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October 04, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-04

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Ef~ai ,cnoA~e ea The Growth of Colleges, every day from a to 3 p. m osBUSINESS LOCAL S.
THE MHQUAMVEGON ORCHETRA. members of te S. C. A. te ate
L ~M H. OftMfNT. Thie University o of Michian ret i t o i srs tl t
E CL ttetnealMst.ognized tesword over a saong per torse xiii be fifty cents:ter f sot at .o t longer.~
E SI)HUON LAUNDR Y the foremost educational inttvin iii have to pay one dollar. Te , ~o
One ttt.. a tCle als rofte gissroserelaotehors are to be arrage with its- Atssvttt-ise ent bthtiifor t ifcemnts
GooI Sct' sO AntF Ct1OVser, eo thstrtshastomrs.edanoItr tt 1t0 ssole Iarer Sisip. Special
an ei ee. .r G V .TPo. college year, sith the largest fresh t rucor. ourses r, 3,5, S, 0 anivttt to 1 ett llods titi hi-
2. ao iass i¢itsg+istor, atsdtoN, allsd in are two hours a week; one 1itt1 1s hir ctttitgotttndsapoosing.
i]lsshintsn Ottetabig Jetretma cassinit httry adsi.halIhurcorssetrngelitncesay.proprietor.an popieor
te otiher acteipled evidences of i ot oresane fnecesay ;tte St. Ilstsf Stoe-'Wilsey.
la ear" in the nias.. rae roprt.Alk rtf. Special short coursesxiii e givets 11 5 5 tt l).tt-CraingrsAetd-
CI BYL UsNeDRY, DcrasdRropertyNAlikRgatfyduring the year by Prof. George D tft) s otw! tttt ot te receltiot of
i eotcosses fo alHrIppl.O ltosvtwest of Uisersity
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave.vrPictnCrel ilamHro(nCritaioilg; ybidns rotttd floor. 17-
KEEP YOURt ACCOUNT ttTRt TRt Prof. S. F. Jefferson otn Christianty Ytot catilhty newr or seotttl-hatit
Dartmouth, Ciao loAmherst, tUnisave lrsityesof ooks ttsetint it tecdepartmetts of
+~TTC AVI2G BA2R Chcao, lsofrm Vssa, ells-in Relation to Ethnic Religions, by the Uttversity, at the Stdetsts Book
Cotr Strinttd enothlttgtontets. typrcicly Prof. MLeanoon Christian itis- Store, State street, at retltcet psices
A L SnE res.ho t tttttLOtrttt,5Ot' e ,Smttb and patcly all the
itberal seals of learning recognized sions; by Rev, Dr. Cobern 0n loostr5 To HtENT-! suotite, cttlt, city
The J. ~ M Priz I;mitll cisterti swate, 48 . Ant. Ladies
sthPlc on rylllinheDslioe tn this cotry. Thissincrease o rofGalsnt irtfett.
Sit t.csponoses13t a-i-s, Utc. Ette. attetsdancesoutld be expected, as a Talro hIhita nity Gtyu ~hltrigwr oea
GO OHebresv anti Helenistic reek ltlllt tolHaler s. Ptices lost- tndi work
ruit. because of theeotnstant growth cussintrro.Cagts garanteed. 1-4
R E.OL Y&C 's ispopssution, bt tie former is Stittetts pllaing ol (t elettttrl ttstt -
Weyu liu ie sofFn icleUsfsversiy. m n , \liin ooesat fier it ewls
lw .1 it ttiu nodt t cOO o t ots-en. proportotasly m ch larger th i t.h---t- aply tloihrstig orllls t t s tl oestil
t. aret s ainSrtle Iit 0 tsltc i ltrcsItthe latter. tiis is intictaive of 10lu .
-he city.
Cst of Colegs. ShluUt e- I-t-El l iet lt ttI
LADIES and OGENTS LUNGE ROOM. two thingstupon scischs the people -I 'i.NIf11ys-1..-fie pUt ill ttst
R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St of thePtiteidSaes are to be toti A conspa rison of the amont s-blotk, Ips 101ii it Itoie.
