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December 12, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-12-12

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ZCc. of 311T.Dc~aift
Publiahed Daily (uaays excepted) durig
te olee year, by
Subscription -prtcee .51 per year, invariably
in avaae biule opies i3cents. Sbcrip-
tions may be left at te offie of te DAY,
at Stoffleta, ewit aty of te editors or
authorized solicitor.
tt7osmnicationshold racb te ie by
7 o'clock P.m. it tey are to appear te next
Jay. Address all matter intended for publics-
tion to te Managing Editor. All boiness
communications shold be snet to the Boat-
aesn Manager.
Ann Abr, Mih.
C A. Itisoo, Low '4, Managing Editor.
H. A. SAA)UNG, Lit. '4, Asitatt.
J7. L. ]ooi, Lit. '5, Asistxant.
1".. WALtoo, too'il, Asitant.
J. A. LisTi , Lit. '6, Athletic Editr.
S. W. Ceoxoos. 1'. 0.Ltt., Buiniosa Manager.
Wu. A. Oht, Lit. '7, Atsilstnt.
H. B,. Cuteont, '14. 1i.1. Hal.'195.
R,. . Austiin, 'i. MEIA.
F. P. Sdler'"'K.
E..Lyle 'k;, L..at)kinl, '.
Agues Motey, H37. tsiis lt
DEN TA,. I Ittimrn ATiiltC.
L. i. Coottatt, '95 . C. .Io Jnlios, 94.
Alleopy mus beat tetoffiee beforet-:Stt i
of the day of pbliottiot.
Te Editor do not bold themselves reopln-
sihle tr te opinions or sttemts of eoreso
pondet,apperin in the DAtY.
ToDAV, trof. Angell appear for
the first time as a professor in the
late deprnent, adlit will receive
a royal welcome to his newe duties.
'1ii DAiiN bids inm a double wel-
come to the University, anti wishes
hiii a long and stccesful coniec-
ion with the law dpartmnit.
Titt goodl work of coverig the
stone stels of ite library shouldl be
extendedl to oler places abott the
University. The seps leatig 1)
to the last door ill the strts ting
were a positive menace to life and
limbo yesterday, very nany people
having fallen, and one young lady
being raher severely hurt.
Tit series of recepions wich the
Students' Christian association is
giving is certainly a commendable
enterprise. The design to give
"sectional'' receptions after the hol-
idays is one which will meet the
hearty approval of every one. n
this manner as in no other is an op-
portnnity offeretd of becoming ac-
quainted wills students frons our
own state.
Tii: disturhance during the senior
lawv lecture hour, yesterday, and the
way it resulted, is to be deplored by
every menser of the class who
wants to see fair play. A small mi-
nority cannotjong..dictate to the

