: , _.
( . Q . a " "No reply has yet been received to 000 people. Among the chiex
of3Whvri our hallenge for a joint debate issuedpessicrdintem ag et
to the University of Mihigan some of the whole affair were the grud 1 ww S
Publishled Daily (Sunays excepted during time ago. The dilatory policy whiebhgrou
the Cllee year. by Mihigani seems to have adopted in this rental of $6,ooo, improvements cost-
THE U OF M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION matter suggests the inquiry as to whe- ing about $,ooo, rental of an office iyI L~
ther she is acting fairly toward Wis- on West Twenty-eighth street, and
Sxsspe ea, narabyconsin. Our challenge was made in salaries paid to expert book-keep-tL
Subsripion pice good5fathrandaeritedvpomptban
n ela ae single cspies cents. Suhscrip-godfdhan meieprmtll rsgtmnictslesues
teens easy be let at the offie of the DAILY, swer one way or the other. Certainly ergtmetce sles uhr tshe LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
at Stoffet's, with any of the editrs or the U. of M. has hadpest of time in and oher attendants. The vastness a d SHORTHAND. Magieehildg; niac
y plenty tee; large atedace; god dicipie;sper-
authsrized solicitors, which to consider and make reply to of the undertaking shows that too forwosrk; well spplid redig rs; daily ise'a
t~omuniatio8 soul reah te oficeby atdy eeing reepis; osene.,lsetiesyea,
7 'communit maisn lo ee theyofarce by our proposition, and it would appear much credit cannot be given to the Ecetioal faeiliies tr plaig sdets In psi
7cocP.e.ithy aee appear the next thn-hrhogautsgaateie.Lvn
Jay. Address all matter intended fer pushes- tat her conduct toward us is entirely University Athletic Club for the asseses $2 Iso$.75 pet ee is pialteeilies.
ina to the Managing Editor. All busness inexcusable-Daily Cardinal. Foe7New Caalgea, addesse
communiatios should e sent to the Susi- icni able management displayed by their P. R. CLEARY, PFes.
nessWisconsin will remember the committee.-Daily.Princetonian.
THE U. o . DAILY, trouble that arose regarding the d- ___ _T LD
Ann Anbo.,MRsc. cision of the joint debate last year, Charles E. Courtney declares that
and as a consequence, we are in no after he closes his contract with Cor- 1
EDITORS. great hurry to make arrangements nell he will offer his services to Har-
C. A. tlNseso, Lsw'S, Managing Edior. fraohrdbt until there is no frlpta ,TII c 't 9
H. A. SADING, Lit. 'S, Assistant, fraohrdbt yard, frl believingthte can
J. L LORIE, Lit. '55 Assistant. probability of a recurrence o the trn out a crew that will defeat Time Table taig effet FSudy. No. 5, 19,
F. WLTEas Law 'S4. Assistant. t Trains leave Asn Arbor by Central
J. A. LaoY, Lit. '9i, Athleetic Editor. toube last year, should another Yale. Standard Time.
S.W UTSP .Lt uiesManager.jon debate be arranged betseen NOR_______________ THa, SOibs.
WM. A. Stun, Lit '97, Assistant. Wisconsin and Mihgn 3r:5 Ip n. 11:30a. i.
Michigan.LW. ' ap m.ru nbewen :Wp.
------La.__________--Tan snbewe Ann Arbor and Toledo
H.0B. Gammon, '94. R. F. Hall. '5. ony
R. . Autnt,'os. MO5ICAL. Tiis1ecF is one thing that seems to l risdiyecp udy
F. P. Le,'.yle 46. E. L. Matindale, '94. need correction at our S. I. A. and W H S BEN NETT . O .P. A. Toledo.
F.ne P. r Salr'SGREENWOOD, Agie, A Ass Arbr.
Agnes Morl /ey, '7. H. 3). llasiss, 'S. ..IJ L .
DENTAL.. HOMS55OPOATlC. other entertainments, and ttat isAnAbrSvnsBn
L. E. conradt,'95. .%0. Jeniss, 'M the habit some people have of ea- ____AssA br avns a Arbor. Msch. Capital St0c, 50,.
inth roo atall tage ofthe ee-spls, 0151,cO.
