LEW B . CtORMENT, Fti.SEe.. Dec. 22-Christmas vacaotion boot"I s.
.51So. MAN S'T. 1Director aodiManage. :Thr. s, Deco. 28.-S. U. A. rcepcttion Its studetos
remaining in the cit y.
EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY Thors.,1*cer.21.-1lcoroscoptica1 sloto n tisto-
20 EAST HdUROtN STREET. logicat Lablttortory as-s7:30p. sin.
Good Woolk Guaraoteed. Goods collesd for noers., Dece. 2.--Phiillgical Soebty, Rooisn
sod delisveed. A. F. COVERT, Prop. E :0 i22Yasiihe sns. 0- hr. e.c.2.-autCocrFizM-
CITY LAUNDRY, -ura al ,m
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. ~ Election of Officers.
KEEP YOUR ACCOUTN'T WITH THE The following officers for the Pro-
+*$TATC $AVI1'G$ B3AUK+ hibition club were elected last night:
Csr. Mais sod Wasshigon Streetst.
A. L. NussoE, Ies. osse rls~ . W. AW. 1Mills, president; LI-tubbard,
L.. ..V SEAM LE .NDR vce-ptresident; J. W. S-~'ooy, secre-
tr;H. S. lloolatis, treasurer; P
outettt wr n est shot fit ceIs10tsstlt t tt-ttfA. IDonalsdsotn, currepnigsecre-
tto St. Telone s'tts3. tar y. 'Tle vice- presidlents for the
CROWN PRN Cs. 0FOUN0TIN0AND GOLD variottusdeptartmentts are as follows.
55555 s- 00 RcOR. "I'.R. tCotk, lit: ' . lC(lawson,
Slaw; Geo. I arotengerdent; W. L..
-Isa- ichols, pllartii, aiod I-.l. l rst-
ADNCNGT ndE ELATE Ierstastligoth ir-
MRTNCSS. OANE WARD'FAITR IlistoloiadilC. tsrltcoie
DANCIG andDL''linze regutrsscle itin the iver,' b
MRS, AIs. istts-ct- sFOitS-TER--Htoloielaabraewofytesemcoil
46S s. Itatle-streettsfst.-a.-o a er-il epe
Pcsv)A '-tp-so-. A Its Cass for La. - isee a, ssy tt ts t r
die-; and (,enletneilIt;tse tedtn. tltyo lodb lc
p.. m..dietlt151 Its-, Secretary-
Yestor-das Ksingston News (Octo- i tboysta Hadatrle
ber 4th} has the following flatterinlg >ntie5"twa.lre-n mc
pleased audienee whieh attenlded the CIlIr 0t, hoosofth
performance of Guy rothiers' mnll
strels st Martin's opera 1101s last Wondters of tie Wold's lair'
evening. The performsancee was gotd
-fulnny, itensely fsnny ill parts-and Will beG on exhibitiotn at
0o1e good feature of it was (lint thef
jokes dd lnot have a1n aged odor, mst' Gibsoiic-Moous gley
of them beinig freshl ands original. In & Mogns ale .
the spetaecular part of the s11w te
performnanee of MeCsinalsite Ile'1 xible Call and see thema.
statute,' and Everest thte clb swilger, -
were espeially meritorious. The
Robin Sood' sene and severalloit the 0D IAMO0N DS!
speeialties iltroduceedlillit were q1t1 etasalsi ssees oiseormute, -ir
pleasisng, as soas also thie stick (111l1 by xisy sisls 5 t-stssNse boYot. miissssrs-asd sgrac-
te Guly brothsers. Thie costmes were .111 's-s es-s.
hattinoe." C DCASSIDY, "Dent '94."