majority and thins bring the class lash branches at desirable points XGRY
into disgrace. while we do not at- where at least twenty men can be
tempt to fix the blamle on aiiyone, interested in the schense. These
the disturbance can only loswer the individual chapters will be under l
dignity of the department, which the supervision and control of a
should be the pride of the U. of M. central organization. About thirty
colleges have already responded to
IN spite of the discouraging cir- the appeal, among which are Yale,OsheLAIGSH LOFBINS
cumstatices in which the Choral Harvard, University' of Pennsyl- sod SHORTHAND., Magificentbuiliding; nine
t~nlol fids iselfarragemets tacerss; are attendace; food discipline;sper-
Uinfnsislarneensvania, Cornell and Williams. A texwoeb awllsupplied reigrom; dilyectures'
saejs ee opee t ilteconstitution has been framed in Excreptioiial facilities o fr plaring studetain past-
tions-sbortband gcuduatesnnuarai eed ibem. Living
open date in Januiary. For this which the aims of the league and expe~nes $2 o $.5 peeek is privatesmilies.
pups o ahath aosduties of membership are set forth. P. R. CLEARY, Pues.
interpreter of Chopin, has been The movement is wholly non-partis-
secured. This shows commendable ftn O EP
enterprise on the part of the officers(-- --
of the Choral Union. Once niore judge Ewing and his daughter,
we urge it upon every student as a Miss Ruth, were entertained at the _ ,l...o
duty to assist this worthy organiza- , home of Mayor Thompson, Sunday. I 551
tion through its financial difficulties.-- TieTsetbgefctonyN,5,S.
Trains leavt-Ant Arbor by Centratl
S1A1_Gooudeesinar-SadrTieNOT.cetat editorial against whlat wve con- ':ISa.n. 715i. I ll.
sidered atn tncalled for stalemeni rits415pin.et enAtn0A0op.el in, it
regarding onr leanm and its work, te only.
Alltans dai~lyteet Suntduy.
last 51~ fte re fIinst .5. OGtEENWOlOD, Agentt, AnnttArbort.
isu'flstAil f inst, - - W. H. Hl4NNET'',1G. P. A. Tolld.
wvlicls is a representative (') college
weekly says: Horsfcrd's Acid Phosphate An Abor Savings Bank
1 Ann A bot. ch Capitl1Stock5,$50,000.
('stttpare this swithi the ttmanly city tletsitii tlione,$t150,0u00.t ls
in1 whtics the Xti seolioils otletitookc their Orgtan5:.ize ndrth eal ains-e.aws
defat aknwldgngthltt they wore Is the msost effective and ags'ee- sills exchiante on tbe'priipacitietes of tbe
lefet, aloioledgiigUnited Stateos Drafletsiased upyo praper
ostplayed aable atemtin t crwlietfctonS: 'ettdoit o(. ees.tI. 0
ainoate ttgtorab lesemedy-inexistence for OldettottttCthridssitiant ttPee coo. D
Out of it. Miehigans behaviour ever Harrimn icee Pres.; Cbhat. E. Hisette i, Cu-
sinice the game has retmindod its tof apeetn ietoand shier,__M.___._Fritz__Asst ___Cashier. _
little six-year-old, wvho lisa boostbeatent rvnigidietoadr
its a game of mattrbles and goes arounsd lieviog those diseases arising
whlimnpering, "tYvou canst do it ain~t."
We probably made a mistake in froisn a disordlered stonsach.
noticing the matter in the first place,
but the psurile attitude of the Ariel Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springifieldl,
is htardly worths our passinsg notice. Mass., says: "I valse it a.. atsescellet
'The langusage referred to whtich Isrventativat o digesion. atddaipleasanol -
gave rise to our etitorial reads as acidlataed think whteon praoely dilutled witls 111is SPACE ILI R."I Ill IORTH5E
follotws: syter, tot) sweeened." GA7-TD OlPIIB~ 1 1i7OdS+

Ilitinesota VS. Wiscontsitn 40 to 0. Asid
nowit MichiigtttiNvantts to arratige a game
witht us for 'Thtanksgiving slay. Grit
ansd detertinaitioni art' good qtualities
to possevs, but there is is great diffler-
eice lietwveetngrit lttndlfotlishitess.
Somie peopsle sister leatrti anythibig
fronm experience."
'We sill stubmit the above to te
calm judgment of any one and
await the decision wih considerable
confidence. Such a statement on
the part of a supposed friensdly in-
stitution is certainly out of place.
We have never attempted to crawl
out of any defeat, nor hsave we ever
clainsed tlsat our teasm is invincible
as aight be implied from the above
The Columbian League
Amovemenst sas been set on foot
to establish an organization to be
known as the Columbian I.eague for
the purpose of tombatting corrup-
tion in politics. 'The organization
is not 1o be confinsed to the colleges,
yet up to the present tinme it is
chiefly a college movement. It is
the purpose of the . league to estab-

y ODsocripive ap.'.ltet free tit apiioatlititito
RumfordOChemieal Wnrks, ProvidenoeR.I.
Bteware of Sutssittes andilIittlittin.
I For Sale by all Druggists.
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/ O.AWARED TE ATTHE No.1 -irs atovy street, sopp. Cemetery gate.
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We cao farnishs nearly any ssake al
ateat Reduction.

Canl at TIHE D)AILY Office.

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