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December 21, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-12-21

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'Z C. of ft.Tata
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) duritg
tao Coiee year, by
subcrtito pre IS 50 per year, varably
i advanre Single coptiea 3 ents. Subsrip-
tion may be left at the otfice of the fDALY,
at Stoitet's, twith ay of th editors or
authorized solcior.
Communications shtoutld reach te ofce by
T o'clock P. t. it they are to appear the next
9ay. Address all matter intended for publics-
tson to the Managing Editor. All bsness
commnicatinn shold be et to te Btsi
arts Manager.
THE U. of . DAILY,
Ann Arbr. Mich.
C. A. tisss, Uttvr'04, 3ttagitgEdito.
It. A. E t A.t5, fit. '94, Assitan-t.
.. L . otit, Lii.', Atistttnt.
F,. Woe 110, La,1'9li, 0ssistst.
J. A. lLott , it. '96, Atltc tloltt.
S. W. CUTISS,11. l.li., Business Mansge.
lrrttA MoteII 1IAottWtt.
f. B. tittttcOtt N.4 R.iF. Ball. ':§.
R,0. f.Auct ,'). +tmt ~ ,
l P.1.1)1r91. to G.C atisntdtll, 9.
AgtP~s orr lyc.Stt It R. D tltittis, (.
L. E. Co tr 95 C . ekits,'94.
pendx for tie holidy vafation.
Ptublicatiott will be resumedft with
the opetoog of colege, Jatnury q.
Wse oisisttte utd ol a plesat
Christmoas nd a hppy net year.
'1'll c at of vndaflaiismdescfribtdits
anotbey cot~lumn of tiis pape1r, whie
inconsideryabie in itself, is imtlilr-
antaIs itdicfaive of a grfoig spirit
amosng the stttdentts to the a111rff)
priatiotn offpItaOff frofety tiat
htppens to be exposedin ilaI public
place. This peftiytitesing has s-
ally been confitedl to tie rettovil
of signs, postey, andth ie ill but
htas occasionally been extnded to
mlore vluble student property.
The Cataliao oard ix justly indig-
nunt over the prloining of the
novel box that it had taken the
trouble to prepard for the reception
of grinds. Whether the act is i-
tended nerely for a joke, or is a
manifestation of feeling against the
Castaian, is a mystery. The most
probable explanation seems to be
that sonte person aa unscrupulously
taken possession of it to keep as a
relic. It is to be hoped that suh
an act of selfishness and meanness,
if such should prove to e, will not
he allowedto pass unexposed.
Northwestern in Debt Too.
Reports going the rounds of the
press would indicate that football
affairs at Northwestern university
are in a bad muddle. It is said

that the students are dissatisfied with t
the football management and its fail-s
urn to retnder a full account of tihe !I
season financially. It seetms that F
Northwvestern, like more than onet
other teaml in the West has closed 1b
its season somewhat in debt. Tbe.g
lurgest itet, $250, was paid to let
them comle tip sere to Ann Arborb
for a 72-6 defeat, and naturally thee
tise renmembrance of it is not veryc
pleasant. The claiml is made by
those wvbo criticise the failure to ac-
count for all expenditures tthat an
considerable portion of the debit(y
side of the account itas gone in the
shape of financial intducements to
certain pllayers on thle team . Per-
hlaps otir old hlalf-back, Jeovett,
couldl throw a little iight 0on this}c
subiject. As the dtebt is tiot 51) veryg
large, however, N orthtiesterti will
probably have no troitit in llsettlinog1
lul cverythtiingsatisfactorily.

ticipate in thse debate, from which
society representatives will be chos-
en, may hand in their names and QA
preferences as to side. January 9 is 5
She date fixed, and all names must
he handed to President Adamsb
that tinse.th Caaln
At the meeting of teCsainIsatbe LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS,
hoard last evening J. A. Ross was ad SHORTHAND. Aisanificent hbsildingt tine
teachterst large attentdance; -totd disciplitte; super
elected member in place of M r. ttesbor ll,.su bpplied readingrom; daily lecures
Satuday venig rceptons;opentheestiretyeres
Sager, resigned. Exsceptiostal fasciliies foe placingstuttdents in posi-
Two representatives of thse press expeses $2 to i$OS) pereweeSisspIieate families.
Frewctlogtte, adidress
were "frozen out" of the executive P. R. CLEARY, PRES.
mleeting of the Btoard of Resgents
yesterday afternoon.TO E '
S. 0. A. Receptton. 1J L
Oan Tiurstday eveninig next the RAILWAY.
Students'Citristian Association will Timte Tabiltaking effict Sundaty,Nott.5,i3.
Ttaitt ieavt Anit ArhitrbyCetttrtel
give a reception ffo all those stuldents OT.t.tner Tm.c);H
who reniain in thse city during ttte 012:15 .py. 1 lt . n
holidays. 4:15 p.s taittaSlsAtitti
A11trinsaoti iv ecritttity.

