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December 19, 1893 - Image 4

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1893-12-19

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THE U. OF M. DAILY. _____
tha tt~a htaad a t. ts
so much1foratChistmsias present as aa
box of your line Chocasatesara Kodak.
S habeal, yourptace isa few-days CVM NIGAI :oSTL D ,DC ,A DCNICN IH AS
to iet a box af Cigarsstor hm..M N I G A 0hAI1 DX TL N) OTNIGEOT Ae
Tihakigyou for yourrsissy pastX
ainsases, T am
Ik2 Very respfly, T Q_-___T__OTFTTRBOTDIIH WMATTESON, 323, STATE.l
34 So. lStaite'Street.ATTH OJTFTTRS

JN&EOOM8(& W-EJrmL1cxE,


6 " yP 0 " 1 i! CH I$VNAS OD$thicharaeaofftea trcto suit thtmes.
('A 1,L1 ANII.) SE E 01111 tEN(lYC L0 I AINS ANIDSET'S OF'101.

55 p ay t a s ivied to5 asted 5urtwe-S ^t_ Z O ZI7
T Illtos 1oa ol the itwik. Deasaot attttke s tatpaz
Hat sbsinofod ttot. Givesa itPart srhitt lighs
11It O K A~ isAs's. ecarbons. G(vea ight withsout smso
Yo ar wecm stest tttes Pou(uy5 r at;stat liest Plromptsl/y. Sol only Sby Dstsss ft
Co'e eadst eshtiseithe stttesss __
We have allthet-Ness haliday ot9iofatthe Stiltlumeet anysitealse ass ail.
year. 44 Sonth Main Street. D A O
Sweeaping eadutistansddsut:.a to5ali Ann Arbor, Mich.& CO
ptechase1555ramsatitisiess' pritce.,a
Iseav s I0batiu lr~f Iok tr UNIVERSITY NOTES. I Jeffersonians Sc
S1 IE IE}L1 ('N'S~ Co. .1T. Stephensso, medic '90, is The followving pro;-
tt 7V practicisng tn Adrsan. nounced for thse Jeffersi
Wholttesale asndl Retail Booktsellers, itr. anti Mrs. AV.-I. Nichols still which meets is thse
STATE; STREET. re-enter school next semsester. room tonight: Msusic,
________________________________ Carl Mtorris, senior mseic, watdseclamiations, sliss :\tcl
a.. ! ~- called home on accoaunt of sickness. lion, L. Haniil; spleech:
L 50 ,sl1rs. C. 01. Butrke, last'9'5, has bainks; hiographly, A
retusrnecd honse again oni accoutnt of imprompltu discussioss,
$1.50. UNPRECEDENTED. $1.50. failinsg eyesight. ],vans, neg., IH. _. Jac]
Johno Jansesons, lit '91, is a mems- "Resolved, That thse
fiE U FM bl er of the law firm of Jameson c systemt shouldl he ows
ME .. 111t1DI11 Janseson at Chicago. trolled by thme LI'. S.g
D~r. Martin was called to Grand aft., A. P. Gilmosur ant
5/ill lie delivedasttyosrts ootat h lesre'saits'ier
ot its cailege year tat-$a.5o. Rapids, Saturday, to lperfornm a crit- Connel, neg., F. Vi'.
______- teal sttrgical opseration. IV. J. Howard.
$UFUBCRIBE NOW~ + o * Lake Forest University issues a---
very creditahle Christmas numsber of Webster Socl
At DAILY' OFFtCE Opera Houtse Blk. the Uiniversity Stentor.
at at STOFFLET'S Nests Stand. At thse meeting of freshmnts class At the nmeetinsg of
Satudaya comitee as apoitedSociety to he held tot.
Ladie' ArtisticHairdressing Parlars.in Satudayfocomittenwasapronte
L DI'hido gmaiveut tse:Sice to arrange for a class social. igTefloigpo
Adslpretetdninteltesat; rentdered: Music, Mr.
t htsisitt l;s. 5 t:t1rsl5aow 5,530 E Wsh'l- S. IV. Curtiss, husiness nmanagerraigMrJ.Iet
s~tot~t sau tstlstissiand C.. A. Denison, stanager editor . lM bahan; mnsic,
FIRST 14 AIIONAL BANK of Tit5, Ds.c, are in D~etroit today. dehate, "Resolvesd, Thz
'jOt ANN ARtIOR. At thte laet omeeting the officers of hill should nost he pas,
;pit t , $50,0si. :Saurplusad Profits, $I0,00.
'tretaats agatsersstbssskgttsinss. Iar- thse Choral Union invited thse mem1- XV. Simms and C. I..
eign " ehage'boughst ansd sold. Letters of
creditprocedtforsravelers abro~ad. here of thte eociety to a social which M. Ronning and D. I_,
R'. RaCIt Prees. S. w.CLAaRaSON, Caseier. will he given on Tuesday, January cers for thse ensuing y
PALACE + BARBER + SHOP w gt, in the Frieze Memorial Hall. he elected.
Ad nBath Rotas. W. H. OWEN, Irtt,. Mrs. Suncderland will continue lte "i
NO. 4East Moron St.tlppsosite Jaoirt,
Houe Hat, Cot5 ld dse,saSlt .oatha. Par- Bible clase at te Unitairian church The H-arvard Annex1
clain tabs.
during the holidaye. The subjects he known as Radcliffe
---ANN ARBOR for the three vacation Sundays ate: is so named because or
iiL "1A LIJJUN DR~Y (2;() Dec. 24, "Wickliff and the Lollards cliffe in 5640 gave fro
".l ~i /1A L 1 'V'in England"; Dec. 31, "Rues and and because se was thi
,23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. the Russites in Bohsemia"; Jan. 7, in America to show an
E. S- SEEVISS, - Mlanager. "Thse Huguenots in France." eel in educational lusti

