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January 13, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-13

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3eC. of M- $cify.
Pubisehed Daily (Sunetass exceptedI)darins-
the Collseeyab

press. Tt is the policy of the I)Ait
to give all tihe local and live inter-
col legiate sews.

THlE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT-ASSOCIATION fallsst 5 tINS is often moadle andf
;stliy too( to a certain extenst, tlsat a
~sssesepeestpes 1 s ~eeyerttsarabycol le,,e educsatbons does sot fit a stan
nateeane irs-sopies 'rt cents. satssertp- for bisiness. l.vervtitissg, there-
doste many tie irfe at sheo(ticeiofel the IY or, i nywytnd ofr
enot ttet's, swstshessyofthtte essstosssorIsrs iitisat'wyensots-
autorieslicitors55.. s si r)-d ivcsl isnlormsations to tise
Commusnicasetonsshesuld recnthte ostieeby h tslslso rst tiest
o'clocKsP m. efth tey are ts appear lsthnestth tlcttso a Te uieiy
tey. ctldsess ass mttersiterded fer pabttea- shossld Ise encotraged. As seas ass-
seot 1t to ie sDtettgteg Editoir. Altl busineasa l
:Ontetaetis shulssd tss-seastsotthe Besi-tr osunced in yesterdiay's 1)=sI.s, aEt
sees issssssget. course of Suinday tmorning lectures
THE U. af lAT. DAILY, by prominent andsiusccessfusl heel-
Ann Arbsor, Miche.I
ses smee s seenesarratnged by tse
EDITORS. S. C. A., whsichtshulssd be very psop- (
C.5. DItsOSte Latswe'st, Stttsagsciidtsse. star for the coarse fille a snovel place
11 t-..1. tss Lit. '55,A-s-tstsnt.
.,. Lt m-'s,Litt. sv,,estmi t. Ins c)i ege affairs.
V. % ' s 55, Itst . ti . - ---

csomve fssr '9 and '94 is $153,925;
cost sOf busildinsgs, 8296,000.
Uiersity of Iowa; eso tax levy;
t0te 24t15 G. A. app~ropriated for '9
andc 91., 39,000; annunal state appro-
priation, $28,000; total inromse for
'93 atsd '94 is $122 ,ooo.
Unsiversity of Ohio;,tax le vys1-2o
nmill, yieldinsg $89,000.
University of Mhissonri; the legis-
latre has app~ropriated for te Ui-
versity sisce Feb'ry, 1891, .$1,5 25.-
000; thsis includes tse refundevd di-
rect sear tax of 6645,958.23, rust osf
bunildinsgs whlen completed, $780,-

ansd SHORTHANID. Masssstiens 5Ibuildig;tinse
teahe s;lreatsendsace; gods cipl s i e;su sssper-
iro;wesssspsts-streactingsroossesailyses tes-
aturda evenng, receptio s;oa1tss, esstiryear
5Ecepton faiisss ssstie- s s t vsspl cs sse Issud ts npest-
exesr-s es$ 5.; per weekvinsprives.,tearssstte
Fu ew Ciseseletttgse, adss
The'ate tessee csless Sussda Nsv.tssa
Stanar. T ss.
W. 11. lIENS TTG. Y. A. T'sledo.
*L 14T0KA ;**
Opera Farce-Comedy Company.