Lectures on Peoilogy.
a- a Ann Arbor Savings Bank
ltrof. Adanms has securetd for hii - MSio l., otti tt soo
.tj lrtnireilsiutdrt w lr et I ttttiti.. Lot'
Ciass its Unsolved ftroblenis an in-~Of ts Staite. tieo,-sitdepositstotys attd
sells ecltuttonlathe ptriit-t al itft, iofthth
teresting series of lectures on tnitetd Stateo. IDrafto cashd otntiotproper'
rsdetttificattion. Stiols- deito-tsit oxt- , tret.
Penology. t'hese lectures oill be - - S:ClithiMe llttvtstW. D
given after the holidays, (luring shiert M. .5FrntzAsf t.Csier
Prof. Adamis' stay at John Hopkins Horsford's Acid Phosphate ~~JD ~PEJ O S
University, where lie is a notn-resi-~~u, s p
dent lecturer. OtoIt: oiT tcr iii
The lectures, begining lant. I;,tIs the mlost effective and agr'ee- jSATURDAY EVENING, DEC. 23
thjilbe as followst Jan.t15',''Jails al els--neisec-o--1- .1IJ~O11.1525! tilf
and'Their Construction aisdi ies- IOttnAttlotrro-e ti di te Ottie rest-. Ii'tt ott
-rilltion, " -by lHon. Levi I.. liarborn, pteventiflg intligestiotl, tndl re- ttt ttottr + tr.Alstn er>
fine of teieailing lasyers of lie- tl etConessrin-ll ltttti 1tit)Illtt l0 ;
troit. Jan. 17, "Causes fof Crinoe,"-0~211 K iIZSILISL
Sby tise Pt. ReP etoi. I). Gillespie, I f1°ss11iaidisordered stonacli. Fs- tttttirst silt-i tof
). 1),. of Gra11111l-apids. Jan. t 9 , ROBIN H000li And the Jotly Feeves-
_ tees of Sheorwood,
''Pirevention andfiJiuveile Refornia- ,.,., -- eld Hutt-tt-ttsitorr.Cti o cit-l ad It IItiie
-- r. as. W. Gardner, oitgfehi, rsintlitret c ilcl de- ieol5a re
tiots''by SlotsHerbert A. i oneut, Mks s.,y-o;5"'Ivause it as an eoceilent igtt-u. r111-heroFilscetur gyp.,te. t
of Saginlaw. Jan. 22, "ANfremiedy 1reetaie fbni sal v- It-it-, s-ole11111he tt(o Nerl
isecsaio i aiesiioo, antSa pleasanu o umlttthI - lttt rbtl ataItl,, t h I ioi.
for Certain Crimles, IIby hal C. aidlicl vk ilo iticiytiitit oiltsto! bt-titg. o-auttfit sce-ett
Wyman, 51. )., of IDetroit. t~r. s-wie, uatil sciened.' PRItCESt S: Rese v ttl S ;.' d
iVyssan is president of the CollegePSic lttebntirCut- cr tt-lii l rjit t ill
o Physicians and Surgeons of that _____titlirry t .
- s y n. ___ e,ervttd ents 1on ttle t-ltwa-tt,, iroli I


city. Jan. 24, "Crinuinal Anthro-
pology," by Samuel Bell, Al.D.
of Detroit. Jan. 26i, 'Misdemean-
ors," by IL. C. Storrs, of Lansing.
Mr. Storms ia secretary of tile State
Board of Charities and president of
the National Association. Those
interested in Penology would do
well to attend these lectures.
The T. & A. A. railroad will give
a $mo rate to St. Louis.
Excuses are being granted to all
students who have to leave today in
order to reach Itome by Christmas.
A meeting of the Prohibition club
was held last night in the law lec-
ture room.
Alpha Nu has extended the time
within which those desiring to par-

DescriptiN-e ptttplet free ott apltlicat~ittI tj ADlES W. GOOtDIEW, Florist. Getoer ot
Rtumford Chemical Works, Providenee,R.I. JMotes, Calrnatiotns atd Flowlsers of nil vari-
ety. Flotra leigns masdeupntttshslcestnotice.
Bewa-treof Stubstitutets adImittaltins. Na. ItOfservatovyosteet, tpp. Cetmetery gate.
For Sale by all Druggists. 1 AN G L I Ei . Wash inustn Street.
-- o I uV

We catt faenishs nearly any make at
a Great Reduction.

Call at THE DAILY Office.

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