v aum 1. 1.AurS 'i'S.
Stiil a Stre -,etisto 55Ws -t isfStasteS't-s-a
U ~ ~ U - ~ OFM. FLAGS.
sD~lr os I, Piersitty Silterset.ms ielted i
.Ok OrOdo'. ya'litsseasdsslue, :Mirktpun
a. aratch pins. Prie,01.50.
ti f. A RNOLD), Jes/e~l.
°cuty. V N& HALL, Firit~r 26 ephone1i15.
sonan Soctety lflrLwell tt CndJ TI~anicsIa
lass lectitre sCapstasf,ooa.tctAisat an PofitPa its$17000.
ptianto solo-,lions a o-unralshasslisa busieeu. Pays iuter-
usetSav5sinssvI55epasits. Is Safety
1allge' ais epotsist Btts foer renat,
sltige toa .F/, E 5ePes. F. H. ecELSEs Casiir,
Ki (.3. l). 1-air- 5ssaa peapSuturdaiyevening.
sr. 'satgser;
a.h, 5G.-1.
-ksonu debate, J1
telegraphic . a
ted and con I -P' tG R T
ld R. V. Mc $R- rP
AREarlott rd ARJ E THlE BEST,
ing so pay a little mosae tihan tue priee
cbared far thse ardisaey traeodarttes,
-- - -sstttsad THIS BRAND susparior toattaothes.
:iety.The Richmond Straight Cut No. I
I/he Webster CICG-AR 1TE'rr
se made front the biaegtst, moat dc/state
msorrow even - is favor, ansd sigihast aost GOLD LEAF
grown is Virgina.
)granm will be BEWARE OF IMITATIONS., tand obsee
Geo. 1/alley; ththeLiamessaaaTLstsisit-nuatusrarsais
San; oration, betaw sr on eecy package.
Gleo. 1/alley: uQ N 5 tl dpjf$5 sIC~t OBACCO L0
st thse Vtlson ' R ANCH k eQtMONDsV1PG1Nse
ised,' aff., E.
Reed, ineg., 0
.urney. tORf-
year will also The Leading

will Ihereafter - i 'i 'I\
college. It
to Anne Red- Has the unewest Falul and Winstes- Staoleus ands
largest stack in Itecity. Yosesangetany
so to Harvard setectonyau are leokltsg lar.
e first woman COME AND SEE US.
iactive inter-
itutions. 2 E. Washington St., near Main.


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