DANING an DESA grEatnitetd. An increasetdnssstber pellet by seeral xwesterts states intsovl s h,= lneas t-ltI-a se eilSty-ill
Af CNG nd DLSATE f~n711111:D ttiAi RTiiofyoun p itleare seeking a igherthseecton o btildigs for tlitr Sbitt 1 fett-the 3)-il itfe tOceat.
r 4IR S. ANNIe sr Taedutcatittn, attdlutiwscolleges andstat sill bsies is as folows: Iothlt netotelet-it Yirtittt-
46 Soi. ~ckI . uivritetaentepiiin u5aiC...r I x C tilts mane l tltresotf vIciaties
MOfRN SNI 0 tiny .. C ' ti. o a le, iseri.tes trt Iltitniti name gniu Uphii ~lolstey- i, 5
anotcetttlr nitv ite 01) lilzt litsuplth ists s~ltilt S-Dlaiiisleet.i
A Il l S .- G e n d -- n '. ("ii
arvter~o nyaronets C slities. i-tv littler restiss are m40 s-tt-ielitAieta soosttSir
ctr('b nrnpletilatos os t-o-i nly- twyerol 1 a0Lan os ,tt(&Css xthtlestte atttretail tiook-
Ann Arbor S avings Bank crdbysrnghnngtoe nt- ( dc ele n, sv t-l oe 1ie-7tt
AlS iSt-tnt. Dilt. w(t i k, Ile.tob ns tat exist ly addsing to * - -t Ii itte_ tt
Ot-On dtn..t il-ento tve-t- nl aistir1num55br, andthuts nescessarily It.(O1 At. CALECNDARI. T i ot l-s ii-i1ctt.mite of fiost
C hs til t firCon tt-- it.in :.d o msI i- ,ifEf blc f a p s
,1-- eoelion t n ~ite rrh yoern tg the high satsdardichvsettts~ htblko ainn
Ints 1 Satet. f r~ riun; i~~rFt c.1-O~il: e iiou <~h i i :t .< lmt- n tt ]itS coi-t(. 4ti
tdetl it ,ttSS-it i ttot .to. eCtrol cats be aaintainedl w -here te efforts, i seait tttN
t tc +tt fu'titi f it 1CIhoI I(i l t li-tiCigr n d ntiPips at
Hrrtt-tt Vt-cpt-e a iii.EI It to, C-thel tmseans and list talents are con- Sttt ,hot t S allit. Iofii1.vs nIt. C5. S elo l' iiiitr~t hal No. 3 Nrt
shiter; _1.0Frto .sSnnt. t s.i0-Sun - Oets.. I I c-S-ut Angf l ie n lilt- M I-ti strelet.- 1-7
Isnraed in thoslOaratdy estab. --s etrt101 0 tl i iol goe-i
isto-Free Press. sil t., in.-51oiiba o %l. S. IAlin t o ie t Brtwtt's r im soe cotnrtof
rIt' .a ~icttisktlli tin11litS litits iii -Ii tto Ihis egs-
S.C. A. Bible Work Annountement. I7. -t- nt lo oRt.It--ttt is li ittielttoiosttiellol tole-
{T.. sviira ct ureloot cc ivonttttol s ,, t il tn sting~ls 7
o _f ° n--- I (, t teo ilte-0Inre an a I Soff-
list general seretary of the Siu- Announcement. Ii(iteOpea Itoist blotcki
side ts'Christiats Assoiaion isakes (:s to IIarie i slt 1 s tihi Ittil,
ar; e stfolottittg atnousncemnt of P ii- tI xit ltse l ts tl- iti N111t 15t.l (lt
- -- .svok dtentit s othave tstrenotd cnt lewtt-ittic tlte
f ble 1wori: itions in PRe toric (Coutoerra oyoi fpc ol Otr alP -
al rils al 1014 1 uy. ur pl tit-
ii ot it Isite. Pof.loelt~ ~antI 2). Cstai~tions hours - 1atlla
losttio- Lit is: Its IFamily lleatitons.- uislisihedtin115Annoncment. stCi c utb u orfiends.tit
sSettill lasts. Prof. ITh~o rI1. N. Scot,.II ito s f-etts
LC________________ Pophlecy. Prill.Willet t, Rv I tAtl~SI atI~i St o1110 e tWrks atI <iWest
fne :)Cje er I. itt oir. . t e .11 ttr Pitttiets. Prof.- Crig 1:~ ) O A I 1 : Hutttttil siret;li- 110 i t ttt io ivenli F