All copy musIbeattbe office before 8:30x1.n ipteromagl sae f h c-OraniodsderthecGeneal taning Laws
o the day or pulblcation. lure. It is, to say the least, very Horsfords Acid Phosphate of tis Sae. Reres depois bys and
selas ehage os the principal ciies of he
discurtousto he seakr ad aunited Stees. Drats cashed upon popr
The Editors do sot hold themselves respon- dsoreu otesekradaidntficatin. Safey delosi, boxes to rentn.
Bible for the opinios or statements of ore source of great annoyance to the Is the most effective and agree Orecens: 'hristians Mac, Pes. W. D.
Harimn, Vice Ses. ('bslE. Hlesk, Ca-
pondents, appearing in the DAL. audience in general. Even if the able remedy in existence for shir' 5. J. Frito Ast. Cashier.
lecture may not fully meet your x- 'Dlnh DlPTriwo
cc.eas. a~a..,.*sea.. pectations, do be considerate enough preventing indigstion, ad re- . /4P .~L) U tlX/1 J7g'JE3
--- to restrain your impatience until it lieving those diseases arising ONE WEEK. COMMENCING
THE Cardinal of Wisconsin taken is over. A great many students go frmadsldre tmc. )Yonday, December 4
exception to the statement going the purposely for a part of the evening frodmeaadisorndeoeedsytomacs.ee
rounds of the eastern press to the only, and then leave, causing a en- Dr.nWsdW. GardnerdSpciagiete,
effect that Michigan won the west- eral distraction and needless to say Mass., says: " aint it as astsxcttttnt
ecu collegiate football champion- general disgst. If your time is prevettaiec of -indigesion, and a pleasati tUNr'fli
ship. so valuable that you cannot use an acidlaed drink when properly dilted wit(
WIHEN thse nesws of the constitu- extra hour in listening to the speak- waer, andI sweeened."
tional amendment in Colorado, er, who has been inited to address I1,te rle Iellowiesej Re'etoire:
granting woen full suffrage, reach- yotDeesexotyui bhl f Isritie pmnp~tetee o; appie limns lo ne'da Matinee.
ed Wellesley college, the irls a- the public to stay away. This has Rumford Chemial Works, rovidenceRI."nOao1l GIOPIA." Tedos Eenig
mostwitout xcetion toneitoatbeconie a matter of great annoyance, Besw're xt sbtitute ad tmitations. Efvnixg and aturd5ay slxsM oixc. Taedx
in a general celebration, and it seems to be on the increase, orSlebvalDrgissi-un.ecPA"lrdysno
let us hope however, that a gentle B__________________"OHMIAt'N IGiL." Satrd.ay Ercaing:.
Srxiui of the girls have been heard reminder will have soume effect in CONa PEN tC." r"aOUNTsANANGL
to severely criticise the DAttY for remedying the evil. a . , PEN MAtES. prices, - 15, 25 and 35 Cts.
not having enough of interest to ,,,btldSv O llEvForst ose
them, and the complaint has been Reoeits From Yale ame. _. na ' J oss, C;rntos and Floers of alt vra-
____ety. Floral d'sins made pol short notie.
thatfoobal haatakn u al th50. 1 Observatoy street, opp. cemetery gate.
tha fotbllhastaen p ll he No official report has as yet, of mines,..P'as a.
space. We can make at least one benAldei rgrdtSte.nERocFE; 5S sesn
very pertinent reply, B11 a' rietr and that is attednc and receipts of the game ,asc sa1'I EWashingon Street.
that the girls do not generally pa- with Yale on Thursday last, but an
tronec he AI~, an ithasen-approximate estimate, based upon
deavored to publish whatever will be statements made by Treasurer Van N IOTICE
of the most interest to its reading Duffer, of the University Athletic -.-
public. ______ _ Club's committee, places the gross
Tim officers of the S. L. A. hare receipts and expenditures at $41,- -___
acted wisely in reducing the price of 000 and $14,00, respectively, If I
tickets for the remainder of the this proves to be true, Yale and "~'~
coreo t w hyivrcelarg e nmber ofn leach. cTiaout $is aboutY
crse. hsonw peylrcg e mero Prinec.Ton s amoreceive about3,-
tickets should not be sold. of course $,500 tn excesn of what acti re- I .Z ..- K
we understand that the financial ceived front last year's game. Var-
stringency has affected students as ious estimates are made in regard to
well as other classes, but we can see the attendance, most all of which W -a fGresa neatony babea atEE ALYOfic
no reason why one cannot purchase place the number within the ground
a ticket at the reduced price, between the limits of 25,ooo and 30,- 5-~7~