets for years.si o poor botdsriu ooe Dr. WVt. W'. Gardner, -Sprnigeld,
usitapais ithhaa. __Manager Catiwell is arranging an stuents saeys:«'tvsouse ii as cin excellett
The seniorstativearfmoistlushate
CNeastern trip and holpes 5oogetgatmeet Therseniirsiat ofusitigeetiha.esasd a pleasant
wis al tirledig cllgeteausofpetitioned to have tir number of aioue lihsussyiysieeisi
s he east."-Daily Cardinal. sours per wveek reduced frosts1intss waite, an t setesesi."
THic followving clippied from slur The shove clippedri frost a West- 2s during tir senior year. ___
U niversity Courier, is certaiuly cx- ern exchtange is certainly cotisisli- AnotIher ice-boat regatta wvas Iselild snuts5 ssiill' res tile'i~i s
pressive of she trutht in regard to tmentary to the U'. of M., hutst is '~ at Madisnm last Saturday. Thtirty- RumotrdChemaiatWorks,Providene,R.I.
college spirit andesouslid apipeal an inuparsial expression of te actual foor boats started in slur race, fifteen BewsrecoftSustiteutes and Isitatitis.
with considerable force to students sitation here. in t1Cr first class, fourteen in te
of s~eU fH h ore as econdi, and five in she third. For Sale by all Druggists
.tmas et nve oses is U. of M. Aumni in California. _

ipurse for college lprojects hat no
place among those cwho will be re-
moembered for tir good stury have
done itt college."
Nose that te comn uittee whisich
has the eqluilunent fiud for fii is sh-
lug slur "gym"i'hls tusrted it. over so
te board of regetuts there is iso
losuger atsy excuse fur slelaying clue
turnishting of te gymnasiunt.A
lewv stoves cwould furnish suflficients
heat dutritig the few witter msonthss
renuaining and if slur apparattts is
ordered at once. 'I:lissluould be clone
uiediately so that slur 'gyn"
tonybe of use daring the present
year. ________
TuE organization of a graduates'
club at tlue U. of Ai., is a moveent
fraught with nmeaning, atid shuould
nmet she hearty approval and co-
operation of all wvho have the it-
teres of the University at heart. A
realization of the growing import-
ance of graduate work at this in-
stitution, was evidenced by slur
faculty last year, when it deternuin-
ed to organize she work into a regu-
lar department, and a correspond-

OhisNewvfar'rt nighut a nierry
gathueritig of graduates of sleUrnGi-
versity of A'ticlilgati assemibledl at
she hsoimu of itroif. Walter Miller in
College Terrace, inhere therylpassed3
the evening iensiging M\ictigan
sonugs, reciting college experiences'
and stores, uaiuch avin agenueral
good tinme. Besidles iProf. situ Mrs.
Miller there uwere presen rom ln Stati-
sordl, Prof. anud Mrs. Newconmer,
Ptrof. Canmpbell, andil Prof. Hlussey;
fromuu Berkeley, lProf. and i.les.
Lange, Prof. ans I 'ars. E_ 1..lBrowvn,
and Prof. heussener: froitSanitsJose,
Mlr. stndMrs. Waslhurne, Miss
Vaiolet Jayne, Miss Nettle lDaniels,
and thuc Misses Guppy; from Lick
Observatory, INIr. A. S. Cuiltonm.-
D~aily Paloi Alto.
The Fogg Museum.
A new museum of fine arts at liar-
yard, known an the Fogg Museumu,
in shortly to be erected. Tlhe site
has been decided upon during the
last few days, and active work in
breaking thur ground and laying the
foundation has already begun.

295 Coneiyss t.
' i f-Ton~e tuts,
rettleds io b~
' h [iufixttiopuint^
RsiproaurionaeJfPeti ndlnk
.cd. en vhi1) 5,sCfasyg 5criptAuto raph er '
% - p cotpies of Arduileo~ra,5eierli~cz
t, @k\s Pieture5
scarcxit5otbe FxNeUlt Y'
prtest, to flrd it' @1 e e l~oo .iJourrOal
C-ACr,-'C)ICxdac~dr515tic Pro~rcxnwe5. -

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