FATIlx. ; ebrew s lmotwdy. Psof. Wilett. - tt le iti iv mid repsairng sits. Iave-
At~.... r i.ittodtutctin to te OldtI Testa-i ()ie tf the iest lpeformlintes aetver I tr h hlilt il ylte. 1-7
S ilt -slrt-.- -Io y 5 x . .... sunliet. Protf. Wilet. gven ti this city vols prsentetd btx Stespeci-l h-tt a-os -t Stae Stee
avsrmtn . .. h N. Tu lfe of ltis. I-o. ot k allgotn s, stl eiu tnitin Tim l 57 t ic I -t-tf l I Wiltsey1
A , eli Et-o..11 tte 4 tit 7.ii I n toti oSnfrosouet101ei tetw tns-i-yta-
N1 15 nprnnn tat..1II ,l 1.reuen t.sii I itiltitfst . lrsi l tsstllrg CnhI.Iern iekIpattinia iee AMts i st e 7,-,y(t t tter soL tibrar
o.~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~ xv. Ilt.ts,55S. Tesise of Chsist. Prof,KLt ck-i alst goodfnewxandlfertit dsone.1 Tt ie is eleepleay -Ioic to gste
____________________________ 10____ The Aptostolic Cutrh. irof. Losktli onstsstntever beets presentet tt tIlihti10erstietiirn
THE NN ABOR RGUS it~tI.ft is it great relief to see it otsetl inefl-en $1111Oior 13t lessios-Ielestre,
1T111ANtitRBheRIrof.SWI-tertileti Sy it comspasy tOf omiettt-tts $.t o. 121lestns I sonosision-
l1 alad h pisles. Ptf. sl- t t knowsxteirhtsnesssndidtio st act teneThu. trday Oct. ul ttiSttlrtitt
PRINTING and --lett.Oc,7
as ifttey we-re sawisg xoot'loot lttIt
ilB I IN CThe Ea rly Devvnlopmest f Chris- osseis prttise can nsit ie gi vest Mnaiger Ste St lscSoe-isey.
PU LS IG tars Dotrise. .Prof. Dewey. Merrilt for Strrotssdtsg his sttrs wxit IIst ltlrsistio, ~e~i
NMSOISE_ 1.itatle an Privatse Planlsthropy,-.snts sotle. Eas anti eeryoembes etin it ltlyf s io xrltgittoseiasl
Student Wlork a Specialty Lecttures on SoiSal or Unifversiy of the compans5atll trtist, andsth ieis lie ntee adtms -
B~et Wstrtt,-tianlSLwstrOritce ite city. Settlesests, Orgsnized Carity, comety butbles forth isre an satural tsesittts tit su
Penology, etc. trof. Adams. like luteruiO frostscisldresn at ply. Fo fnr lsn-nttnasslai clat Gltsern
~f~Mwowd~ NubersTotssayanythinsg ahot Mrray and ilts ttertant. Ntt.C I. UnroSt. 17
Nube a anti 9 are announced Mack wouttldle libel as it is like seef sg Ness Laundrys-. Try its for te best
5U15ClllISSIINS FOuR as of epecial interet to law stu- te W~orld'n Ftir. Yost canit take t all swork yo eversats.-Wtrk dlitte ist
destHEnt]nmbr ad 3its itsa week; tbtt judtging froote waiy ighS tttrs no11exrti catrge- Office, 11o
dets ndnubrs4 7 qad 3thetaudifencee lauged, tey xwere te F. hItrtststreet. Wrks 4751 IW.
xiii be givesn the second sestner ftnniest gentlemaens ever eess at osr Huros. eephione 83.
ACOIsNtrnvAS.tettre. Its a word, ttinnignslllist
osly. Students wsihing to take is ass assured stteess, arolritg hit, std Subscribe for the DAILY
$2.50 per year. work of Profs. Lockhart or Willet a woSrk ot ssttsestiosabe nerit. At
~ne~ wll indthm a Nebery Hllthe (rand (liersHotuse, Satrday, nlow and get a omplete fie
# §fi #l fh'R#wil indthm t ewery al eening. I for the College year.

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