A. I s tLtss,11. 'ti, AtltiEds sitoss. sotess: timsss insce tise Castaliatn ___
a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Mn , tte ..LeItses lttg'. 'gisibox seas appsropriatetlld U.eandA. ~ Posht
sc,. . lsso;iLt,ss 5.'t07, A~sssisn. auaoea ao
.0. carriesd awsay fros thie mtains sallof
it v. LW .i tesrtsJ. I. Ir. IHv . thse University. It cilIse cveli to Is the ntIoet effectiveeand asisee-
1'. 5s. lasttts6s '(94s. reisselebeetisht til box is usleisrols- aisle r'emedy in existence for
Li.sP. Steste, st. ;0. . IG. <tsJenkins, 's;. tytof C ati 0 fts rand evs use
esssei . 5tsOss'. IstseCsala o twassiporary onedpreventling indigestion, and se-
- - --.,--,Thse iperson or isersons ccwio carriedf
All cste must Iseat te osle tfr etssa cts. mthse box assay cwilo cecil so retusrnss 'vI1 those sissecs'Ses isrIsug
ofthe dyopbisca sstiones.
tile samse to the place cehere thsey fromt a sdisorderedi stonsach.
Thse Edtors do not hlttss -rnIsatesives ee songot it and save troubsle. If Ilhe box Dr37X.ade, sigfed
Bible Pee the opinst rst s eaeetst rres-DrW. .GadeSinfl,
pondents, appsearing inth ~e DAILe, was casrriesdassay as a joke on tse
- Mass., says: "I vlue it as as excsellentl
Castalian, the object hsas beesn ac-
-cont lisised and a tissely return of preentsative osf sndigestioe, ands a pleasast
tise property acidlatesldiink wcentspsroely edilutesdwills
ofas--seresioga-watee, andstsweetened."
iza.;tio5neaysave trouble.
Isrtise ssumer schsool is arranged____
for, as is nose tontemplisated, Ann S__ sieee noe, Is-etts es hs ressspsistss
Arbosrcwiii be the 'Mecca of stssdenti-- Rumford Chemical Warks, Providrnce,R.I.
whio ussually stuscy stunmsers. Thte insconises of thse sinse largest IlessrefessI sbtIstes esssl Itssttiosss.
- - westerne Stsate uniivercities antsh ieir
l\ case no suniversity vast ie se- propserty valuess arc as hollose: For Sale by all Druggists.
cssred to constest weith us its sebate University vof 'Michsigans, ta~x levy t
it is psroisosed to leave a lac-literary -E(tsmill, yieling S88 Moan: tsotal "
contest. Tihe itdea seems s tIse incomse, abosust $10,000;vcoset tsf
gross-lg its favor. busildinsgs (;itncsluing grouns) f57 /
'il.visestions of the ipropiriety of ivriy sI iisol:t
executive sessios by tse iBoarsd of levy;tsotaliniscomie Isor '93 ')c4,
Reents is receiving vossc le ys
Szz 7,s)00; coset of busildlins, M-2o,-1 I
attesntiosn at tselhans of thse nes-
isaiper fraternity weho repsresent the Uiest'fWscscr;txh
niediune of infortnsg the isublic ast-neiyelsg8,70ta1e
to thse proceedinse of thisbotly. ss ii ilis 55,o;esca
Tisr. editors of Thte Northwsestern, app~ropriations by thse state, .$aS,
the college weekly of Nortisetern 940; total inivomte fesr '91 assd '5).
iversity, have foused it ntecessary $380,458; coet of busildintgs cvrnsss I
on account of dull timses to entirely pleted, $790,000. yr
change thse fonts of tiheir Ialser. In Uiversity of Californsia; tax leey_
vccv of thse facts, the editors didsis-so mill, yielding $119,380.12:; to- 5
tise beet thting thtat titey could save tal inconme for '93 and '94 $339,
clone under tihe circunsstances . 09.3 cotfhidig, s, 0
ooo.oo; the hoareI of regents msadie t(f -
Titvss: are the times whlichs try a request to thse legislature ise Juneo
college editors' souls, as we are nose '93, for an apsproperiation vsf $oo-i
right on tite ebb tide of stews, wait- ooo for new buildings.
the sdeveopment of athietic and University of Minnesota: tax levye in ,A oca- -
other enterprises, there is a sPa- .-ausuill, yielding $95,000; totall l 1
son of four or fivr weeks between income for '93 and '94 is $302,000; '7Ar4I5 tic Pro6gCrr
winter and spring cwhen news is very cost of buildings conepleted, $609,-tNf
scarce. Since eourfield is necessar- g00.
ilIy linsited' to college news, see are U~nieersity of Nebraska; tax leey G1eLgpondence 'olicifed-
not in the came position as the iay 3-8 miii, yielding $70,000; total in- a

'-95 Conv~esf &.
(Wle(se hsvhe es
(IhIUtrsstiOnsj os
Reprvdani iossofsPepaedtk
sott , tss.5aript.Ausio,rapb e~e.s
ofies af t rc ieciura.,cjercffic
"essjd otiher Drassrslj5.
CQk\s's ictures
iri'dcis~fthe EFweulty-
ttsi, tbind ss1irs (jgii 55e 31t5°°J0urtega1
Dacte Ordern
YIpe5. ,

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