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December 20, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-12-20

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Cc. of 'RM. . JC.if.
Published Daily (8onassextoeptedl) during
the Collezre year. by
subscription pricer$2i50 per year, invariably
in saaorer higlr opies 3 ceso. Subscrip-
tions may be left at the efftee of the DAILY,
at Stefflet's, with aniy of the etditors or
authorized solicitors.
Ctominonicationssouild reach the ofter by
s oclock P. m. it they are to appear the oext
Jay. Address all matter intended Per pahliea-
tion to the Managing Editor. All boiness
commnications should be spat to the Busi-
ness Manager.
Ann Arbar, Hieh.
Allcopy mu-stbe itthe office beforev8:30a. m
af te day of publication.
The Editors do not hold thiemsclves respoin
ible tor lie opinioiis or stoteentt of correso-
ponenets, oappearin inthecDAILY.
Tii s. statistics (If books drawn
from the library during lust sseek,
showv a falling off from thse of tihe
average week of last year, which w oas
in tihe early spring,.floes this meats
that ore aye less studious with tse
prosplect of vacatiotn before us?

the tennis oy track managers. There appoint oome day for closing that
io only one restriction irtposed, a would supply no reasonable excuse
restriction wohich may prevent its for leaving earlier, and thsen to have
use entirely for a titte-but wlhicli, the courage to deal severely with
nevertheless, twill be very accept-) those disregarding tihe rules of the
able to us all. It is the 1105- University?
sibility that the regents may ile-
sire, at their next umeeting to go Newspaper vs. Handbill Advertis-
aheadi and fit it up for general use. ing._
'T'hose wvho are familiar with the past When the U. of AL Glee and
Iistory of the "big gym," will not' Banjo clubs caine to Bay City a
entertain very sanguine hopes of a year ago they patronized the newu-
settlenment of the question from this papers liberally in advanre and as a
qfuarter. However, it only provens result drew a good house. Tis
what wve have said before, that the year the manager of tihe club adop-
gymsnasium can be fitted up if those ted different tactics. He rentetd
in charge are disposed to dlo it. It Ielse hosise and the coising of the
in to be hoped that Micigatis fairiclibswansinannounced, the newrs-
name and reputation in inure wrays papers receiving no advertising and
than one trill be tpreserredi by Inot even a retquest for a compli-
inentary notice. Friday a fewv peo-
p~romplt action ill tilesiatter. We t ile were made asware by small handl-
shall have more to say on this subl iltls that the glee club wrould all-
jct thsat will be of interest to all. pear that evening. Thse result tras
plainly slioswn by the snmall attend-
Iir is to be hoped lhst the nosier- ance, aiid serves as a striking illsus-
ously sigised anti very reasoiiable tration oif the benefit of newrspaper
petition asking for the closiiig of the advertising over hsantdbills. -Bay"
tniversily 00 Thursday insteatd tf tity Trbine.
Friday evening, trill receive favor-
able action oin the part of the re-

aid SHORTHAND. Magnificentbuilding;sine
teacters;lageatieiidance; god discipliit;-tapes"
ietiork; iwell supitlied reading roomt daily lectures-
Satirday eeinitreceiotts; opeii the entsr year
Excoepionialtticilitisfoe placing stidenttiin post-
expeneis $2 tio $ .i5pr wee inpiaefamiles.
Foar lNeiaialogue, addrss
Timr Tablettk,~li-ing tttt-ttc t da,- Nit..,.1it-
Trains lcttveAitnt\tbtority iCentti
Standttrd Timet.
7:15 a.tm. 7: illa. Int.
*Trainsi rttttbettttun :iinuArtorttnTtldot
It. S. iiCEENw0t, Arettt, Atttt Aitito
or. H. iBoENETT, G-.. A. Totledot.
Aim Arbor Savings Bankf
Auttt A tbritt.Sticht. Capitatlvto-i.. St-bitt.
sortlts, $13,t00ti.
"tlra~z.-iileduii the itent aIloond Lut at,
of th 8Sturte. licct-ivr-s deposits.toe-. atnd
-.els escuau-cttonbhcpiuc-ipaltel ttcsoftheli
Unitred Stoics. IDraftcashbrdtiuptniprotier-