Will app~earo at (le (Grttndl IOpr ~~ t s ad oIMgie t
11t1s'4e si Satitrslts.Ileuse'
Holidays'. Holidays' - r.A gisoldwtchac hatiis
twisoeclitheIS oneioatil o splt~itll andt
Perfum111115il l ess-va riety. Po'ket1 1 itesil S]tall, tr i tit-itsity Ial.
iolsisdtiisid'sCtsl ies,-. f inststs- F' iter jplase lttavi'it in Scrtry
metlast lists-prices itll-sis-ti'sDet"is'Wadisle ofsfice. 6
Sltr. Nce sustie ofst lit sislts-Iloss-r. Ito-
llstliilsv ltsoodsst Br-towlrusg Stsre. litWilmtiSt.S
'oilet sgts, imantiire'sets, tatisiall liii- Pleastttrtoss to ren5 t. 2s S.asorece-
sitisepar tistttiiotls. stct16i-li-
"+ I-lE. leltir le rownedoios hai
Loss s-on to the Atlantic Coas-.cutitle fromttiIroit, hasileatses the
_______ I ('ook ouse bttrber shoplatnilfirtis-
To prtie tha lirethiie of aIript etin l i leas litpe. Is-e etends <s
'ott' Co liIlotsire Caretocttdial isvitouistotsr tll to visit ib
W.Va.,C(lifttissForge, Clitrtlesville, 11001 plice tt
Petersburg, Richimondis, Prosvidecee. 'otrs's-ducedl -st tickes ttOhloss
'rge. W illitsurg, Nseport Newos, WstVat. anttldiii,'pti.nts lply ts
OdtPinsttComttfort, ENorfolk, X'a.. H- S. (Greenswosod, tiotee Ag.. 'oledit
Washiingtons, I). C~, low'rttes for roundis Ansi Arbor & Nott lIili
tripitausdstotte' oway tickets. 'testse-illt 5t'i'
ply tis Seots.. t l sl a'sistitil (f~eusrtl - So I itt il te igar ttbo ltt
.\gtit Ilsis ('stett SI II- ls-Oti t th11e . 1 lrug Slot-e.
1,1 tLet Ibldg., sirinerft ittSsiiio iitind e J. 1 1.atcitbss('i. ltatveeceio-cl a
Madttisonstresusets,.T'oledols. fieitetof t'necs'kwea-the vieo ry Ittesi.
S Ititi'- Hav stvle Iitolostalls-st i llitalls-
Notice to Univrsity Sudents.-bfrflets othita.
Speirat Traisn.
Tointt iesiden'studtntsothe Ifni-0---
v~st fM c igans il stt ilv s~id t lis- ti is -lii's. 21slit t , in
tilte '' iss-uetdi by'Secisi-tasrs-WadVIsiss-t dtills-ilet'I'-\.\ 1A AN. M.
thits ci sstll~y osill sell runttlt ri- s - UIlo is still sst a sis'i tit'tins ior
is 11>,:: -.1 es .iIsts-s- fl-s Accoutsoif stensvI slssiistsolake e-eniings
iii ritotiti atndlNew55'Year's lhslitaytoteaittcs stt, wsca-tsl osut. e ri--
vacation.s in soiallts ttosiuses'tikts its tdvnc
SIis'sa-ts'of )s-e: -elembr 1sf -- - s- strin lnot tstbe- delaycd.
t '~irdI. I. S. GtiENOO'OttI.
r 1891, itculivie. - _..-
Terrtitorty:lTtllpsinitts Ittal ittlne -
sit Miciglalt Central Sy. To ual poinits
withinsithe'stste o it dchiian nt tilt Stilt
nectisig ltesouserwosifhelt oc i o itttittckets
r ViaoToleit: T'Sints onsitthe LQ E SA L
I & . 8. east ofoutS fnClnsig Clytde
till([Sandultsky. OttC.(IISt.XV &.F Sos
- tiria and-SoSiuth. Ohio Central Fo
SttraadFnlyadSuh Pen20lines -West itt Pittsburg; Burgoons, 0.,
stud Last. W. & ... Clyde, ., antS
East. C. I. & 1., D~eshler & Fistslay
3 To St. Louis Mo., viashClicago: 11. DISCOUNT
Cential, Chicago .'vAltois or Wabash. LI. O0U1v
'Thtese tickets will be good on all .O
atrains except "Northi Shore Limited."' WINTER
1 We inteini to offer rates as low~ as osr
conmpetitors tand osr accommodations; RUSSIA SHOES,
-will lie far suiperisor. I.X.IA~.-W IS
1Holiday Rates via T.. A. A&N.SIM.
