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December 12, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-12-12

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Ay. h C.
CHRISTMAS INLANDER. the contributors: Miss E. R. Phil- OUR CLUBS AT HOME.
lips, H. C. Parker, W. H. Kirk, E.ThGenTO Gife Aufag.
An Illustrated Magazine Possess- The Glee and Banjo Clubs Will Give
ng More than Ordln- H. Garnett, L. W. McLouth, S. A. a Concert in University Hall wehavesome fine lead pencis and
ary Merit. Jones, H. Bement, W. Drew, Miss Friday Night. a.convenientstring case to give away
M. Patton, E. H. Smith. There will be a concert in Uni- to any one who wil cal for tem.
We are in receipt of the advance Alumni notes, book reviews, ex- we want to seesyour face and give
sheets of the Christmas Inlander.versity Hall on Friday evening of yuaoactseuso:
sheets of the Christmas Inlander. changes,etc.complete a most interest- this week, given by the Glee and
This publication will surpass all ing and valuable magazine. . Banjo clubs. The clubs have for- (RbQl'Ol1a (
formoer efforts in size, artistic effect The Inlander will be on sale in
and mechanical skill. It is printed the University hall on Wednesday merly not given a concert until after Geaer Musie ieatero,
on a superior quality of heavy and morning. The management are de- their long trip, but owing to a re- 5t South Main St.
highly calendered book paper, and serving of the very highest praise quest from many friends they have
will consist of ninety-six pages of for the excellence of this nutober. decided to give a concert this week.
reading matter with twenty illustra- and every student should show ap- The clubs have given five con-
tions. The cover is of white with preciation of their efforts by pur- certs so far in this state, and have
holly, printed in black and green. chasing a copy. everywhere been enthusiastically re-
"Yule Side Pictures" is the first ---.- --- ceived. The songs which have won
article, by Miss table Colton, lit Dr. Nancrede the Chairman. much applause are the "Northman
'95, with a full frontispiece, by Mr. An inadvertant slip in the copy Song" and "Midway Plaisance,"
R. L. Wagner, also, of class '95. made us assign theposition of chair- the latter being written by a mem-
man of the new board of control of her of the club. when youwanttheLatestMetropolitanStyles
It pictures very prettily a number of of se, it, 4 or 5 shoes at tr to fi t pair less
Christmas home-comings. athletics to Prof.iRolfe in yesterday's The pieces by the Banjo club, than Ann Arbor prices send for catalogue to
Prof. John Dewey contributes a issue, whereas Dr. Nancrede was "Beau Ideal March" and "Mardi
very interesting article under the the choice of the committee for that Gras Patrol," are very well ren- Co
headof WhyStuy Pilooph? "position. Prof. Rolfe is chairman dered. 1.8-8 oow A,
"Murphy's Thirty," illustrated of the committee on rules, but Dr. The club should have a full house DEiTROIT, - - MICHIGAN.
by the author, by Carl K. Fried- Nancrede is chairman of the board and everything done to encourage
man, is an article deserving of more proper. them before making their Christmas G-O 'O
than passing notice. It describes A Mistaken Idea. trip. when you want a pure ox of Fine chocolate
ahe life of a street rab, possessing , Reserved seats may be had at s tiony at cost.er ars rtheobtc<
There has been considerable cole-e, O rettes and the Finest Stock o Pipes i,
excellent qualities for and of his plaint in regard to a mistake in re- ahr'stain street, and Sheehan s, tioctEy.
plaintHeins regarddton a mistaketeitsrre-.LADIES' and ENTS' LUNCH ROOM.
kind. He is employed in a news serving the rows of seats in the S. R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St.
paper office and is rapidly working L. A. course. The rows set aside Joint Program.
himself up when he receives inju- do not always coinside with those -
ries, while saving the life of a huI marked "reserved" in the diagrams The Adelphi and Alpha Nu will
man being, which causes his death. and those holding reserved seat render a joint program in room A
The scene as he lies dying presents tickets have been subjected to some Friday evening next. The program
a melancholy picture that at once annoyance in finding their seats oc- is as follows:
arouses the tenderest sympathies of cupied. This is true of row 1. on Music, Adelphi Male Quartette, Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST.
the human heart. the first floor and arises from the Messrs. Povey, Thomas, Washburn
An article, favoring the ludicrous, fact that row N is reserved, while and Thomas; paper, "The Solar HOT LUINCHTES,
by Raleigh Nelson, lit '94, "How Inno one holts tickets for those seats. System," S. R. Gilis; Brutus and
Proposed" is very well written. The matter can very easily be rem- Cassius in "Quarrel Scene," SMessrs. Lw e' hc~t~
The "Pewter Plato" by Dr. S. A. edied and should be done before Kroeze and Shiley; parliamentary-T
Jones, descriptive of the old school the next entertainment. law, A. H. Tuttle; description ofTUTTLE'S
style of teacher is a very interesting - A. RecepN. Y. "Hopping," W. H. Wilcox;4 5 T
S. C. A. Receptions.
article. S _music, Adelphi Quartette; debate,
" A W e ls h M in is te r ," b y M is s T h e S tu d e n ts ' C h ris tia n a s so c ia - " R e s o lv e d , T h a t th e sig n s o f thenRsacietchhu r
AXnn L.. Richards, is a short story tion are preparing a course of sec- times portend the early downfall of HRS B l
of merit. tional receptions for the University the Republic," aff., J. E. Lasitner, EN~a stOrk ci
Howe A. Williams contributes a students to take place after the H. G. Reek, neg., Wilson Klingler,
very good illustrated article entitled holidays. The first one of the W. W. Wedemeyer; critic's report, HOLIDAY BOOKS
"Monsieur." series will be for the Illinois stu- W. J. Galbraith. All are invited. AND FANCY GOODS
H. W. Webber, law '94, writes a dents and will take place the first
very interesting article entitled "A week after the holidays. It will be Officers Elected. - -
Retrospective." It describes very followed by one for the Pacific coast-_
vividly the murder of a white man students. This will be continued The Mechem Debating Society
by a negro, in Powell's Valley, and for all students of the United States elected officers at the last regular From 'Pu iii hers Prices
the subsequent lynching of the mur- and will conclude with a reception meeting as follows: President, Hen-
derer. The article is illustrated by for all foreign students. The work ry Walters; vice-president, J. E.
the author. of forming the sections is no small Richardson; secretary, G.W.Phelps;
The poetry contributions in this one and is being done as speedily as treasurer, 0. E. Scott; programme UNIVERSITYBOOKSTORE
issue of the Inlander are excellent. possible. The dates of these re- committee (appointed), L.W.Smith, -m-
The following names appear among ceptions will be given later. G. L. Reed and H. L. Yartin. DOWN TOWN, MAIN STRE.

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