? ccipsm" rn teBr iygenti. Ihe strict observante of the J I-a sis tlie tii a ctttesittt ct; istourcit.
- ion'-esablihed rle tat tle F ~ j~f7 tariuna, ice uPrrs.: (tbtus. E. iltt'ttt-t.Cat
Tribone its another columns should ln-etblsedmletatte , a shitr-IM.I Irile Asott.a-hie.
prove a lessoit to the Glee and versity must close oii the last Friayi"
:Banjo cltibs. lilteral ativertising before Christnias, no mlatter if only ___ T D PE I-OZ[SE
in thse newspapers ansiroumplimien- sle ay intervenes, hsas reslted inONlxHOLY
tary notices iii advanccewill ito the making the recitationls of the last Horsford's Acid Phosphate WEDNESDAY EVE., DEC. 20th,
clubs msore good titan all the hantiday- r rls fafrs ti
blsterasscr.seldoni that mcore titan half of thse ( ti te t oi cte eCr o
_____ students are preseit it anty recita-,.
Ttt rsuccessful CiritIntas concert hteteialYt h atron ibi t xst-sefs t'1t-ti t t otuu )Itof ituutlttci-t itti tt
of tue Choral Unsiont, enjoyectl ly lit se tiilsifoh a i-lane fini it b- t- A-ttttsi -t-eNi ut, t t
our students last year, st--s repeated slllyncs-s1h ltsebeoe, ttT.\ tuINGS EC_ E.. id
last~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h evmugi tanrta irt ienid of hete ecthutts falliing be- listvitmc those dsteu 't- s-11i8torg :5 (t al isialj ,111lls~ll,
linditntstheir stutties sw-hile thttse - a HsosesGEttlsm l.atItIt M55fVLC 1t -tAUtTISTIC
the hightest Itraise tothe chsoruts -'fo iolrdsole2 :
itself, to its asble conucutor, andmIlhsio rematii are subjected to thte in- A 1 mist nof Enan-apeaj Sisw-ialtfeo,
the emnient soloists who assisteud. rneilc farsigioiea Dr.. Wf. Gardnser, Spingfteldt, .s ot-ruin tt strcls- to-c.
Thiere is rio doubt tisat the first ito- hate iour before Chrismas, lots hale, Mass., stiys: «I value i as outesceuhent tttil cati'fidLittiitstouec CitytitectOtt
duction of the M~esslais last yu~a:-, by inomsost cases, for thse preparations Iceventative if indigestion, anth a }pleasant 'iTI n'iucb'1mai><soknaticxa Snczns
that mmany are in the ihabit of mam- ocfidtlateildri het~ctteyuiueioi iod PICS-:itee i-cdISitu.;t-.00. Mdiih--,ioni--
th-hrlU inwa up se yrikw e rpry iue i ' ai-ugtettcattthfiis ttuow in l'ttttc i e
the Chrthsorarane Unionol- "$was suurpuCirleu-sedfist by, c.
that of last evening. Certain it is -igfrtsobevscofteIoh woate, dsweetenedt, Si-u.ro 5c.ittt oI itbi h-ii
itni frteseodday. We are confidemmt that thse smuee et nsl t Vrt'Il~
that no one lseilin tescodsoe-e.i et 1 il-a 5tt hizr
time to the msagnificent rendering of sacrifice of one day's attendance
ot eheuist~ Astss or. lGdlODiEW,'.Fmorisi. Grotwer or
thechruescoldfel ohe ianupon such unsatisfactory recitationos 5Decriptive- pziiphiit freeolapicto oj Rosrn, Carntionsianad Flowcesefall vari-
ety. Floral designs rnitde uspoti short notice.
dleeper appreciation than on the first as altways characterize thse last l'ri- RumfardCheical Warks, rvidenon,E.I. it. t bservatory street, opp. cemnetery gate.
Bee-tre of suibstitutesa nid inmittatiotis.
occasion. Prof. Stanley and the day hefore vacation, would be more KNSEFR T R R
ChrlUindsreortmnsagreeable to the majority of non- For Sale by all Druggists. 111i E. Wanhingion stret
for the introduction of this grand resident students and in no tray
oratorio as a permanent feature of detrimental to the work or discip-
thie Christnmas season. line of the University. The objec-_____
____________ tion sometitmies urged, that, if the II3ffCE ~_____
IT is very comforting to kinow that time of closing shsould be set hack,
some little use is at last to he de- certain ones would, in any event, _______
rived fronm the Waterman gymnasium leave before thse appointed time, is a
besides the pleasure of pointing it confession of Clue inability of the 0 = "= = s
out to visitors as one of the objects University authorities to enforce 1 'pr v
of interest on thse campus. The ten- their own rulings that we are sure
ns and track men are to have what- the regents will not dare to nsake. l T" "C = K
ever use they can get out of it for Such an admission would luave but
practice. Let all men who expect one effect, to put a prenmium upon
to follow these branches of athletics the practice of bolting. Would it aWe cats furnish nearly any snoke am
next spring and wish to keep up not he more satisfactory to all con- a Great Itedofctisa. Call att THE DAILY Office.
practice during the twinter report to cerned for the faculty or regents toI'Fa

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