Ratlway.. TERMS CASH.
For Chritmas and Nesv Year HOEt
dlays the T., A. A. & N.'M. Railway; L*
will sell excursion tickets onl Decen- iG i [O D 27PK K -
her 23,20 and 30, and January S.at1--
one and one-third fare for the ronad
rtrip. Tickets will e good going on 1 7 S. MAIN.
I date of sale andi for return until Janit
ary 2, inclusive. I___________________
i Tine'l'a01111(Rtisss--:INovt. 1thtl. 1.1.
EAST. w .il 01. I
Atlssntic Exprs'st17OMilttExpSits -
N.a5s. ntstne ti45Nl .Diidit0
N.S. ii. So 0's-s.si03ot.T10.0
ss 0D. G.R. &KaiSpi..16058
Msii sod EpF...4 18 "hi.t N. Expres... 8550
N. Yt& ott-l. 5104 Psasific Es-press. .10 13
0. W.EsUGLt,sss H. WH ovis,
G.IP. & TAgst..Ciiicrs. Agt. Ann Arttor.
Student Work a Specialty.
Hst Workxmen anid Lowest Prices in tite City.
folows: Gentlemen,OSturday mornings 1s
aod Thursdsy evenings 8:00;L hadies. Saturday
afternoons 4. Ladies and Gentlemen, ad-
vaced clas, Tuesdav evenings 8. Grosnd
fossr.i6 Moynaed street Tuition. oe term
(telve weeks) $5. Pupils received at any
B C3- ccrrT
it IictreFt'i'siif a t .A.3I.. I'S-
Headqossets foe Signs.
25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor.
I). Lothop'sItfttilttly DSisedct
stomte -ery hueneiholidsay Ititftlittiitns this
yesithe icle stf' childrIenl'tsitisnds souti
Iti'tsltl''s osilisI heiys-utusitas
spiecialty'. 'They hiavt'juistI;lmatte, in <t
hstisiitti iii' re ti ti Slis'eitfMu. Bidsg-
s-erA til-it ''f tOddBuist's.'''l'
titllslplies us-ally tinlyftos thit sps'tsins
srissofithe tosluitur--a setof ah'1hdoiei
tistiskuadvertisemet tatt iresiloreplete
ovth ls 11, filustsInd51 115107.
''isestr Petesoisi"'juistftoit t-eit'
press, tvritteti by Henriy AWilitteu
15'relus-i, is atattle ofl thei'gleat Amesiricatt
-'sir Wost a112thie adsventiuressot a bisy
is it.-'heiobeetstid Itsst abhsorbinig
booisthit eItoyeatr for bsoys. 'The soar-
tate ioer the h)ail bitokfromi the "pell-
nty dreadftutl'' up, ttust cesase, whten
stth booissate senitfrotm thet press.,(ste
they tre madhe so fscinattiginthtleir
adehterecte to thte trutth andtIhle locsil
coilorintg, thtat the chiet argutmenittIl
ftavor of Ite mischtievotus style of swrit-
ig thtitit is tibsorbsig," sdropts ot ttu
Students' Christmas Ratet.
For thle accommnodlationt of studtets
of the U.ot M. aueS Ypsilanti Normtil,
holing proper certificates, thte T. A.
A's. & N. Mo..IRy. will sell hoidytickets
to all points in Michigan, and to till
points within thte Centtral 't'raffic As-
sociation territory, at one andi one-
tltird fair for (te round trip. 'Tickets
will be issued Dee. 21, 22 aind 23, and
limited to rettirn nintil Jantuary 9.
Come to ticket office early anth tvoid
thie chsances of not getting one.
R I. S. GRIEENo'oDi~, Agt.
D~o yost sant a large, wvell furntishied,
lighted and heated suite of rooms for
$3.00 a week? fIquire at 44 South
D~ivision street. 64-71