THE U. OF M. DAILY. 3eC. of M- $cify. Pubisehed Daily (Sunetass exceptedI)darins- the Collseeyab press. Tt is the policy of the I)Ait to give all tihe local and live inter- col legiate sews. THlE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT-ASSOCIATION fallsst 5 tINS is often moadle andf ;stliy too( to a certain extenst, tlsat a ~sssesepeestpes 1 s ~eeyerttsarabycol le,,e educsatbons does sot fit a stan nateeane irs-sopies 'rt cents. satssertp- for bisiness. l.vervtitissg, there- doste many tie irfe at sheo(ticeiofel the IY or, i nywytnd ofr enot ttet's, swstshessyofthtte essstosssorIsrs iitisat'wyensots- autorieslicitors55.. s si r)-d ivcsl isnlormsations to tise Commusnicasetonsshesuld recnthte ostieeby h tslslso rst tiest o'clocKsP m. efth tey are ts appear lsthnestth tlcttso a Te uieiy tey. ctldsess ass mttersiterded fer pabttea- shossld Ise encotraged. As seas ass- seot 1t to ie sDtettgteg Editoir. Altl busineasa l :Ontetaetis shulssd tss-seastsotthe Besi-tr osunced in yesterdiay's 1)=sI.s, aEt sees issssssget. course of Suinday tmorning lectures THE U. af lAT. DAILY, by prominent andsiusccessfusl heel- Ann Arbsor, Miche.I ses smee s seenesarratnged by tse EDITORS. S. C. A., whsichtshulssd be very psop- ( C.5. DItsOSte Latswe'st, Stttsagsciidtsse. star for the coarse fille a snovel place 11 t-..1. tss Lit. '55,A-s-tstsnt. .,. Lt m-'s,Litt. sv,,estmi t. Ins c)i ege affairs. V. % ' s 55, Itst . ti . - --- csomve fssr '9 and '94 is $153,925; cost sOf busildinsgs, 8296,000. Uiersity of Iowa; eso tax levy; t0te 24t15 G. A. app~ropriated for '9 andc 91., 39,000; annunal state appro- priation, $28,000; total inromse for '93 atsd '94 is $122 ,ooo. Unsiversity of Ohio;,tax le vys1-2o nmill, yieldinsg $89,000. University of Mhissonri; the legis- latre has app~ropriated for te Ui- versity sisce Feb'ry, 1891, .$1,5 25.- 000; thsis includes tse refundevd di- rect sear tax of 6645,958.23, rust osf bunildinsgs whlen completed, $780,- te tsre LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ansd SHORTHANID. Masssstiens 5Ibuildig;tinse teahe s;lreatsendsace; gods cipl s i e;su sssper- iro;wesssspsts-streactingsroossesailyses tes- aturda evenng, receptio s;oa1tss, esstiryear 5Ecepton faiisss ssstie- s s t vsspl cs sse Issud ts npest- exesr-s es$ 5.; per weekvinsprives.,tearssstte Fu ew Ciseseletttgse, adss P. R. CLEARY, FeES. t4 ii OP4ITH IMICH~+ISAM The'ate tessee csless Sussda Nsv.tssa Stanar. T ss. W. 11. lIENS TTG. Y. A. T'sledo. GIF IDOPI I4 POUSE ()N1 NIGHT WL Ot5 SATURDAY EVENING, JAN. 43. *L 14T0KA ;** Opera Farce-Comedy Company. A. I s tLtss,11. 'ti, AtltiEds sitoss. sotess: timsss insce tise Castaliatn ___ a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Mn , tte ..LeItses lttg'. 'gisibox seas appsropriatetlld U.eandA. ~ Posht sc,. . lsso;iLt,ss 5.'t07, A~sssisn. auaoea ao .0. carriesd awsay fros thie mtains sallof it v. LW .i tesrtsJ. I. Ir. IHv . thse University. It cilIse cveli to Is the ntIoet effectiveeand asisee- 1'. 5s. lasttts6s '(94s. reisselebeetisht til box is usleisrols- aisle r'emedy in existence for Li.sP. Steste, st. ;0. . IG.